Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 212: Hey, ruffian at the same table!


"That's right! I just want to tell you about this. From tomorrow on, I will work hard and start studying, so my World of Heroes account can't be played, and I can't play dungeons with you!" Li Hao said Later, there was a little apology in his tone.

"Tsk tsk! I understand, it's for love! I don't blame you." Lu Yang stretched out his hand, patted his shoulder, and said.

Li Hao hadn't been touched for a second, and he said again, "However, you think too much about your own face. Every time you play a dungeon, it's not just that I focus on killing monsters, you also Just help me recover some blood, I am a lone assassin, what use is it for you to say that I want you as a nanny?! Why don’t you look at you poorly, take you to fight monsters and upgrade, and help you brush up your equipment.”

Li Hao thought for a while, but he was speechless, as if he was the one who was taken all along. As for the treatment he gave to Lu Yang during the dungeon, it was indeed dispensable.

Without his treatment, Lu Yang could still rely on precise positioning and subtle calculations to snatch monsters and kill people. Even if an angry person vomits blood, he couldn't attack him.

However, thinking so, Li Hao still raised his middle finger at Lu Yang, expressing his indignation and contempt.

"Lend me some money, I'll take a taxi home. The money in my wallet was robbed by those people!" Lu Yang said.

"I knew this was the case, so I prepared everything for you." Li Hao took out a hundred bucks from his trouser pocket and threw it into his hands.

Lu Yang took it over, put a hundred dollars into his pocket, thought about what happened just now, and asked, "Is there someone named Xia Liang in our class?"

"Xia Liang?" Li Hao also thought about it, and said, "Yes. I just transferred from another school two days ago. A little transparent, basically never talked. Why did you ask her?"

"Why don't I have any impression?!" Lu Yang frowned and said.

"Our class has not been divided into classes since the first year of high school. This group of students has been here for almost two years. Do you think you remember all the names of our class?!" Li Hao Said contemptuously.

"We met outside, can you know which one is from our class?"

"Tsk! Why should I remember such a troublesome thing." Lu Yang frowned impatiently, and waved when he saw an empty taxi coming up ahead.

"I'll go back first." Opening the car door, Lu Yang waved at Li Hao and said.

"Wait! It's your uncle. I have to go home, take me home first, and let the master take you home." Li Hao was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he also came here as a taxi.

Let him take the bus to go home again, how stupid/crazy he is!

... ... ...

When he returned to his apartment, Lu Yang first took out his broken mobile phone, took out the SIM card inside, went to his bedroom, opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took out a new mobile phone from it.

In this drawer, there are three or four unused mobile phones. This is because every time his father gives him a gift, he never buys anything else, and always chooses the latest mobile phone.

Never changed.

Looking at several unpacked mobile phones inside, Lu Yang frowned, hooked the corners of his mouth, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

After he installed the card, he turned on the phone, waited for a while, and found that there were several text message notifications for missed calls. When he clicked on it, it was all from his mother.

Lying on his back on the bed, Lu Yang dialed the phone back, but he didn't expect his mother, a busy person, to receive the call.


"Lu Yang, you bastard, why don't you answer the phone? Do you know that I'm going to scare my mother to death!" The phone was connected immediately, and an angry soprano voice came from inside.

"Mom, listening to your voice, it's obviously still a long way from being scared to death." Lu Yang turned over, smiled, and said.

"Stinky boy, you know how to talk to me every day!" Tang Man reprimanded with a smile, and then said, "I called the aunt who cooked, and she said that you haven't come home just now, what did you do?!"

"I have something to do, I'm late." Lu Yang said lightly.

"You have been asked to come to the United States together for a long time! You insist on staying in the country alone, and your father and I worry every day whether something will happen to you alone. You say you, why are you so stubborn!" Tang Man endured He couldn't stop nagging.

"You are in the country, and you are so busy that you can't see the end. If I want to see you, I have to notify your secretary in advance and make a report to apply. What's the difference?!" Lu Yang said with a twitch.

Tang Man was silent for a while, then said, "Yangyang, Mom and Dad are sorry for you, we are too busy to care about you too little."

"Stop! Stop!" Lu Yang jumped off the bed, the pain in his feet made him grin, paused, and then walked out of the bedroom with his mobile phone, saying,

"You and Dad didn't forgive me. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. Besides, you never abused me, and you gave me food and clothing. There is no shortage of money. You have done a good job. It's okay, mom How old are you, and still sensational! This kind of little sister thing really doesn't suit you at all. "

"You brat, how dare you despise your mother and me!" Tang Man laughed and cursed again. At this moment, Lu Yang heard someone shouting on the phone, and knew that the call should end.

"Hey. You are fine. Mom is going to a meeting. I will call you tomorrow. Rest early and don't be too tired from studying." Tang Man hung up the phone in a hurry while talking.

Obviously, this phone call was made out of time.

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders, got used to it, threw away his phone, went to the kitchen, saw the food made by his aunt, reheated it casually, and ate it.

After eating, Lu Yang came to the study, picked up the game helmet, and prepared to go up to do some daily tasks.

The game that Lu Yang played was called "World of Heroes". It was an online game with a western fantasy background. It was very popular and became popular all over the world.

The profession he played in it was an assassin, and now he has reached the full level, and even ranks first in the official PK God of War list, that's how awesome it is.

However, when he plays games, he doesn't seem to like to play gangs or form groups with people. He prefers to kill monsters and do tasks by himself. He has always been alone, so he became an assassin when choosing a career. .

A career that made him fall in love and was completely designed for him.

Assassination, stealth, backstab ambush, wandering in the dark and crowds, harvesting life with the dagger in hand, completing the final blow to the boss, and snatching equipment are his favorite things to do.

Knowing that he is number one on the PK God of War list, except for his buddy Li Hao, no one knows. He doesn't like to show off, and he hates being too much attention from others.