Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 166: My tyrant brother in the last days (end)


"Your ray of soul power is the medium to stay in this world. Now because of saving Xia Min, the power of soul has disappeared, so you can no longer stay. When I said the conditions for saving him, I thought you would understand. It's..." 9957 said, his tone a little uneasy.

"Then after I leave, there will be..."

"No more. After you leave, there will be no replica to replace you. This body will die completely." 9957 knew what she was going to ask, and before she could ask, he said for her .

Xia Liang felt a pain in his heart when he heard this, because he couldn't leave anything behind.

Gently caressing Xia Min's cheek, after a moment of silence, Xia Liang asked,

"Then...then can you erase his memory about me in the past few days?"

"Ah! Why? Liangliang, why do you want him to forget you!" 9957 shouted in surprise, "You...you..."

"When my brother died just now, I was in great pain. It was too painful. I don't want my brother to experience the same pain as me after waking up. Forget about me, forget about this relationship, and live without knowing anything. His best choice is to find someone to love in the future..." Xia Liang gently stroked Xia Min's cheek and said lightly.

At this moment, she seemed to have turned into that cold-hearted look again, ruthless, ignorant of love, just weighing rationally, making what she thought was the best choice for Xia Min—let him live without pain .

"Liangliang, you...you can't make this kind of decision for Xia Min, the memory belongs to him. He loves you so much, you erased his pain, and also erased his good memories along the way... What do you think? , if Xia Min found out, would he be willing! I think, you..." 9957 said angrily.

"9957, do as I say!" Xia Liang said coldly.

9957 was full of reluctance, and felt that Liangliang's idea was very wrong.

However, once Xia Liang gets tough, it can only obey.

9957 tried to invade Xia Min's brain and soul, looking for memories about Xia Liang, but after a while—

"Oh my god! Liang Liang!" 9957 shouted in surprise, "Xia Min, Xia Min, it turned out that he..."

"What's wrong?" Xia Liang asked anxiously.

"Liang Liang, do you still remember Ji Yue, Jun Wuqing, Bai Yao, Zhou Yan, Zhang Ze..." 9957 excitedly said several names.

"Remember." Xia Liang frowned and asked, "Ask them..."

"Liangliang, Xia Min is them!!" Before Xia Liang finished asking, 9957 shouted excitedly,

"I should have thought of it, oops, you're so stupid, I feel that from the moment you met Zhang Ze, the target of the strategy is always so powerful, oops, don't erase the memory this time, Xia Min actually knew… "

Xia Liang was very stunned and shocked by the news.

Countless pictures flashed quickly in Xia Liang's mind, the past, the relationship between each world, what they said, those things that she had deliberately forgotten or didn't pay attention to, all became clear.

No wonder!

No wonder when she got along with Xia Min, the sense of familiarity became stronger and stronger, and the feeling of peace and comfort was always with her, making it easy for her to accept Xia Min and feel sorry for him , would want to stay with him.

It turned out that he had invaded her side a long time ago, breaking her guard and coldness little by little, penetrating into her soul little by little, making her remember him, be familiar with him, get used to him...

After being shocked and enlightened, Xia Liang felt great joy in his heart. Does this mean that they can continue to meet each other in the future

"9957, why did this happen?" Xia Liang asked, "How did he do it? In the future, he will..."

"I'm not too sure," 9957 said with a hint of confusion in his voice, "They obviously don't have any previous memories in each life, so they should be different from you..."

"Will he still be around after that?" Xia Liang didn't care how he did it, she just wanted to know if he would disappear in the future.

"It will." 9957 said with certainty, "This guy is so powerful, he has followed several worlds for no reason, and he will disappear in the future."

Xia Liang nodded, leaned over and pressed a kiss on Xia Min's lips, then lay beside him, and said, "9957, let's go."

She looks forward to meeting him sooner in the next world.



Xia Min snorted and opened his eyes. After a moment of trance, he stood up suddenly, looked around, saw Xia Liang lying beside him, and immediately shouted in panic, "Liangliang!"

"She's dead." Zhou Yu's voice sounded from the side, "Your fatal wound has healed... I think she did it to save you..."

Xia Min held Xia Liang in his arms with trembling hands, lowered his head, and buried her neck. A tear fell from the corner of his eyes, and his body exuded heavy grief.

Grief, but not despair.

The memory of when he was on the verge of death is still there and has not disappeared, so this time he clearly knows that he will meet Liang Liang again next time.

It's just that he has to finish everything here and fulfill his responsibilities here before he can go to her.

Xia Min raised his head, looked at Zhou Yu, and said, "This world should have a new look."

Zhou Yu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Xia Min's state and tone at this time.

"This woman is still alive?" At this moment, He Nan's slightly surprised voice came.

"It's better not to die. Keep her, torture her, and use it for research." Xia Min hugged Xia Liang, and walked out, saying, "I don't want to waste time, and I don't want to stay here for too long, you hurry up A vaccine for the red haze virus has been developed."

One month later, the virus spread in an all-round way, spreading from country Z to the whole world, and 80% of the world's population turned into monsters, and the real end of the world came.

However, only half a year later, there was a shocking news from the Qinglong base. The virus vaccine has been successfully developed, and every human being can successfully unlock the gene lock, develop their own potential, complete evolution, and become a super human.

In the hopeless apocalypse, because of the birth of the vaccine, people see hope, and the monsters are no longer so scary, because there will always be a day when they will be cleaned up.

After two years.

Zhou Yu looked at Xia Min in front of him, as if looking at a lunatic, and said, "The savior of mankind, the monster killer, you actually choose to end your life and leave this world? Is there anything more absurd than this! "

Xia Min glanced at him indifferently, then turned his head, looked into the distance, and said, "New humans have risen, and the remaining monsters are nothing to fear. I have completed my mission. This world, I am nostalgic for." People are long gone. And, I've wasted a lot of time."

"To find her?" Zhou Yu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xia Min showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, put his hands on his chest, and replied, "Go find her."