Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks

Chapter 4327: Extraordinary 5


4327 silly

Ning Shu took back the world of reincarnation. As for the little devil, he was tied up into zongzi in the world of reincarnation and could not move at all.

Ning Shu wanted to keep the little devil, and didn't expect him to be a qualified guardian, but didn't want to regenerate a guardian with the power that consumes the world of reincarnation.

Wait until the world of reincarnation connects with the world of creatures in peerless martial arts.

As soon as she returned home, before entering the yard, she found an earthworm standing at the gate of the compound waiting for her from a distance.

Ning Shu ran over with a smile, light as a swallow, with his toes touching the place, very elegant.

"Are you waiting for me, what did you make delicious." Ning Shu asked the earthworm.

The earthworm glanced in the hall, "Gecko's brother is here."

Ning Shu didn't react for a while, "Brother, whose brother?"

Earthworm: "Gecko."

The earthworm's face was deeply confused and puzzled. The racial difference between Gecko and his brother was really too great.

Is this a real brother

No matter how you look at it.

Ning Shuha said, Gecko's brother, uncle, why are you here

bother you for something.

When Ning Shu heard the words "Uncle Tai", he felt a little bit in his heart.

She didn't want to have any trouble with the uncle, but the uncle shouldn't make trouble either.

Ning Shu's footsteps suddenly became heavy, and when he entered the room, he saw his uncle Da Ma Jindao sitting on a chair, and the gecko lying on the table, sleeping soundly.

Ning Shu looked at the two people who didn't tell the door coldly. After pouring a glass of water and drinking a glass, Ning Shu said: "What's the matter?"

Ning Shu stretched out his hand and slapped the gecko to wake up. The gecko woke up suddenly, and the bubbles from his nose burst.

The uncle took a look and then retracted his eyes, without saying anything about her behavior.

Gecko was still at a loss when he saw Ning Shu, and when he saw the surroundings, he was immediately surprised, "How did I come back here."

The uncle took out a few pockets. How big were the pockets? It was about the size of a fertilizer bag. There were six pockets. They were full and stuffed.

Ning Shu opened a pocket with an energy body inside, which dazzled her eyes.

She suppressed the confusion and surprise in her heart, looked at her uncle and asked: "What do you mean by this?"

"One of the pockets is your reward, and the other is its rations." Uncle Tai said.

Turns out to have something to ask, Ning Shu sits on the Diaoyutai, turning the teacup bored with his fingers, "What do you mean, I don't quite understand."

"I put it here, you just need to take care of it." said the uncle.

Ning Shu rolled his eyes and said, "Why should I look after it?"

Seeing the uncle's appearance that nothing happened, those who remembered them were crazy.

Chi Chi Chi Chi burst into flames in my heart.

The uncle pointed to a pocket: "This is your reward."

So many energy bodies.

Ning Shu: ... I, I am not very resistant to the corrosion of money!

In addition to giving the gecko a shelter, it can get so many energy bodies.

Ning Shu still regrets very much in his heart, very regretful. He knew and knew that he had so many energy bodies, so he should have asked for more.

The gecko was stunned for a while, and finally came back to his senses, "Are you going to send me back, great."

The uncle looked at the gecko, "You will stay here in the future, and run outside if you have nothing to do."

The gecko gave a cry, and his heart was filled with hope and joy for future life.

Mrs. Uncle: "I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, meet the nobles, and spend the rest of your life warmly."

The gecko and his uncle looked at each other, "So, you are going to die, right."

The gecko knows his uncle's body. Uncle Tai wanted to tie it to his body before and stayed at every step. Now he suddenly entrusted it to someone else.

This is obviously Tuogu, great, I don't have to live with my uncle anymore.

But I still have to care about it, "Are you dying of your health? You have to die alone."

The uncle shook his head, "No."

Gecko: "I don't believe it, unless you scald jj with boiling water."

Ning Shu: Hey! ! ! (Grandpa Metro)

The two brothers are talking, tusk...

Read more!

The expression of the earthworm is also a bit difficult to describe. If the gecko really stays, it may bring up the enlightenment schedule.

The uncle said to Ning Shu, "Can you agree?"

Agree, not happy in my heart, disagree, watch such a big bag of energy body slip past in front of me, I feel even more unhappy.

It's not going well when I meet my uncle.

The earthworm nodded to Ning Shu, Ning Shu burst into a false business smile, "Okay, stay, but you need two pockets of energy body."

Give her an extra bag of energy, and she will lose a bag of rations. In order to defend her rations, the gecko jumped up on the table and said, "Why, there are already a lot of bags, and you have to open your mouth. You are shameless. ."

Ning Shu didn't fluctuate in his heart, "Then you go."

I don't want to take you in, or rent a house to the gecko.

I won't do this business.

The gecko shut up immediately. People who don't have a house are so pitiful and homeless.

In order to be able to stay, the gecko can only sign a treaty of bereavement and insult to the country, but still has to bargain, "you can't add one more bag, half a bag."

Ning Shu: "One bag."

Gecko; "Half bag."

Ning Shu: "Goodbye."

Gecko: "A bag."

Ning Shu:...

What's the matter with the gecko, such harsh conditions have been agreed

The gecko wants to cry in his heart. Compared to an extra pocket of energy body, it is better not to be with his uncle.

Uncle Tai really didn't understand what it was saying.

As long as he feels it, not me, my opinion is not important at all.

The uncle did not interrupt, just watched, and did not propose to give the gecko more energy body to compensate for it.

Watching it negotiate with Ning Shu, and finally seeing it compromised, he shook his head unchecked.

Ning Shu accepted two bags of energy bodies, and the gecko officially obtained the right to use the room, and had the right to use a separate room of his own.

Only use rights.

Uncle Tai was gone, the gecko watched his uncle’s back further and further away, and went straight until it was no longer visible. The gecko finally couldn't help but jumped up on all fours, and finally left, it was great.

Ning Shu looked at the jumping gecko. Uncle Tai was really willing to spend the money on the gecko. He was so weak before, and his body was trembling when his limbs were propped up. Now he can have fun.

Ning Shu asked the gecko: "What do you mean by uncle going to die?"

Gecko: "It's not interesting, it's up to you, huh..." He turned his head and entered his room. After a while, he ran out and said to the earthworm: "I want to eat barbecue, can you make me some barbecue."

Can't stand it anymore, must eat barbecue.

Ning Shu rolled his eyes, "Eat fart, shit is you."

The uncle must have something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't send the gecko here.

But no matter what happens to her, the gecko loves to stay here and stay here, and if he doesn't like staying here, he just leaves.

Just a tenant.

In the end, the earthworms cooked the gecko's barbecue. It was delicious and delicious. Ning Shu didn't want to eat at first, so he wanted to connect the world of life and the world of reincarnation.

The gecko's expression on eating barbecue is almost unreadable, and the ecstatic expression makes people vomit.

After Ning Shu had enough barbecue, he entered the peerless martial arts, jumped into the sea, and connected the world of some creatures with the world of reincarnation.

Some empty worlds suddenly see a sparse influx of souls.

Many reincarnation worlds have evolved successfully, and there are rebirth pools, but there is no soul, so they are just empty.

It makes people feel very distressed, thinking that she had spent so much effort and forced her to make a successful reincarnation world.

The elderly are not to be wasted and must make the best use of everything.

As for the little demon, Ning Shu directly threw him into the task force group.

The little devil didn't have much contact with people, and every day he knew to run behind the man's ass.

Now that the world of reincarnation is connected to the world of other creatures, the little devil wants to take it away but can't take it away.

In the face of so many strangers, there is no man next to him to support him, the little devil is a little bit square.

In the past, the little devil had a special position in the organization because of the presence of a mansion.

But nothing special now.

Anyway, it's pretty square.

The cheongsam man was willing to take the little devil with him because the little devil was brought by Ning Shu, and he also collected a lot of information from the little devil.

Knowing that the little devil is the guardian of the reincarnation world, it must be a good relationship.

Whenever he mentioned the guardian of the reincarnation world, the Qipao man thought of the mansion and the big yaksha.

To be honest, the little devil is still enjoying the shelter of the mansion.

The little devil must grow up alone, face strangers alone, face people who are malicious, kind and indifferent towards him.

Ning Shu didn't have so much feelings for the little devil, and feelings were not cultivated. After all, the little devil was taken away from birth.

However, Fatian and Ning Shu have experienced a lot and spent a long time together.

Although the little devil had few people in contact, he still taught him what he should do and maintain the stability of the reincarnation world.

Things in the reincarnation world are still to be done, not for others, but for oneself.

The life of the little devil is integrated with the world of reincarnation, because there are more souls in the world of reincarnation, and the little devil needs to do more things, and there are more reincarnation worlds that need to be maintained.

Get busy.

When people are busy, there is not so much hurt for the spring and autumn. The little devil has always wanted to kill Ning Shu to avenge the mansion. Later, he saw that Ning Shu just remained silent and said nothing.

The two basically didn't meet each other very much, and there was nothing to say. They were in a state where the king did not see the king.

The days are very peaceful. Gecko has his own rations left by his uncle, so he does not need to beg for food from Ningshu.

The only bad thing is that the earthworms have to educate the gecko when they are busy, and learn from the baby.

It is too difficult to study every day. Thinking of the scenes of someone circling and frustrating in my ears before, life is better than death.

Does it need to learn this? It doesn't need to be. Gecko has been learning what to do and what is the use of learning.

In this regard, the earthworm said: "At least I won't say such things as boiling water hot jj in the future."

Ning Shu didn't target the gecko, so he treated the gecko as a scramble attack. After all, there were two big pockets of energy body.

Uncle Tai is really rich.

Since my uncle put the gecko here, he has never been here, and has never seen a gecko once.

The gecko takes this very lightly, and is even very happy, not knowing how well life is going.

Every time Ning Shu picked up a dog, taking care of the dog's situation by the way, life was easy and comfortable, and it was like the sunset life of the elderly.

Ning Shute likes such a day, who really wants to fight and kill.

It's okay to enter the small world to get some faith in the gods, and strive to get the arm well soon.

In fact, Ning Shu felt that the real arm and the fake arm didn't matter now.

This kind of life passed for a long time, but one day, for Donglan, the Winfish clan, darkness began to spread in the void again.

Ning Shu:? ? ?

What the hell

Why did it suddenly spread again

This darkness convulsed, disappeared for a while and reappeared again.

They all celebrated the relationship too early before

Darkness is simply deceiving their feelings, are they all so self-willed

Hearing that the darkness had spread to the void again, the gecko was stunned, and then jumped up happily, insisting that the earthworms make a table of dishes to celebrate.

Ning Shu was so angry that he gave it a meal. What's there to celebrate? When I think of the darkness spreading to the void again, the food will not taste good, this girl still wants to celebrate.

Although it was not possible to have a table of dishes to celebrate, the gecko still ate two more energy bodies to celebrate.

It's just that the energy body is too big, choking in the throat, and tears are coming out. Even if it is swallowed, the gecko is still crying, which means it will keep crying.

The earthworm had to persuade and comfort him at first, but in the end he would just let it go.

Fatian came back and said to Ning Shu: "Before the darkness has temporarily disappeared for some reason, but this time it will re-spread very quickly, even faster than before."

Ning Shu asked, "What's the reason?"

Is it that halfway, the darkness is hungry and tired, and want to rest.

Fatian: "I don't know what the specific situation is, but I have to be prepared and try to survive in the dark. I found the old man. The old man said that he has experienced darkness. Darkness does not kill all the creatures in the void, but also survives. Yes, we strive to survive."

Ning Shu let out a sigh of relief.

Now waiting for the darkness to strike.

The darkness is like a sea wave in a violent storm, surging and surging in all directions, surging towards the far, endless place.

In the Bird Forest where the entire void was shocked, the creatures moved one after another, and the entire void was no longer as quiet as it used to be.

It became lively, but also irritable and nervous.

The preparations made before are now available.

What used to be a very quiet place is now crowded, and the creatures driven by the darkness gather together.

Ning Shu defended his own territory and house, and did not allow other creatures to harm his people, such as the people in the house, the sacred stone clan.

It’s just that this disaster lasted for a long time, just waiting for the glorious moment...


The extravaganza is over, goodbye babies, okay...

(End of this chapter)

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