Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 12: 012 Scapegoat Girlfriend 12


It is good to talk about things after eating and drinking, and the family is not in a hurry to leave after finishing the meal.

Ming's father turned around and told Mingyue the purpose of this trip, which was Mingkang's work issue.

Ming Kang, who has graduated from a vocational school for more than two years but has been living off his parents at home with zero work experience, is probably really bored at home and finally wants to go out to work, which makes the Ming couple very happy.

In the eyes of the Ming couple, their son is a rare talent among men, so naturally he would do his best to make a big splash if he does.

The reality is that it is easy to find a job these days, but it is hard to keep it.

If you want a high-paying and fun job, forget it with Mingkang's skills.

So, after Ming Kang had been looking for a job for about a month, but each job ended in failure after only working for a few days, the Ming couple finally remembered their highly educated and money-losing daughter, and came to find her with their family.

For this reason, the Ming couple both took leave, just to see their son settled down with their own eyes, for fear that their son would suffer any grievances.

Ming's mother wiped Ming Kang's mouth with a tissue and said without even looking up, "Just find Kang'er a job that's easier and more fun, with enough salary to spend. Many jobs nowadays are too strenuous, with lots of hassles and long hours. Our Kang'er won't suffer that."

It was obvious from his familiar demeanor that he was used to ordering his daughter to do things.

Ming's father had higher expectations for his son, so he immediately shook his head and said, "Don't listen to your mother, Mingyue. Find a job with a higher salary for your brother, preferably one with a lot of room for advancement. If your brother can become a leader or something like that in the future, it will be easier for him to start a family."

Mingkang was playing with his cell phone again, as if what everyone was discussing was none of his business, and he acted as if it was none of his business.

When Mingyue heard these words, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Not to mention that Mingyue herself is just an ordinary clerk, and finding a job for herself depends entirely on her own abilities, so she is simply unable to arrange work for others.

This shows what the Ming couple think of Kang, a good-for-nothing who is only good at bullying others at home and needs his mother to wipe his mouth when he eats. They think he can still be a leader, which is simply hilarious.

Do you really think that the child you give birth to, as long as he has penis, will be a dragon

It's a pity that social reality will make Mingkang realize that his parents are the only ones in the world who spoil him.

Mingyue said calmly, "Your requirements are too high. I am just an ordinary employee with a salary of less than 2,000 yuan. How can I arrange a high-tech job for Mingkang? You have found the wrong person."

When Ming's mother heard this, she flew into a rage and slammed her hand on the table. "You've studied so much, but you only make 2,000 a month. How dare you say that? If I'd known you were so useless, I shouldn't have let you go to college. Not only can you not help your brother at all, but you've also let your heart run wild. Take Xiao Huan from the Zhang family next door. She's only in high school and hasn't studied as much as you, but she got married and received a dowry of more than 300,000 yuan. What's your use?"

The daughter of our neighbor Zhang did graduate from high school, and after graduation she went to work as a waitress in a hot pot restaurant. Zhang Huan got married a few years ago, and married the owner of the hot pot restaurant. The Zhang family did ask for a high bride price, after all, the hot pot restaurant owner was married for the second time and had a child.

Obviously, in Ming's mother's eyes, Mingyue's study is not as good as getting married in exchange for a dowry!

Ming's father also frowned, but he knew how to play the good cop: "Mingyue, why are you so ignorant? Your brother is the root of our Ming family. Only when he is well, you will be well. When you get married in the future, you will also have your family to support you. We asked you to find a job for your brother, do you think we are harming you? We just want your brother to accept your kindness so that he can protect you more in the future."

Mingyue suddenly laughed out loud when she heard this: "With Mingkang's character, I'm afraid I won't be able to live a good life if I wait for him to protect me."

To drown a child is like to kill him. A person who has been raised to be selfish will take anything others give to him for granted, and even feel that it is not enough.

Let alone asking Mingkang to take care of Mingyue, I'm afraid he would be unwilling to take care of the Ming couple. Of course, the Ming couple would not think so. Their son is their life, so naturally they would do everything to make him the best.

So, "You just can't stand to see your brother doing well? We raised you up and spent so much money on you, and now you've grown up and become disobedient. If I had known you were that kind of person, I should have beaten you in the womb, so that I wouldn't have to be upset seeing you now..." Ming's mother pointed her finger at Mingyue's nose and scolded angrily.

He looks so fierce and scowling that if you don't know better, you might think he is scolding his enemy.

Mingkang also glared at Mingyue fiercely. He didn't care about this money-loser, but he didn't want this money-loser to look down on him.

However, the person who cared about these words is no longer with us. After hearing these words, Mingyue felt sorry for the original owner, thinking it was a pity that he was not born into a good family.

Ever since the original owner was old enough to understand, she had been responsible for all the big and small chores at home. Even the time for reading and doing homework was squeezed out from doing housework and taking care of her younger brother.

After he went to college, the Ming couple didn't even give him living expenses. They simply asked him to work and study. Because Ming Kang liked collecting sneakers at that time, all the spare money in the family was used to buy shoes for him.

Thanks to the scholarship and the part-time job of the original owner on his days off, he was able to spend his college years in peace.

So what Ming's mother said about raising Mingyue and spending so much money on Mingyue were all jokes.

The Ming couple only gave birth to a child, and they didn't let the child starve to death!

When the Ming couple reaches the statutory age for support, Mingyue will give them support according to the regulations. If they are sick, she will also provide them with medical treatment and recuperation. As for other things, that is all.

And Mingkang, I'm sorry, that's not Mingyue's responsibility.

"Since you said so, then just pretend that you don't have a daughter like me." Mingyue said in a flat tone, stood up with her bag and was about to walk out.

Ming's mother's expression froze, and the curse in her mouth was stuck in her throat.

Swearing was not her purpose. She was just used to using these harsh and hurtful words to force her daughter to submit.

Ming's father's face was very ugly, but he reacted quickly. He quickly stood up and pulled Mingyue: "Your mother has a sharp tongue but a soft heart. Why do you care about her? We raised you to this age, how could we not have a daughter like you. Mingyue, your brother..."

Mingyue interrupted him: "Mingkang is not a three-year-old child anymore. It is his own business to decide what kind of job he wants to do. I can't help him."

Before Ming's father had time to get angry, Ming Kang, who had been watching the show, couldn't help it.

He slammed the table and yelled, "Who really needs your help? What's so great about graduating from a prestigious university? Dad, don't hold her back. Let her go. Don't ever ask us for help again."

His son's words were the golden words, and Ming's father's face turned pale and he really didn't want Mingyue anymore.

Ming's mother also agreed: "Let her go. I don't believe she won't come home in the future."

Mingyue... I can't wait for that!

(End of this chapter)