Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 35: 035 The scapegoat girlfriend (end)


Without the disturbance from the Ming family, Mingyue's life became more and more comfortable.

However, Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan both have their own families, and Mingyue doesn’t want to disturb them too much, so she spends more time focusing on studying and improving herself.

Since she devoted a lot of time to study, the results were of course remarkable. She obtained many certificates and earned a lot of money from the certificate registration fees alone.

At the end of the third year, Mingyue finally bought a small three-bedroom apartment with full payment and successfully moved her household registration out of the Ming family.

After that, she never asked about the Ming couple's news again, but only transferred some money to their bank card regularly, as a way of repaying their kindness in raising her.

But Mingyue occasionally heard people mention the Ming couple. Without that son who was relying on them for support, they were actually living a pretty good life now. They were much more financially comfortable than before when Mingkang was always asking for this and that at home.

In addition, people in Ming's father's factory often advised him that sons and daughters were the same, and now that Mingkang was in prison, he should not hurt his daughter's feelings. He actually wanted to reconcile with Mingyue.

It’s just a pity that both the original owner and Mingyue no longer need this belated family affection.

So after Ming's father failed several times in trying to restore their relationship, he finally realized that his daughter would never reconcile with him in this life.

In the end, the Ming couple gave up the idea of contacting Mingyue. Although they had a son and a daughter, they lived a lonely life as a couple.

Sometimes the couple would quarrel, one saying that the father shouldn’t treat his daughter that way, and the other saying that the father shouldn’t raise his son that way.

Maybe they regretted it.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Mingyue.


In the blink of an eye, several years have passed. Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan's children are old enough to help with cooking, but Mingyue is still a single aristocrat.

But no one cares whether she gets married or not.

The Ming couple couldn't control her, Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan respected their friends' choice, and the teachers at No. 7 Middle School knew about her family's eccentricities.

Moreover, Mingyue is not short of money. She travels everywhere during holidays, and there is no sign of aging on her body.

Even Liu Jiajia and Wang Liyan, who have a harmonious married life, would express their envy of her.

There is a huge difference between married people and unmarried people. Even if they are in love with their husbands, they have to maintain the relationship between the two families after marriage, get along well with relatives and friends of both sides, and take care of their children and husbands. They have very little time for themselves. They have a completely different life from Mingyue.

However, their relationship with Mingyue has not changed, and even their children have recognized Mingyue as their godmother.

And this year, Ming Kang was released from prison.

Prison is indeed a place that tests people. It has transformed Mingkang, a spoiled and dependent man, into a hardworking and down-to-earth normal person.

After Mingkang was released, he came to find Mingyue again. This time he came to admit his mistake.

No matter the various bullying and insults he had suffered since he was a child, or the later attempt to sell his sister for money, he already knew he was wrong.

His cellmates in prison made him understand that his parents were the only ones in the world who would spoil him unconditionally. Learning about moral and legal knowledge made him realize that the concepts his parents had instilled in him were wrong. His sister was not his appendage, and he had no right to decide his sister's life.

"I have regretted all these years and have always wanted to say sorry to you." Ming Kang lowered his head and clenched his hands into fists nervously.

Mingyue looked at Mingkang, who looked more than ten years older than his peers. After a long while, she shook her head and chuckled, "It's okay, it's all over."

Ming Kang suddenly raised his head and looked at her, his face full of joy: "Then have you forgiven me?"

Mingyue patted his shoulder, turned around and walked out, her tone light but firm: "I don't care about those things anymore, you can forget about it, but don't come here in the future."

It was over, the damage had been done, she didn't care about him anymore. She forgave him, but it was meaningless.

So don't come, she doesn't want to see him.

Mingkang stared at her as she walked further and further away, and tears suddenly filled his eyes.

He opened his mouth and silently shouted out two words: "Sister."

This was the name he owed her for more than twenty years. When he finally realized his mistake, he no longer had the qualifications or opportunity to call her by that name.


More than a year later, Xu Haoze was released from prison.

Unlike Ming Kang, he went to find Song Feifei to make trouble as soon as he came out.

When Xu Haoze first went to prison, he kept fantasizing about getting out and that Mingyue, who loved him, would take his place. In the end, he was sentenced to ten years in prison.

The funniest thing is that a few months later, when his parents came to visit him in prison, they actually told him that a woman named Song Feifei had found them and threatened his family with the child in her belly to give her money, otherwise she would go to his house and their workplace to cause trouble.

You have to know that he betrayed Mingyue just for Song Feifei, and it was because of his betrayal that Mingyue did not take the blame for him, so he thought that he was in jail because of Song Feifei.

As a result, Song Feifei not only hurt him so badly, but also blackmailed his family. He hated her to the core.

So after being released from prison, the first thing Xu Haoze did was to ask his friends for Song Feifei's address, and then go to her house.

It happened that Song Feifei's husband was also at home, and then a farce began.

In recent years, Song Feifei has settled down and has been living a good life. Although her husband is ordinary in appearance, he has a good personality and takes good care of her. Gradually, she has forgotten about Xu Haoze.

Until Xu Haoze came to her house, insulted and mocked her in various ways, and told her that she seduced her best friend's boyfriend and had an abortion. All the things she had tried so hard to forget were now revealed by Xu Haoze.

Not daring to look at her husband's eyes, Song Feifei scratched, clawed and pushed Xu Haoze like a madman, loudly telling him to get out, as if this could cover up the matter.

However, during the pushing and shoving, Xu Haoze became angry with her and suddenly took out a fruit knife from his pocket.

In the end, Song Feifei didn't know what had happened. She only saw a fruit knife stuck in her husband's chest. The ordinary man whom she had always thought she would never fall in love with, stood in front of her without hesitation in the moment of crisis.

Blood flowed from his chest and also dyed her eyes red.

She screamed for help and wanted to call an ambulance, and she didn't even have time to look at Xu Haoze's escaping back.

"Don't die, don't die, please, don't die, don't leave me, don't leave me alone..." After Song Feifei finished calling the ambulance, she didn't dare to touch the fruit knife on the man's chest, but just pleaded with tears in her eyes.

But the man she thought knew nothing smiled and said softly: "Silly, there are no secrets in this world. In fact, I already knew those things a long time ago, but I still love you, but from now on... you have to take care of yourself."

Song Feifei cried even harder.

Until the ambulance arrived, and until the man's face was covered with a white cloth because the knife had pierced his heart.

At this moment, Song Feifei somehow heard two words in her mind: retribution.

And Xu Haoze killed someone right after he was released from prison, so his crime was naturally more serious.

This time he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

When he entered the prison, he was still shouting and cursing Song Feifei as a bitch for harming him.

(End of this chapter)