Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 169: My dear majesty, please let go 3


In the early morning of the second day, in the palace.

"Boss, it's time to wake up His Majesty." A young father-in-law looked at the sky and reminded him in a low voice.

"En." Defu responded, then walked softly to the inner hall, stopped ten meters away from the dragon bed, and shouted cautiously,

"Your Majesty, it's time to get up."

After a while, the bed curtain moved, and was lifted from the inside. Bailijue stretched, got up from the bed, and said lazily, "Come in and serve me."

Hearing this order, Defu breathed a sigh of relief, and guessed in his heart that his Majesty should be in a good mood today, and he got up after yelling.

Well, good thing! Good thing!

Defu waved to the outside, several well-trained maids and eunuchs came in with washing things and clothes, lowered their heads, and stopped behind Defu, waiting for orders.

Bai Lijue walked over from the bed, and yawned involuntarily. She slept too late last night, so she was inevitably still a little sleepy.

Defu raised his head and looked at his handsome and monstrous Majesty, ready to seduce his eyes, but this look, it doesn't matter, he was startled immediately, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

"Early in the morning, what the hell is this? What are you screaming for?" Bai Lijue took a towel from the hand of the maid and wiped his face, then threw it away, glanced at his personal manager, and said impatiently.

"Your Majesty, forgive me! It's just...Your Majesty, your..." Telford hurriedly bowed to forgive, then raised his head again, looking cautious and hesitant to speak.

"Old man, look at your face, it's all wrinkled into a chrysanthemum." Bailijue said venomously after rinsing his mouth, "I can't serve you, so please ask me for leave, anyway, I'm tired of you, so I just change it Open your face and see."

"Oh! Your Majesty, the old slave is wrong! You must not change the old slave!" Defu looked bitter, and faced his Majesty's way of tossing others, he was simply not human, so If you have a deep understanding and experience, please beg for mercy.

"Okay! Tell me, what's the matter?" Baili Jue ordered, too lazy to listen to an old eunuch's fake crying, which was too harsh.

"Your Majesty, there are five bloodstains on your neck. You...you were injured by someone?! This old slave doesn't even know, and you deserve death." Defu said nervously, " This mark looks quite deep, but you need to apply the medicine quickly!"

Bailijue touched his neck and found that it was no longer smooth, but slightly raised. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "Obviously?"

Telford nodded vigorously, it was too obvious! As long as you look up, you can see it, and it also gives people a feeling of claws and teeth.

"Bring a mirror." Baili Jue ordered.

Immediately, a court lady walked over with her head bowed and a bronze mirror in her hand.

Bailijue tilted his head, looked at the five eye-catching 'paw prints' on his neck, hooked the corner of his mouth, and clicked his tongue lightly, "What a little wild cat! The claws are sharp enough."

"Ah?" Defu said with a confused face, "Your Majesty, there are no cats in our palace."

"Outside the palace." Baili Jue replied casually, still looking at his wound.

"Oh! Your Majesty, this was caught by a wild cat, but you must let the imperial doctor take a look! How dirty the wild cat's paws must be, how could your majesty be so careless!" Defu took it seriously, and suddenly became worried Said.

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ordered the little eunuch outside to invite the imperial physician as soon as possible.

"Get out of here!" Bailijue scolded angrily, "Did I say I want to see the imperial doctor?! This little wild cat is so clean, I don't need to look at it. All right, get me a high-necked dress to cover it up. Just cover it up and it's over."

Seeing his majesty swearing, Defu didn't dare to say anything. While ordering the little eunuch to dress up and change his majesty's clothes, he wondered in his heart, when did his majesty become interested in raising cats, and keep them outside the palace!

His majesty's temperament is really becoming more and more elusive.


When the morning court was over, Bai Lijue returned to the Imperial Study Room, and was about to bow his head to review the memorial, but felt that his neck was a little tight and restrained, so he couldn't help but tugged on his collar, and inevitably touched the scar on his neck again.

Squinting his eyes, Baili Jue couldn't help but think of the cold little wild cat last night, and suddenly became interested.

"Go and call Lou Feng to me." Baili Jue ordered outside.

"Yes." Someone outside promised in a low voice.

Before Bailijue finished reading the two memorials, Lou Feng arrived.

Bai Lijue dropped the memorial in his hand, leaned back, and said lazily, "The woman who ordered you to investigate yesterday, has her identity been found?"

"Your Majesty, I've found it. I've sorted out all the materials, please have a look." Lou Feng respectfully took out a memorial from his pocket, offered it with both hands, and placed it on the desk.

Knowing His Majesty's temperament, Lou Feng was already prepared.

Bailijue leaned over to take it, and after seeing it for the first time, he raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, "Is she Xia Yuanzheng's daughter?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lou Feng replied.

Last night, when he followed her back to the Shangshu Mansion, that is, the Xia Mansion, he was very surprised. When he found out her identity, his surprise expanded a bit.

Bai Lijue continued to look down, read her name, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Well, Xia Liang, she has a personality quite similar to hers. But, Liang Liang? Why does it sound like a lady! Xia Yuan It's just this old guy who wants her daughter to enter the palace so much, this Sima Zhao's heart, tsk tsk..."

Lou Feng, who was kneeling on the ground, heard his Majesty talking to himself, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said to himself, he has a childhood sweetheart cousin, the kind who immediately talks about marriage, how can he want to enter the palace...

Your Majesty, you really think too much!

Next, there are some major events and major interpersonal relationships in Xia Liang's life.

For example, when was he born, what is his temperament, who is the nanny, who is the maid around him, how old can he run, how old can he change his teeth, how old is his menstruation, naturally this little cousin of childhood sweetheart is also highlighted.

Bai Lijue frowned slightly when he saw the news about his little cousin, but he didn't know where this displeasure came from.

It seems that there is a feeling that something that I admire is being robbed by others.

After closing the memorial, Bai Lijue tossed it aside, and asked, "She is good at martial arts, why is there no record of her learning Kung Fu here? Also, it said that she was timid and timid, and behaved well? What are you doing?" Investigating?! How did I see that it was a calm and indifferent little wild cat with sharp claws?!"

"I got this information from the maids in her mansion. There should be nothing wrong with it. However, it is said that this Miss Xia has become much colder since she fell ill with a serious illness two months ago." Lou Feng quickly replied,

"It's just a matter of kung fu. Your majesty forgives me. I didn't find any information."

"Then why was she in Xiannvfang yesterday?" Bailijue frowned, tapped his fingers on the table, and asked in a cold voice.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty! This... This subordinate has not found out. Please give this subordinate another day." Lou Feng begged.

"En." Baili Jue replied, thought for a while, and then said, "Send someone to guard at the Shangshu Mansion, and record all her every move for me. No omissions are allowed."

"Yes." Lou Feng bowed his head in agreement.