Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 233: Hey, ruffian at the same table! (plus more)


"Just now when you went out, what did you encounter?" Lu Yang put down the pen in his hand, turned around, and prepared to have a good talk with her.

However, before Xia Liang could reply, he heard a boy in the same class calling Lu Yang's name.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang raised his head, looked at the man with glasses, and asked.

"This, a beautiful woman asked me to give it to you just now." The man with glasses handed a letter and chocolates to Lu Yang, winked at him, and said with a smile,

"You boy, you have a lot of good fortune, and the other party is a famous beauty in the school!"

Lu Yang looked at these things, frowned, with boredom and impatience in his eyes, and said, "Take it away and return it to her. I'll just pretend it's nothing."

"Hey. I don't want to be the middleman. If you don't want it, return it yourself." The man with glasses put the things on Lu Yang's bookshelf, and said again,

"Just now the other party said that she originally wanted your tablemate to help you with the things, but she refused."

After saying this sentence, the man with glasses glanced at the expressionless Xia Liang next to him, shrugged his shoulders, and left.

Tsk. Here, there is probably something wrong, so he should not participate.

Alas, such a thing of multiple love affairs and complicated emotional entanglements, it is estimated that he will never be found in him in this life, who is so frustrating that he can't attract girls.

Lu Yang finished working again, looked at the things on the desk, raised his eyebrows, and asked Xia Liang, "Is this what happened to you when you went out just now?"

"Yeah. She wants to chase you." Xia Liang said, "Write a love letter and give you chocolates."

"Tsk. I used to give this stuff to me a lot. If you really care about it, don't you want to hold the vinegar bucket every day and never let go?!" Lu Yang said with a twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"This time, I haven't written you a love letter yet." Xia Liang looked at the pink letter, frowned, and said.


When Lu Yang heard this, he reacted for a second, and said a little speechlessly, "It's not the same with your jealousy! Do you feel that you have been overtaken by others?!"

Xia Liang looked at him, pointed to the letter again, and said, "It's a bit of an eyesore."

"Throw it away if it's an eyesore." Lu Yang said, holding the letter in his hand, without reading it, then crumpled it into a ball, threw his hand outward, and threw it out of the building through the open back door. .

"Look, this is not resolved. What a big deal!" Lu Yang shrugged, and then threw the box of chocolates to the front tables for other students.

Seeing that he had solved everything, Xia Liang didn't take it to heart, so she took out a set of exercises and started to find problems for Lu Yang to do.

"Hey, your jealousy is quite small. You didn't make any unreasonable troubles, and you made a lot of noise. It's not bad, keep it up." Seeing that Xia Liang was very calm, Lu Yang praised him.

"Is there any reward?" Xia Liang turned her head and asked expectantly.

"There must be a reward, so there must be one." Lu Yang raised the corner of his mouth, taking advantage of people not paying attention, he pulled her little hand over, put it into his clothes, and said in a low voice,

"The reward is to let you touch my abs, how about it?"

"I like it." Xia Liang walked back and forth on Lu Yang's abdominal muscles with her slightly cool hands, pinching and kneading for a while.

And when she was doing such sex, sex, she still maintained a deadpan face with the other hand, opened the exercise set, and began to look at it solemnly.

"Just put it on top, don't move." Lu Yang felt the movement of her little hand, stretched out his left hand to hold her hand to prevent her from moving, picked up the pen with his right hand, and continued to answer the arithmetic sequence problem just now. .

Strong skills and concentration are cultivated in this way.

However, the self-study class just started, and after a while—

"Lu Yang, come out for me!!"

Holding a pink ball of paper in his hand, the dean walked into the classroom angrily, and shouted at Lu Yang.

The whole class was startled, they all looked up and turned around, looking at the last row of the classroom, all kinds of doubts flashed in their hearts.

Tsk, the director is so angry, what did Lu Yang do? !

Lu Yang and Xia Liang raised their heads at the same time and looked at the teaching director. Xia Liang took his hand from Lu Yang's body and frowned.

Lu Yang stood up, walked slowly to the teaching director, and asked, "Director, what's the matter?"

"Come outside with me!" The director stared at Lu Yang with a livid face, seeing that his attitude was not correct at all, but a little sloppy on the contrary, he couldn't help but feel even more angry.

Lu Yang followed the angry director out of the classroom. When he walked to the door of the classroom, he turned his head and saw Xia Liang was looking at him, so he gave her a reassuring look.

"What's going on here?! The school doesn't allow dating. You're already in the third year of high school. Do you know that?! Instead of focusing on your studies, you actually fell in love with me. Do you want to invite your parents!" said the dean Holding the pink letter in his hand, he asked very angrily.


Lu Yang looked at the letter and cursed in his heart. He didn't expect that he would throw it away casually, but the dean would pick it up!

How bad is this!

"Director, I'm not in a relationship. I'm an innocent boy, and I'm devoted to my studies. Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask our head teacher." Lu Yang said lazily.

"Not dating? Then what happened to this letter?! Ah?! Who wrote it to you?!" the director asked aggressively.

"I haven't even read this letter, how do I know who wrote it?" Lu Yang shrugged innocently, sneered, and said,

"Director, think about it, these days, when everyone is using WeChat, who still writes love letters?! This person must be so frustrated that he can do such a thing as writing a love letter. This is definitely a prank."

When the dean heard this, he frowned, and asked again, "You really haven't fallen in love?! I don't know who wrote this letter, but it has your name on it?!"

"Director, I really don't know. This letter was definitely written because someone had trouble with me, and I had to torment me!" Lu Yang said righteously,

"If you let me know who it is, I will be the first to report it to the director. This kind of unfriendly behavior to classmates must be severely punished!"

"Okay, you can go back first. It's already the third year of high school, study hard and don't mess with things." Seeing that Lu Yang couldn't get the question out of his mouth, the dean waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Director." Lu Yang replied solemnly, "I will definitely study hard."

Seeing Lu Yang returned to the classroom, the dean also turned and left.

Neither of them saw it, but a red figure was hiding at the corner of the corridor, who heard the conversation just now clearly.