Quick Transmigration: Daily Showmanship of the Face-Slapping Maniac

Chapter 51: 051 Don’t feel sorry for men 16


Liu Shumin, who was waiting to pass the final test with great joy, received a head-on critical hit instead.

"So, she has been playing tricks on us from the beginning to the end? Not to mention the Lu family's wealth, we can't even get those five taels or thirty taels back?" Liu Shumin slumped in the chair in despair, his mind going blank.

Zhang Cuixiu cried and nodded, "Brother Min, I, I really didn't expect that Lu Mingyue would be so scheming."

Liu Shumin felt increasingly dizzy, thinking back to how his sisters-in-law had been pressuring him to get married recently. He had often boasted in front of his father and brother that he had everything under control for Miss Lu, and that the wealth of the Lu family was within his grasp. But now...

Now I realize that it was all a joke.

What does it mean to lose the rice while trying to steal a chicken? What does it mean to lose both the wife and the army? This is what he has experienced now.

Liu Shumin closed his eyes and it took him a long time to pull himself together.

It doesn't matter, it's okay. He only paid two or three taels of silver at most, and then paid for some paper and ink. The bulk of the money was paid by Zhang Cuixiu.

But when he thought of the thirty-five taels of silver, he still felt heartbroken. That should have belonged to him, Liu Shumin!

"No, we can't just let it go like this. She has to return our money no matter what, or I will..." Liu Shumin was originally furious, but when he saw the letter Zhang Cuixiu hadn't sent on the table, his eyes lit up again: "Otherwise I will tell others that Miss Lu and I have already secretly agreed to spend our lives together, and I have the letter as proof."

Having said that, Liu Shumin hurriedly flipped through Lu Mingyue's reply on the desk.

But he searched everywhere and couldn't find the letters, so he felt something was wrong.

Mingyue would certainly not let such a big handle remain out there. As early as last night, those letters as well as Zhang Cuixiu and Liu Shumin's plan were delivered to Mingyue's desk.

Of course Liu Shumin didn't know this. All of Lu Mingyue's reply letters disappeared, as if mocking his self-righteousness.

“Useless brother Min, Lu Mingyue must have been on guard against you for a long time, and she also said something about your character…” Zhang Cuixiu bit her lip and immediately stopped talking when she realized what was going on.

Liu Shumin suddenly raised his head and looked at her: "What did she say about me?"

Zhang Cuixiu looked away and whispered, "She said you are a piece of trash with bad behavior, that you are extremely useless, that you make her sick."

Liu Shumin clenched his fists, and finally couldn't help but pounded them heavily on the table, gnashing his teeth and angrily said: "Lu Mingyue, you are going too far."

Zhang Cuixiu was frightened, but she was secretly happy in her heart. The more Brother Min hated Lu Mingyue, the crueler he would be to Lu Mingyue when he gained power in the future.

As for whether Liu Shumin will gain power

Zhang Cuixiu had never thought about this matter. After all, Brother Min was known as the incarnation of Wenquxing.

After being angry for a while, Mr. Liu came to his senses and realized that he had to coax Zhang Cuixiu. After all, this was a woman who was devoted to him and could easily take out more than 30 taels of silver, which was not something the women his sisters-in-law mentioned could do.

So the two people, each with their own ulterior motives, unexpectedly became sweet again.

Zhang Cuixiu stayed at the Liu family for quite a while. Liu Shumin coaxed her into submission and she even promised to buy him good rice paper. Then she happily returned to her own home.

But when Zhang Cuixiu returned home, she was faced with the Zhang couple's fury.

Zhang slapped Zhang Cuixiu in the face, her eyes piercing like knives: "Zhang Cuixiu, how did you offend Lu Mingyue? The Lu family took back my shop? Also, where did the ten taels of silver I put in my dressing table go? If you don't explain these things clearly today, I will beat you to death, you useless thing."

Father Zhang sat there watching with a stern face, not showing any intention of pleading for his daughter.

Zhang Cuixiu had never been beaten in her life, and this slap completely stunned her. Her eyes were swollen and red with tears. She stared at her parents blankly, her tone revealing the shock that could not be concealed: "You hit me? You hit me just for that little bit of money?"

When Zhang heard this, she was so angry that she almost couldn't breathe.

The Zhang family is not a wealthy family. More than ten taels of silver would have to buy so many bowls of sweet soup, and they would have to work hard day and night for so many days. But in the end, when it reaches their daughter's mouth, it becomes just that little bit of silver

Moreover, the shop they rented is gone now. The money was all the savings of the Zhang family in the future. If Zhang hadn't wanted to use the money to rent a new shop, she wouldn't have known that most of the money would be missing.

First there was the issue of the shop, and then there was the issue of the money. No wonder she was so angry.

Father Zhang couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Zhang Cuixiu, your last name is Zhang, not Lu. In our Zhang family, more than ten taels of silver is enough for our family to live well for two or three years."

Zhang thought far ahead and immediately got to the point: "You were never short of food and drink at home, and you took all the clothes and jewelry from the Lu family. There was no place to use the silver. Did you steal the silver and give it to Liu Shumin?"

Zhang Cuixiu didn't expect that she would think of this. She shook her head like a rattle: "No, I didn't. Brother Min didn't ask me for money."

As you know, no one knows a girl better than her mother. When Zhang saw her like this, she knew something was wrong.

Zhang immediately walked out, and said in a loud voice: "Great, great, a scholar instigated a little girl to steal money from the family. I want to see how Liu Shumin will be able to take the exam for a scholar in the future if this reputation spreads."

Zhang Cuixiu was so frightened that she almost went crazy. She quickly grabbed Zhang and begged, "It's not true, mother. It has nothing to do with Brother Min. Mother, please stop making trouble. I beg you."

However, the two families lived next to each other and the houses were not soundproof, so the Liu family had already heard what Zhang said.

The reputation of the Liu family's Wenquxing has been slandered, which is a serious matter.

There are many people in the Liu family, and they all gathered together, especially the women. They were all so angry that their faces flushed, and naturally they couldn't say anything nice.

But Zhang is not someone who can be easily messed with.

So the Liu family scolded Zhang Cuixiu for being shameless and having no self-control. As a woman, she always stayed close to Liu Shumin, and it was obvious that she was a loose woman.

The Zhang family accused Liu Shumin of cheating their daughter and demanded that the Liu family return the money, otherwise they would go to Liu Shumin's academy to cause trouble.

Neighbors who had always been close to each other suddenly became the most hated enemies.

Now, Liu Shumin and Zhang Cuixiu couldn't even think about getting married. If they were discovered meeting secretly, they would be drowned in spit from the elders of both families.

When Mingyue found out about this, she just sneered and put it out of her mind.

What is this? Just an appetizer.

When Liu Shumin gets engaged, and the bride is not Zhang Cuixiu, then it will be fun to watch!

For people like Liu Shumin and Zhang Cuixiu, Mingyue doesn't even need to do anything, they can kill themselves.

Their conduct, morals, and the way they handle things prove that people like them will only avoid problems when they encounter them. They do not have the correct values, outlook on life, and values, nor the ability to solve problems.

Such defects are difficult to correct. As time goes by and as they meet more and more people and experience more and more things, sooner or later, they will get retribution.

(End of this chapter)