Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 14: 014 Scapegoat Girlfriend14


With the gossipy Old Zhao around, Mingyue didn't even have to ask around, as the news about Li Jinbao was already known to Old Zhao's ears.

This did not give Mingyue and Wang Liyan a chance to take action. Li Jinbao went out and met the girl, and the matter was naturally blown.

The reason is that the girl doesn't like Li Jinbao.

Li Jinbao went on the date in high spirits, but came back in a rage.

Then everyone in the guard room knew about it. When the girl saw Li Jinbao, her face immediately changed. She angrily accused the introducer of being a liar. She said that the handsome guy turned out to be a human tank. She was so angry that she didn't even eat and just stood up and left.

This made Li Jinbao very angry. He had never suffered such a great insult in his life.

After all, Li Jinbao is the golden seedling of the Li family. He is not fat, but strong and blessed. Li's mother praises her son to the sky, and of course he thinks he is a rare talent and that he is the only one who can choose others.

Moreover, in the past, even if the woman was not satisfied with the blind date, she would find a tactful reason to refuse, and Li Jinbao did not think there was anything wrong with him.

As a result, he met a straightforward girl who called him a human tank in front of the introducer, which hurt his self-esteem like a piece of broken glass.

After Mingyue knew about this, she couldn't help but laugh and shook her head. It is true that every wicked person will be punished by his own wickedness!

It is wrong to judge people by their appearance, but the person being laughed at was Li Jinbao, so Mingyue felt that the girl enjoyed the scolding quite a lot.

However, the matter was not over yet. After the news broke, the girl was so angry that she posted the incident online, along with her own selfie and photos of Li Jinbao that she had secretly taken.

The girl is indeed as beautiful as a flower, with a first-rate figure, and she has a good job, which is a real stable job within the system.

As for Li Jinbao himself and his external conditions, there is really no way he can compare with the girl.

Because the two people's appearances are indeed very different, this post quickly became popular.

After a parent of a student from No. 7 Middle School revealed that Li Jinbao was just a middle school security guard, this post became even more popular.

Many netizens criticized the introducer for his sinister intentions, some netizens said that Li Jinbao was a toad wanting to eat swan meat, and of course some netizens blamed the girl for posting Li Jinbao's photo.

Anyway, this matter fermented more and more, and even ranked second on Weibo's hot search.

At the same time, some internet celebrities who wanted to take advantage of the popularity came to No. 7 Middle School to find Li Jinbao, and some even asked him to shoot short videos, which had a great impact on No. 7 Middle School.

Finally, the school leaders had no choice but to order Li Jinbao to go home and rest for a while.

Li Jinbao also felt ashamed, and not long after returning home, he submitted his resignation letter to No. 7 Middle School.

However, Li's mother felt that her precious son was insulted, and she chased after the matchmaker and the girl and cursed them. But the girl was not a good person either, and she posted the video of Li's mother cursing on the Internet. Finally, Lao Zhao said that the incident was quite embarrassing.

Wang Liyan was also happy when she knew about this, and then she was glad that she didn't get entangled with Li Jinbao for too long, otherwise Li's mother would probably scold her!

However, after this incident, no one dared to introduce a partner to Li Jinbao anymore.

After all, no one wants to get nothing in return for the benefits and get into trouble for no reason.

It's even posted on the Internet, how embarrassing!

It was a long time later that Mingyue heard that Li Jinbao was married.

The woman was divorced and had a daughter who was only three years old. Her husband died of illness, and she married Li Jinbao so that he could raise her daughter for her.

Of course, Li's mother was not happy that her son was raising someone else's child, let alone a money-losing one. Unfortunately, this time his daughter-in-law was a good coaxer, and she coaxed Li Jinbao into submission. He was like a man who forgot his mother after getting a wife. Li's mother could not do anything with her daughter-in-law, and finally had to return to her hometown in a fit of anger.

It's a very satisfying ending indeed.*

As the days go by, Mingyue's milk tea shop is finally about to open.

Mingyue had already found employees and arranged for them to learn professional knowledge, so she doesn't have to worry too much for the time being after the business opens.

Wang Liyan and Mingyue became real good friends, and they often got together to eat, go shopping and watch movies.

But the peaceful days didn't last long before they were broken again.

The cause was that Song Feifei could not repay the online loan she had borrowed, but the emergency contact number she left was Mingyue's, and then Mingyue was harassed by phone calls all day long.

No matter how Mingyue talked to the debt collectors, those staff members were stubborn and kept reminding her to pay back the money.

After Mingyue couldn't help but change her number, she saw that Song Feifei had actually found No. 7 Middle School.

"Mingyue, stop making trouble. Let's make peace." The moment she saw Mingyue, Song Feifei felt relieved.

Originally, Song Feifei thought that Mingyue was just being angry for a moment and that Mingyue always cared about her, her only friend. However, after Mingyue left that day, she never showed up again. Only then did she realize that she could not contact Mingyue at all.

When she found out that Mingyue had changed jobs, changed her address, blocked her phone number, and even their mutual friends didn't know how to contact Mingyue, she began to panic.

However, there was no point in panicking at this time.

After losing her friend Mingyue, Song Feifei realized what she had done wrong.

No one will prepare food for her carefully, no one will care for her attentively, and no one will spend money on her for free.

In the adult world, it’s more about vested interests.

No one would be like Mingyue, who has nothing to gain from her and just treats her as a good friend.

Moreover, the interest rate of the online loan she borrowed was very high. Even if she borrowed from Peter to pay Paul, she would only owe more and more money.

She desperately wanted to find Mingyue, wanted to win back this good friend, and wanted Mingyue to help her pay off her online loan.

Due to her habitual thinking in the past few years, Song Feifei thought without a second thought that as long as she sincerely admitted her mistake, Mingyue would definitely forgive her.

Finally, two months after she had been overdue on her online loan, she got Mingyue’s work address from the debt collector.

Mingyue glanced at her. In fact, she was a little confused. Why after so much time had passed, she still felt that she had the same personality as the original owner.

It was obvious that she and the original owner were two different people. Even though she did not try to hide it, friends who had known each other for so many years could not tell them apart.

It turns out that Song Feifei has never cared about the original owner for a moment!

Mingyue shook her head: "I have already told you what I should and shouldn't say. We are no longer friends. I hope you won't disturb my life in the future."

The smile on Song Feifei's face froze. She had thought of countless possible reactions from Mingyue, but this was never the case.

What made Song Feifei even more desperate was that a girl with a square face came over, naturally took Mingyue's wrist, and asked Mingyue: "Is she your friend?"

Mingyue’s reply was: “No, I don’t know him.”

So, Mingyue already has new friends

(End of this chapter)