Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks

Chapter 197: Invincible upgrade flow (12)


After Ning Shu jumped into the sea, Ye Yu didn't leave immediately, but waited on it.

Ye Yu waited on it for a long time. Seeing that the people in the sea did not show up, Ye Yu thought for a while and jumped directly into the sea. He used to look down on Wei Liangyue, but Wei Liangyue was very decisive in this situation.

The tough mind must be the enemy.

Ye Yu jumped into the sea, and suddenly felt that the sea was icy cold, as if it was soaking in ice water. Even if the vitality in the body was mobilized, there was no way to resist the cold. This is why the sea is so cold and biting that it seems to be able to freeze the vitality in the body. Up.

Ye Yu looked around and didn't see Ning Shu's shadow. With Ye Yu's cultivation base, he couldn't withstand the chill. He felt that Wei Liangyue's cultivation base was so low that he should have been frozen to death by the seawater.

Ye Yu jumped out of the sea, standing on the back of the beast Phoenix, frowning tightly, checking the sea, but no figure was seen, and finally left, but not long after, Ye Yu came back, but still didn’t see it. Wei Liangyue.

Is it really dead, and disappeared for no reason

Ye Yu stayed for a while before he really left.

Ye Yu thought that Ning Shu was entangled by something at this time, and couldn't escape at all, and the thing entangled her felt like kelp and octopus feet.

Now Ning Shu is holding a dagger and wants to chop off the things on his ankles, but cutting it on it is like cutting on an iron stone. The force of the back shock makes Ning Shu's hand numb. The water was cold, the kind of cold immersed in the bone marrow, Ning Shu felt that his body was numb from the cold. If it were not supported by the peerless martial arts in his body, I am afraid that Ning Shu would freeze to death now.

Moreover, the world's practice in the body has no way to withstand this cold.

What's the matter, what is it? Anyway, this thing just entangles her, does not eat her, and there is no movement. The surroundings are dark and Ning Shu can't see anything.

Nima, I'm suffocating if I don't go, Ning Shu doesn't care about what's on his legs, swimming desperately at night, wanting to take a breath.

She has been on the bottom of the sea for a long time.

I just surfaced and I was dragged down by something on my leg. I was dragged down after only one breath, and I was injured by Ye Yu before, and his internal organs were injured. Then I was soaked in the icy cold sea water. Ning Shu felt that she was going to die.

If you don't take medicine to heal your injury, you will really die.

Ye Yu, when the old lady is out, she will kill you all over the world, so that you can taste the taste of being chased and killed.

Ning Shu released the Flashing Wind Sculpture, and when the Flashing Wind Sculpture came out, he found that he was actually in the sea, and he was immediately bewildered.

Ning Shu grabbed Flash Fengdiao's claws and gave orders to Flash Fengdiao to rush out of the sea.

The speed of the Flashing Wind Eagle in his hand was very slow, Ning Shu felt speechless, and he dared to say that his ancestor was Kunpeng.

Above, there was a flashing wind carving desperately flying up, and a kelp underneath her tightly and dragging her down, Ning Shu felt that she was going to be divided by five horses.

Lying in a big trough, lack of strength is so sad.

Suddenly, Ning Shu's legs were loosened, and there was no obstacle, and the Wind Sculpture dashed out of the sea. For a while, he couldn't stop the car and flew very high.

When Ning Shu looked down, she felt dizzy, and there was still wind from the high altitude, which immediately caused deep bloodstains on the person's body, like a flying knife.

What Ning Shu couldn't bear most was that her legs were still entangled by the ghost, and the ghost was dragged out of the sea.

"Go down, go down." Ning Shu gave orders to Flash Wind Eagle, Flash Wind Eagle cautiously avoided Gang Feng, and finally came down.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, Ning Shu immediately took out the healing pill from his storage bag. Seeing that the body of Shan Feng Diao was badly injured by the wind, he quickly stuffed the pill in Shan Feng Diao’s mouth and gave it Flashing Wind Eagle fed some Yuanjing.

There is still such a helper around, it is really important to have a capable little partner.

Fortunately, the spirit beast was contracted when he entered the secret realm, otherwise Ye Yu would have killed it a long time ago.

The things on her legs slowly dragged her into the sea. Ning Shu looked at this thing and felt that it was really kelp and had roots, but the kelp was dark all over, with a feeling of fine iron.

And this thing has its own consciousness, pulling Ning Shu into the sea very vigorously.

Ning Shu:...

Nima, is the kelp refined

Ning Shu asked Flashing Wind Eagle to use his claws to try if he could open the kelp. Flashing Wind Eagle used his sharp claws to scratch the kelp on Ning Shu's legs.

The paw and the seaweed touched and sparked, and it seemed that there was no way to get rid of the thing wrapped around the ankle.

Nima, really unlucky.

The kelp stretched out other branches to entangle the flash wind carving, and the flash wind carving immediately flew into the air, making the kelp no way to entangle it.

Ning Shu hugged a tree tightly to prevent this guy from dragging herself down the sea, Nima, her leg was about to be torn.

What the hell is this

Can't she get rid of kelp, if you really make kelp into spicy kelp, the problem is that you have never seen such a hard kelp.

Ning Shu had no choice but to try to make this thing her own favorite.

Two small white dots appeared in the consciousness, and it really worked, Ning Shu squeezed her consciousness into a small white ball.

Kelp was still ignorant and didn't know how to resist, so she dragged Ning Shu into the sea.

When he engraved his consciousness in the consciousness of the kelp, Ning Shu found this one, let's call it only, there was no emotion, and his thoughts were blank.

The mood swing passed to Ning Shu was that he wanted to go into the sea, and it seemed that he could not leave the sea. .

Ning Shu first comforted the kelp, and then let it let it go, but the kelp didn't understand Ning Shu's intentions, and just desperately dragged Ning Shu into the sea.

Ning Shu:...

Fuck, there is simply no way to communicate, Ning Shu can only communicate with kelp in consciousness over and over again to let it let go.

Kelp still pulled Ning Shu into the sea.

Ning Shu could only sigh and let it go into the sea. Once it touched the sea water, the condition of the kelp seemed to be better. When it swam in front of Ning Shu, it seemed to be very curious about Ning Shu.

Ning Shu floated on the sea, releasing kindness to this girl over and over again, and letting it release her legs.

The kelp finally understood Ning Shu's intentions and finally let go of Ning Shu's legs, but the whole plant stuck to Ning Shu's body, entangled Ning Shu firmly, and then suddenly pulled Ning Shu into the sea.

Damn it, help it~

When Ning Shu met the first two hundred and five spirit beasts, Ning Shu felt heartbroken.

When Flashing Wind Eagle saw this situation, he cried sharply and flew hurriedly over the sea.

Ning Shu was pulled into the bottom of the sea by the kelp. The kelp was tightly wrapped around Ning Shu, and seemed to be very affectionate to Ning Shu.

Ning Shu:...

Help, I want to breathe.

(End of this chapter)