Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 186: My dear majesty, please let go 17


It seems that my brother has already looked for his father, and even made everything clear so that his father can work for him with peace of mind.

Although Xia Liang didn't worry about her father when she knew that her brother was His Majesty, she was still surprised that this task was judged to be completed so quickly.

Obviously, this matter of buying and selling weapons involves collaborating with the enemy and treason, and it has not been actually resolved, but the system has judged her to be done after her brother did not know what to do.

What 9957 said is right, every time before her task was so easy to complete, most of the reason is because her brother has done most of the things for her.

It turns out that her brother is her biggest golden finger! !

You have to do something for him no matter what.

Thinking like this, Xia Liang said to 9957, "Do you have any books like "Heavenly Creation", "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and "Qi Men Dun Jia"?"

"Yes! But, Liangliang, it's impossible for you to want a physical book. You don't have points now. You can only read the electronic version." 9957 said.

"Then the electronic version, I'll copy it down by hand." Xia Liang said.

"Liangliang, those books add up to millions of words, you have to copy them down?!" 9957 asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Give it to brother. He will need it." Xia Liang nodded and said lightly.

Just do what you say, Xia Liang spread out the paper, sharpened the ink, and besides eating, he just nestled in the room and copied, and he didn't even take a step out of the door.

It's just that at the end of the day, my tired wrists are sore, and I only wrote dozens of pages.

Because of this matter, Xia Liang naturally forgot about asking for some love letters to Bai Lijue every day.

The main reason is that Xia Liang felt that the love letter would not get a response, and the effect was not good. After thinking about it, he felt that it was better to use something practical, something useful to his brother in governing the country and people's livelihood.


At night, Bai Lijue looked at the things presented by the dark guards, and saw a simple sentence written on it, "After Miss Xia paid her respects to Mrs. Wang, she hasn't stepped out of the room for a day."

Bai Lijue looked at this simple sentence, and asked a little angrily, "How did you monitor it? You haven't gone out all day, and what is she doing in the room, won't you figure it out?!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me." The hidden guard hurriedly begged for mercy, and said, "We dare not peep into Miss Xia's boudoir. If Your Majesty wants to know clearly, his subordinates will keep staring at Miss Xia."

"How dare you!" Bailijue immediately became angry when he heard this, "If there is no accident, you are not allowed to step into her boudoir, and you are not allowed to peep!"

That's his Xia Liang, how can he let other men stare at him all the time, if this kind of thing happens, he can't help but kill people.

"Your subordinate obeys!" The hidden guard replied hastily.

Bailijue was silent for a while, seeing that the dark guard hadn't brought out any new things, he couldn't help sullenly, and asked, "No letter today?!"

The hidden guard also suffered a lot, and when he heard His Majesty's chilly voice, he said, "Miss Xia didn't write a letter to her subordinates today, and she didn't have anything else."

"No?! No, you wouldn't ask her for it! Waste!" Bailijue yelled again uncontrollably, and felt a little ashamed for a moment after he finished speaking.

He didn't want her letters. Even if those obscene words were written, if they were shown to me, they would still stain my eyes! snort!

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I will remember this, and next time I must ask Miss Xia for it." The hidden guard said hastily.

"What do you want?! Don't want it! She won't write it if she doesn't write it, because she thinks I'm really rare! If you really ask her for it, I'll kill you!" Baili Jue yelled again.

"Yes... yes, I dare not, absolutely dare not ask for a letter from Miss Xia." The hidden guard really wanted to cry at this time, why is His Majesty so unpredictable.

Do you want it or not? !

"Get off, get off, get off," Baili Jue said with a dark face, upset and irritable.

After the hidden guard went down, Bai Lijue gritted his teeth and paced back and forth in the bedroom, okay, Xia Liang, you offended me yesterday, and today you don't even have any letters.

I'm so pissed off! ! !

You keep saying that you like me, that you want to pursue me, and that you want me to trust you, but now, besides driving me crazy, you don't even write letters!

Xia Liang, Xia Liang, you forced me so much, I forgive you in my heart, why don't you hurry up and write a letter, beg me for mercy, apologize to me, and let me see you quickly.

In Bai Lijue's heart, not to mention how depressed he was, he couldn't help rushing in front of her now, pointing at her and questioning why she didn't write him a letter.

However, I feel that this is really embarrassing! What is his face! He is not rare!

Lying on the bed angrily, Bai Lijue tossed and turned unable to sleep, sat up a little irritatedly, opened the dark cabinet next to the bed, and took out the letters that Xia Liang wrote to him a few days ago.

There is no need to read it at all, Bai Lijue can memorize what is written on it, and even the scenes in it have been thought of in his mind for many times.

However, there are no new letters now, so Bai Lijue can only take these to read, which can be regarded as a form of comfort.

However, this consolation didn't have any effect at all, instead it made Bailijue more and more furious. This anger, passion, and anger all rushed towards him, tsk tsk, this taste is absolutely sour. !

No matter how arrogant you are, no matter how duplicity you say, or no confession, I will suffocate you to death!

... ... ...

In the past two days, Defu found that the anger in His Majesty's heart was getting stronger and stronger, and he kept a handsome face every day without saying anything, and his temper was as violent as thunder.

However, Defu couldn't figure out how the fire came about, and couldn't find the reason, so he could only be careful with him.

Those eunuchs and maids serving Bai Lijue wished that they were transparent these days and acted lightly and cautiously, fearing that if they were not careful, they would offend His Majesty, suffer His Majesty's wrath, and suffer a lot of tossing.

Actually, the one who suffers the most, the one who wants to cry the most, and the one who fears the most is the secret guard who comes to report Xia Liang's news to Bailijue every day.

In the past two days, Miss Xia didn't know what she was doing in her room, and she didn't leave the house all day. Even if they wanted to write about Miss Xia's daily life, they couldn't find anything to write about. It was really frustrating. personal!

His Majesty looked at him with colder and colder eyes, especially when he said that Miss Xia didn't let him carry anything, it was so cold that it could freeze to the point where the knife could cut him to death!