Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 1020: The Last Plane Fast Travel Live 36


"You still don't repent! Damn! Damn! Who is your concubine? Tell me, and I will give you a glass of poisoned wine and let you go on the road immediately!" The emperor said furiously.

"Hahaha... you say I'm an adulterer, which one are you talking about? Do you want to hear one, or do you want to know all of them..." The Queen Empress is dying, and her words are good. do my best!

When the Queen Mother heard this, she was so angry that she almost couldn't stand upright, she had trouble breathing and started to roll her eyes, the nurse next to her immediately stepped forward to support her, and shouted anxiously,

"Prince doctor, come quickly and see the empress dowager!"

"No... I'm fine..." The queen mother gathered herself together, pushed away the hand of the nanny, stabilized her body, and began to walk towards the queen step by step, her eyes were stern, and she looked down at her,

"Queen, you really surprised me today! Hehe, if you want to die, the Ai family will fulfill you! By the way, the Ai family will also fulfill your family!"

"Queen Mother, just kill me! Don't implicate my family!" When the queen heard this, her crazy expression became sober in an instant. She lay on the ground, stretched her arms and crawled forward. Wanting to grab the queen mother's leg, she begged bitterly.

"Queen! You can't spare her! This woman is really too hateful! It's a heinous crime to actually cuckold me! It's not an exaggeration to cut her into pieces!"

The emperor stretched out his foot, kicked the queen directly on the head, and said angrily.

Xia Liang watched from the side, and couldn't help curling her lips, feeling that her forehead hurt a little, this emperor is also incompetent, but now he is starting to be ruthless.

Oh, why did you go early!

I'm such a demon concubine, I'm still sitting here, your majesty, you don't know.

In the end, the queen was executed. Although the emperor wanted to give her to Ling Chi, the fact that the mother of the country gave the emperor a cuckold cannot be announced to the world.

Therefore, the queen's crimes cannot be made public, and her death must be kept secret. In the end, a glass of poisoned wine let her go on the road.

After the queen died, even the maids and eunuchs of Fengqi Palace were not spared. The emperor, who was cuckolded, was immediately executed in a fit of rage!

In the palace, it became quite quiet all of a sudden, all the concubines didn't dare to come out to make a fuss, and those who could sleep in were nestled, and they didn't like to come out to make a fuss.

And Xia Liang, also because of the need to raise a baby, stayed out of the house again, only seeing Concubine Rong occasionally to chat.

"Sister, now that the queen has fallen, the forces behind the queen's family have also collapsed. You said, at such a good time, if I don't fight for the queen at this time, when will I fight?"

"You have no children, what are you fighting for?" Xia Liang said lazily.

"I don't have a child, but there is no shortage of children in this palace. I'll adopt one at will, or it will be over." When she said this, Concubine Rong's eyes were still on Xia Liang's belly, with a hint of hint.

"If you dare to think about my baby, all the alliances between us will be nullified! I will make your life worse than death!" Xia Liang narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Hehe..." Concubine Rong's heart trembled, she used a dry smile to cover up her embarrassment, smiled, and said,

"Sister, you are overthinking. Sister, I know how powerful you are, so how could I set your mind on you. I just envy you."

"Let's make a final deal." Xia Liang said, "I'll help you get rid of Concubine De. I don't care if you can take the position of queen. How?"

"Okay! Okay!" Concubine Rong quickly agreed and said, "As long as you help me get rid of Concubine De, I will keep you safe in this harem and give birth to your child safely."

"Although I don't believe your words." When Xia Liang said this, he paused and said with a smile, "However, I still thank you..."

Concubine Rong smiled, turned and left without saying anything in the end.


After a few months.

Concubine De was thrown into the cold palace, and Concubine Rong wanted to be the empress with all her heart, but the emperor had no intention of becoming an empress again.

However, no matter what, the biggest one in this harem is Concubine Rong.

Xia Liang's belly has become very big, like holding a ball, it looks quite scary, anyway, anyone who has seen Xia Liang's belly will wonder if there are two in it.

Xia Liang herself had doubts, but after repeated diagnosis by her and Wen Ren, it was confirmed that there was only one in her stomach!

The belly is so big, it's all because Xia Liang is too slender, she was pregnant in October, but she didn't get fat at all, looking from the back, she doesn't look like a pregnant person at all.

As the delivery approached, Wen Ren came more diligently. Every time I saw her belly, I felt a sense of trepidation. Watching her move around, I was worried that the baby would jump out of her belly.

"Master, walk slowly, ouch, I'm really going to be scared to death by you." Xiao Cui supported Xia Liang, walking with her while nagging.

"I'm so annoyed by you." After walking a few steps, Xia Liang was a little tired and became panting.

And at this time, the little guy in his belly also started to feel restless, and Xia Liang could feel his belly trembling.

"Let's rest for a while, I'm tired." After Xia Liang sat down, she rubbed her stomach, wondering if the baby in her stomach would be impatient and would jump out of her stomach.

Based on her experience, she guessed that her due date was just a few days away, but she was not quite sure, after all, she didn't have good medical equipment, so she couldn't be so accurate.

Just thinking about it, Wen Ren came.

"How is today? Are you tired?" Wenren didn't sit down when he retreated from the people around her, but squatted beside her, put his hand gently on her belly, and said with a smile,

"Every time I touched it before, my little baby would always move to welcome me, but this time it didn't move..."

However, before he finished speaking, Xia Liang's stomach moved, and Wenren's eyes revealed a touch of surprise, "Hehe, it moved, he is welcoming me."

Xia Liang just wanted to laugh at him for being a stupid father, but the next moment, she couldn't laugh anymore.

Because she is going to give birth!

In view of having had this kind of experience many times, Xia Liang was very calm. She put her hand on Wenren's shoulder, patted him, and said in a very calm tone,

"He wants to welcome you in a different way today."

"What method?" Wenren hadn't reacted yet.

"He's coming out." Xia Liang paused and said.

Wenren, "...!!!"