Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 41: 041 Don’t feel sorry for men 6


Hearing what Zhang Cuixiu said, Liu Shumin immediately became thoughtful.

The reason why he came up with the idea of deceiving Lu Mingyue was because Zhang Cuixiu often brought back many good things from the Lu family.

Seeing those expensive and beautiful jewelry and dresses, the sweet and delicious snacks that were obviously very expensive, and even real gold and silver, it seemed that none of them were something that people living here could use, eat, or have.

The Liu family has many people and lives a hard life. Even though Liu Shumin relies on Zhang Cuixiu's love and can occasionally eat good food once or twice, it is not as good as having enough money on his own.

So after often hearing Zhang Cuixiu say that Miss Lu Mingyue from the Lu family was stupid and gullible, he began to think about cheating some money himself.

Zhang Cuixiu was actually not happy at first. Why should her fiancé, the person she loved, go and coax Lu Mingyue

But Liu Shumin's picture was too rosy. He always said that everything was for their future, and talked about the Lu family's immense wealth, and finally convinced Zhang Cuixiu.

So, under the subtle influence of Zhang Cuixiu, Lu Mingyue fell in love with reading the story of the poor boy and the rich girl.

There was also the incident where Zhang Cuixiu took Lu Mingyue out of the Lu Mansion secretly, but was molested by gangsters and was heroically rescued by Liu Shumin.

Of course, it’s not nice to do this kind of thing, so the two haven’t told their families yet.

However, the two of them never expected that when they had even figured out how to use the benefits, Lu Mingyue was actually not easy to deceive.

Let’s stop here. The previous efforts are not justified.

If you don't stop, you don't have enough money!

So, Zhang Cuixiu's idea was actually a good idea.

Family members know their own business. Zhang Cuixiu and Liu Shumin both know their own people, but neither of them is easy to deal with.

They just couldn't believe that their family members would be willing to suffer such a huge loss.

So, "Okay, go tell your parents, and I'll talk to my family too." At this point, Liu Shumin paused and said meaningfully, "In fact, three taels of silver from two families is not much. You know, the Lu family is worth more than three taels..."

The implication is that the Liu and Zhang families are planning to swallow up the entire Lu family.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Cuixiu couldn't help but look up at Liu Shumin's eyes. The ambition in those eyes was almost undisguised, and she was immediately shocked.

However, thinking about the wealth of the Lu family, her surprise turned into joy. "Okay, I'll go back and tell my parents. Brother Min, don't worry, I will definitely ask them to give them the money this time." Zhang Cuixiu said in a firm tone.

Liu Shumin put his arm around her waist and said, "Thank you for your hard work for our future, Xiu'er."

Zhang Cuixiu blushed: "For you, I am willing to do anything."


Mingyue's days in the Lu Mansion were very comfortable. Father Lu went out early and came back late, so she was the only master in the mansion and she lived a free and carefree life.

It would be even better if Zhang Cuixiu didn't come to the house from time to time.

But Mingyue didn't find it annoying. After all, a smooth life would be boring, and some spice was always needed to make it more fun.

Just as the Lu family had just finished breakfast, Zhang Cuixiu came to their door again.

"Ayue, Young Master Liu is so sincere to you that he bought such an expensive hairpin just like that. He must have passed your test, right?" Zhang Cuixiu touched the jewelry box in her hand again and again. Thinking about how hard it was to get this hairpin, she became more reluctant to give it to Lu Mingyue.

You have to know that she talked with her parents for most of the night last night, trying every possible means and saying all kinds of things before she finally convinced them and they gave her two taels and five cents of silver.

The lights at Liu's house were on for most of the night, and it was only then that they finally managed to collect enough money to buy the hairpin.

In the end, she hadn't even seen enough, but the hairpin was going to be given away for nothing. How could Zhang Cuixiu accept this

Mingyue seemed not to see the reluctance on her face, and took the box and opened it.

"How come this hairpin is not as beautiful as it was yesterday after a night? But it's not a delicate thing. I have too many hairpins like this in my dressing box." Mingyue picked up the golden butterfly-chasing hairpin in her hand and shook it, then threw it on the table and said casually, "How can I just test it this once? If you want to be the son-in-law of my Lu family, of course you have to test it again."

Mingyue swung the hairpin with such force that Zhang Cuixiu couldn't help but tremble in her heart, fearing that the hairpin would be broken by her.

After hearing the meaning behind Mingyue's words, Zhang Cuixiu's face suddenly became very ugly.

Just this one test has already made her and Brother Min worried to death. What if it happens two more times

"How can you always test love? Aren't you pushing the sincere person away by doing this?" Zhang Cuixiu held Mingyue's arm and advised kindly: "Ayue, you should quit while you are ahead! Besides, Mr. Liu's life is so difficult, just think of it as a pity for him and don't make it difficult for him!"

Tsk tsk tsk, I feel sorry for Liu Shumin again.

When Mingyue thought about how Lu Mingyue felt sorry for Liu Shumin's ending, her tone suddenly became domineering.

"Cui Xiu, I treat you as a good sister, but why do you always stand on Mr. Liu's side? If someone doesn't know, they would think you two are lovers."

Zhang Cuixiu's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly explained, "I'm just worried about you. I'm afraid you'll miss out on true love."

"Humph!" Mingyue snorted and said without allowing any objection: "Anyway, don't worry about it. I have an idea in mind."

Seeing her like this, Zhang Cuixiu didn't dare to persuade her anymore.

However, thinking about how many things the maid had in her hands yesterday, Zhang Cuixiu's eyes turned and she came up with other ideas.

"By the way, Ah Yue, I'm going to visit my uncle's house in a few days. My aunt is a snob who only judges people by their appearance," Zhang Cuixiu smiled a slightly flattering smile. "I thought, why not just borrow two sets of clothes and jewelry from you to deal with my aunt and avoid her looking down on me? What do you think?"

Mingyue doesn’t think it’s very good!

In the past, Zhang Cuixiu had often taken things back from Lu Mingyue under the pretext of borrowing them, but Lu Mingyue was generous and trusted her, so she never cared about it.


"Cui Xiu, your aunt is your elder after all. How can you make random assumptions about her character and slander her out there?" Ming Yue said in a lecturing manner, "And are you too vain? Your aunt knows the situation in your family. How can you cover it up by borrowing things to dress up? By the way, you haven't returned those things you borrowed from me before!"

Zhang Cuixiu's smile froze on her face.

But after a moment, "Ayue, is someone gossiping about me in your ear? You were not like this before." Zhang Cuixiu looked at Mingyue with some confusion, always feeling that she had changed too much recently.

Mingyue held her chin and thought for a while. She seemed to be changing a little too fast.

Zhang Cuixiu saw this expression on her face, which meant she acquiesced that someone was trying to sow discord between her and Lu Mingyue.

At that moment, Zhang Cuixiu no longer cared about the jewelry and dresses. She only remembered to coax Mingyue to change her mind.

By the time Mingyue sent people away, Zhang Cuixiu had already forgotten the original purpose of her visit.

However, the maid serving outside saw Zhang Cuixiu's unhappy face when she left, and thought she had quarreled with her mistress.

The maid also kindly advised Mingyue not to spoil Zhang Cuixiu too much, after all, she was just the daughter of a wet nurse.

Mingyue was delighted to hear this, and she gave the golden butterfly-chasing-flowers hairpin to the maid.

It is better for people to have self-knowledge.

It’s a pity that some people don’t quite understand this truth!

(End of this chapter)