Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 33: 033 Scapegoat Girlfriend 33


After Mingyue returned home, Ming's mother and Mingkang realized that she had gone to Ming's father's factory to cause trouble.

Ming's mother was completely shocked at the time, and her mind was filled with questions: How dare Mingyue do this

Ming's father also realized that his daughter was out of control. She was like a flower with thorns. Trying to pick her by force would only hurt himself.

After this incident, Ming's father and mother did not want to, and indeed did not dare to, provoke Mingyue again.

After all, they have discovered the most critical problem, which is that they care about too many things and people, while Mingyue really doesn't care about anything.

Their causing trouble at No. 7 Middle School was of no consequence to Mingyue, and she even won the principal's sympathy.

On the contrary, when Mingyue went to Ming's father's factory to make trouble, the factory director gave Ming's father a holiday and ordered him to stay at home to take care of household chores.

They really couldn't afford to offend this daughter, and could only regret raising such an evil child.

However, Mingkang didn't care about Mingyue's fuss. After all, he didn't need to work and had money to spend, so naturally he didn't think a job was important.

So after learning that his parents were determined not to mess with Mingyue, Mingkang went to contact the buyer himself, oh no, Mingyue's marriage partner.

Of course, with Mingkang's ability, he doesn't actually have any high-quality resources around him. In addition, the Ming couple are unwilling to interfere in Mingyue's affairs, so he somehow met a brother on the Internet who just happened to be in need of a wife.

This brother was willing to spend money and bring his family to pick up the person, but his home was a bit remote, deep in a mountain that Ming Kang had never heard of and could not be found on the map. The journey would take two or three days.

But Mingkang doesn't care so much, as long as his "brother" is willing to give money.

Although what this brother gave was not as much as the 300,000 yuan given by the relocated households, but for Mingkang, 120,000 yuan was quite a lot and it was better than nothing.

As for Mingyue's wishes, Mingkang really didn't care. Anyway, since he was a child, his parents had instilled in him the idea that Mingyue was a money-loser, Mingyue lived for him, Mingyue was born to take care of him, and he was the lifeblood of the Ming family.

So, it’s just a matter of finding a man for the money-losing girl. Mingkang thinks he can still make the decision on this matter.

Although the money-loser is a little rebellious now, he, Ming Kang, is the root of the Ming family and he is the future master of the Ming family.

Of course, the spoiled Ming Kang did not realize that he was actually breaking the law.

The Ming couple never expected that their son would abduct and sell their daughter, and by the time they found out, it was already too late.

Originally, Mingyue planned to come back and confront the Ming couple after making a scene at Ming's father's factory. Every time they made a scene, she would make a scene to see who could win, and then she would go back to No. 7 Middle School.

Who knew that the Ming couple would get scared so quickly, calling her an evil creature and telling her to get out and never come back.

Mingyue was not angry after hearing this, she just felt that the relationship was great. She really didn't want to come back, because the next time she came back, it would be time to move out.

However, Mingkang suddenly stood up and said that he wanted Mingyue to stay for a few more days, which would preserve the family relationship, and they would not disturb her again in the future.

Not to mention Mingyue, even the Ming couple looked at their son in surprise, wondering if he was possessed by an evil spirit. Didn't he hate Mingyue the most

Of course, no matter how strange the decision their son made, the Ming couple would not refute it and could only remain silent.

Mingyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and soon smiled: "Okay."

Of course, she had to solve the problem all at once! She had to know that this family was always like an indestructible cockroach, popping up again and again, which really annoyed her!

Since someone is willing to give her the chance to kill herself, she must seize it.


Mingyue stayed at home doing nothing for two days, and finally Mingkang asked her out to play.

There is an old saying that goes: If someone shows you kindness without any reason, he is either a traitor or a thief.

Mingyue is a person who will not put herself in danger, and she will never underestimate the shamelessness of the Ming family. After all, the examples of forced buying and selling of daughters on the Internet are enough to make her alert.

So even during the few days she was at the Ming family, she used special codes in the small group every day to report her safety to Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan on time.

Mingyue was going out with Mingkang that day, so she specifically mentioned it in the small group. She also made a voice call with Wang Liyan and Liu Jiajia to set a specific time and phrase.

This led to the situation that after Mingyue drank the cup of milk tea with added ingredients and was helped into a van by a man and a woman in a daze, less than ten minutes had passed and the car had not even left the city. Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan, who had been waiting for no news from Mingyue, called the police without hesitation.

When the police learned that they had agreed on a secret code in advance and that Mingyue’s phone call could not be reached, they quickly dispatched police.

After discovering that no one was at Ming's house and Mingyue was indeed missing, Mingkang, who had gone out with Mingyue, was quickly spotted by the police.

Mingkang was a man who could not stand the hardship. When the police came to him to ask Mingyue, he explained everything tremblingly.

Wow, human trafficking, and selling one’s own sister, this is really eye-opening.

With the chat records provided by Mingkang and the van's license plate number in the city's surveillance system, the van was quickly stopped by the police.

So Mingyue was rescued, and Mingkang was thrown into prison along with the man from the mountains and his mother.

The funny thing is that until they were sent to prison, none of the three felt they were wrong.

Mingkang thought that he just found a partner for his sister, so why should he be accused of breaking the law

The mother and son in the mountains thought that they were willing to buy and sell, and they had come from such a far place, borrowed a car and took two days to drive here, and spent their life-long savings. How could they be accused of guilt? Why were they imprisoned

Then...their crimes are multiplied, and immediately their crimes are added countless times.

After all, tigers and leopards are now national protected animals. Who would have thought that this mother and son lived in the deep mountains without knowing the law and actually made a living by hunting, killing countless wild protected animals.

When Mingyue found out that the man grew up in the mountains and had finally spent money to buy him a mobile phone, he met Mingkang, a swindler, within two days and ended up sending himself and his mother to jail. She was also shocked.

When the police contacted the Ming couple and told them that Ming Kang was in trouble, the couple did not react for a while.

Who sells whom

Who trafficked whom

How could Kang'er kidnap Mingyue

The couple rushed to the police station and contacted Mingyue at the same time.

On the way there, the couple felt lucky that it was Mingyue who was abducted. They were all family members, so the matter shouldn't be serious as long as Mingyue didn't pursue it.

And they also felt that Mingyue would definitely not pursue the matter, after all, Kang'er was her own brother!

(End of this chapter)