Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 129: 129 The real and fake daughters teamed up 34


Here, Mingyue and Shu Mingyu were running around, constantly contacting the victims.

They tried to persuade the victims with kind words but were met with constant cold stares. Finally, their efforts paid off and they gained the consent of several victims and their families to jointly appeal against Zhao Chenghao.

On the other side, Shu's mother and Luo He went to the hospital and finally learned the whole story from Luo Tiantian who had woken up.

"I just can't accept it. Obviously, we are both your daughters. But Shu Mingyu can be a leader in the Shu Group, can know so many rich second-generations and big men, and you have arranged such an excellent partner for her. And me, I have nothing. Mom, do you really care about me?" Luo Tiantian buried her head in the quilt, crying heartbrokenly.

"How can you think like that? Of course, all my things are for you and your brother." Mother Shu's expression suddenly changed when she heard this. She said angrily, "You didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, and just ran to find Zhao Chenghao? How could you be so stupid? Do you know what kind of person Zhao Chenghao is?"

However, her words instantly brought out all the resentment in Luo Tiantian's heart.

"You always talk but never do anything." Luo Tiantian suddenly raised her head and looked at her mother, her eyes filled with hatred and sadness. "Now you blame me. You don't know anything at all. You only care about your own happiness. Everyone looks down on me. They all call me a illegitimate daughter. Do I want to be a illegitimate daughter? It's you. You selfishly made me a illegitimate daughter for your love."

Shu's mother was frightened by her eyes and subconsciously took a few steps back, then a look of disbelief appeared on her face.

Luo He pursed his lips tightly, with an unconcealable look of dejection on his face. His guess came true.

If his daughter hadn't said it today, he would never know that his daughter had suffered so much in private, let alone that she would care so much about her identity as an illegitimate daughter.

"Tiantian..." Shu's mother opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know what to say at all.

How happy their family is together. She thought that all she had to do was give Tiantian lots of love, but she never knew that her daughter actually thought of her this way.

"My brother and I have always been called illegitimate children and bastards since we were young. We have no friends at school, and we can only rely on being generous and spending money to get others to play with us. Many times I would rather be born in an ordinary family than be an illegitimate child that everyone scolds." Luo Tiantian said while choking, her voice full of nasal sounds.

After saying these words, she felt relieved.

These words have been weighing on her mind ever since she was old enough to understand, and she has endured them for a very long time.

Only then did Luo He understand why his daughter was so vain. It turned out that it was not vanity, but an inferiority complex to cover up her identity as an illegitimate daughter.

He closed his eyes in pain, the overwhelming self-blame almost overwhelmed him.

Shu's mother was also shocked. She had always thought that she had both sons and daughters and her lover by her side, and that she lived a very happy life.

But now she found that everything was just a bubble and could burst at any moment.

Seeing the looks on her parents' faces, Luo Tiantian felt both sad and happy.

Why are she and her brother the ones who have been suffering? They are obviously the ones who should be suffering the most.

But when she thought about how good her parents were to her, Luo Tiantian felt guilty and embarrassed again.

Finally she covered her head with the quilt, deceiving herself by not wanting to face them.

They all need to calm down.


The Zhao couple finally learned the whole story from Zhao Chenghao.

"It turned out that Shu Mingyu was the one meddling in other people's business. Damn that little bitch, don't let me get you into trouble, or I'll tear her mouth apart." Mrs. Zhao cursed with gritted teeth, then turned around and changed her expression, speaking softly to her youngest son, "Chenghao, don't be afraid. Your dad will definitely help you out, and you'll be out soon."

After Zhao Chenghao saw his parents, his panic slowly dissipated. This wasn't the first time he had done something like this, and he always managed to get away with it. He believed that his father would definitely help him out.

"When I get out, I will make Shu Mingyu pay." Zhao Chenghao said hatefully.

Mrs. Zhao didn't take it seriously and agreed, "Okay, when you come out, I'll take you to seek revenge on that stinky girl."

At this moment, Mrs. Zhao really hated Shu Mingyu for daring to send her precious son to the police station. If Shu Mingyu appeared in front of her now, she would want to rush over and scratch Shu Mingyu's face.

Mr. Zhao listened to his wife and children and didn't say much, because he didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, so many people saw that it was Luo Tiantian who took the initiative to look for her son, so this matter can be regarded as a mutual consent.

If Mrs. Shu is not happy about it, he can let his son suffer a little and reluctantly get his son engaged to Luo Tiantian.

The second young master of the Zhao family was engaged to an illegitimate daughter, which was considered a bargain for the illegitimate daughter. He didn't believe that Mrs. Shu would not be tempted.

However, not only was Shu's mother not moved, she was almost so angry that she vomited blood.

Her Tiantian is so nice and well-behaved, so who is Zhao Chenghao

Why would a person who is rotten to the core desire her sweetness

Although she was so angry at her daughter's words that she couldn't eat and felt extremely upset, she also saw the wounds on her daughter's body and knew that those were all caused by Zhao Chenghao. She hated Zhao Chenghao to death in her heart.

So they won't pursue it? How could they not pursue it

Tiantian is her sweetheart.

The anger that had been accumulating for a long time finally got a chance to be vented. Shu's mother cursed at the Zhao couple and immediately hired the best lawyer in the industry.

She asked her lawyer to sue Zhao Chenghao to death. She wanted Zhao Chenghao to be sentenced, the heavier the better.

Mingyue and the others were waiting for this east wind.

After a few days, Mingyue and her friends have found as many as thirteen victims who are willing to come forward. All of them hate Zhao Chenghao so much that they are willing to testify in court.

So without the knowledge of Zhao's family and Shu's mother, Zhao Chenghao was jointly sued by multiple victims.

He was accused of many crimes, including using his power to oppress others, committing rape, forcing others to have sex, abusing others, and illegally imprisoning others.

The most important thing is that Zhao Chenghao has the habit of taking pictures and recording. The camera that numbered each girl directly captured the evidence perfectly.

A total of twenty-eight young girls were all ruined by this devil.

This time, no matter how powerful the Zhao family is, he can no longer escape the blame.

By the time the Zhao couple received the news, everything had been settled.

Because the case involved two murders, Zhao Chenghao was sentenced to death.

The devil should go to hell instead of staying in the world.