Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 26: Slap the Supreme Fairy 5


This woman, appearing here, is actually here to restrain herself!

If not, the heart lake that has been silent for nearly a hundred years would actually cause waves because of her words!

Of course I was angry!

"Can I see the restrictions on you?" Xia Liang said, "I'm not here to chat! I'm here to rescue you."

"I don't need you to save me." Jun Wuqing calmed down his 'turbulent mood' and said lightly.

"Yes. I know." Xia Liang nodded.

According to the plot, Jun Wuqing can escape from here after falling into immortality and cultivating demons, so naturally she doesn't need to save him.

It's just that she has to save him now, it seems a bit difficult? !

"Since you know, why are you here?" Jun Wuqing felt a little interested when he heard her answer, so he asked.

It has been more than two hundred years, and there has not been such a person who has the desire to talk to him!

At this time, there was one suddenly, so it was inevitable to say a few more words, after all, life is really boring and boring!

Maybe it's just because he can't understand her thoughts.

Things or people that you can't see through, naturally you have to pay more attention to someone like him who has a strong desire to control.

Xia Liang thought for a while, but didn't open her mouth. Instead, she asked a series of questions, "Do you care that your sect is destroyed? Are your senior brothers and disciples arrested? Do you care that they are tortured because of you? Will you die because of this?" Do you feel resentful?"

"Why should you care? Why should you hate? As you said, the only reason they suffer is because they are too weak, so no one else is to blame."

Jun Wuqing said indifferently, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it was surprisingly suitable for his god-like handsome face, as if he should be like this!

Obviously he should be a decent person with the world in mind, the leader of the immortal king, what he has to do is to take up the responsibility of the sect and protect the disciples in the sect, he himself should be the embodiment of 'truth, goodness and beauty'!

Moreover, the evaluation of him from outside, and the respect and admiration of those disciples to him, all show this point!

However, what he said at this time was really indifferent! It seems that human life is worthless, so don't take it to heart!

His smile is so evil, how can there be a trace of kindness in his heart to save all living beings? !

What 'truth, goodness and beauty' has nothing to do with him!

If the person sitting across from him is not Xia Liang, but anyone, when he hears Jun Wuqing's words and sees the smile on his face, he will definitely turn pale with shock, and will think that he is crazy or that he is crazy. Hearing such words, seeing such a smile, such a him!

However, Xia Liang accepted his words as a matter of course, and nodded to express her approval, but her beautiful eyebrows were furrowed, revealing a trace of trouble.

Seeing her expression, Jun Wuqing thought she was dissatisfied with his words, or blamed himself for being hard-hearted, or disappointed in the real him he saw.

Thinking like this, a trace of disappointment flashed across Jun Wuqing's eyes!


I thought it would be an interesting and different person!

Otherwise, he would not tear off his 'holy and kind' disguise, reveal his true 'black heart', and speak out his true thoughts, it seems that he is just a mediocre person!

Jun Wuqing was about to close his eyes again and ignore Xia Liang, but at this time Xia Liang's brows were stretched, and the brows and eyes were filled with joy again!

The joys and sorrows, the sorrows and the joys, changed in an instant, but Xia Liang's whole face was still in a state of facial paralysis, only a trace of emotion was revealed between her eyebrows and eyes!

Seeing her like this, Jun Wuqing's heart was aroused a little interest again, as if being scratched by a kitten's paw, it was itchy, and some wanted to know what she was thinking.

It seems that it is not that boring!

"Are you thinking whether my nature is good or bad? Are you thinking that I am duplicity and hypocrisy, and I am not worthy of being the leader of a fairy?" Jun Wuqing said slowly in his cold voice. common inductive rhetoric.

At the same time, he leaned forward and slowly approached Xia Liang, and soon his handsome face stopped less than two centimeters away from Xia Liang, and between his breaths, all the scorching breath sprayed on Xia Liang's face superior.

It's hot and itchy...

Xia Liang shrank back instinctively, pulling away the distance from him. Beautiful things are always charming, even Xia Liang, whose heart is as cold as a stone, feels that this heart is completely out of the body's instinctive stress response , some heart beats faster!

Originally thought it was a bright white moon, but how could he know that this person is actually a black-bellied and heartless evildoer! !

"Tell me? I'm here to listen." Jun Wuqing noticed her slight embarrassment, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he leaned against the wall again and asked.

"I don't care about your nature." Xia Liang said, "Whether it is good or bad, it has nothing to do with me. As long as you are Jun Wuqing."

When Jun Wuqing heard a sentence, there was a flash of interest in his eyes, but when he heard Xia Liang's last sentence, his whole body was shocked, a gleam shot out from his eyes, and for the first time, there was a trace of interest in Jun Wuqing's eyes when he looked at Xia Liang. serious.

However, Xia Liang was lowering her head at this time, so naturally she didn't see the change in Jun Wuqing's expression. Even if she saw it, she might not be able to tell it apart for a while with her EQ!

Xia Liang is very distressed now. Although she is extremely smart, she is extremely innocent. At this time, she is organizing her words, trying to persuade Jun Wuqing to help her kill Xia Yu.

However, this matter is very difficult for her!

Because she has no bargaining chips in her hand, Xia Liang knows very well that lying can't fool Jun Wuqing at all, because he himself is a lie-like existence, and those sharp eyes can see through all falsehoods!

Instinctively, Xia Liang felt that if she spoke her true thoughts, there might be a chance!

Xia Liang squeezed her fingers, and tried to say, "I want to rescue you and your disciples, and use this as a condition, in exchange for you to help me kill Xia Yu. I know you don't need my Help, but you don't care about their life or death, which makes me unable to think of a reason how to persuade you to help me. I have some troubles."

Hearing this, the interest in Jun Wuqing's eyes became more and more intense, and he asked, "Then why are you happy?"

Xia Liang was taken aback by his question, thought for a while, and then said, "If you have no hatred in your heart, you shouldn't fall into immortality and cultivate demons. I think it's very good, so I'm a little happy."

When Jun Wuqing heard this, her hand by her side trembled. How could she know the idea of cultivating demons hidden in her heart? !

Then, there was a long silence...

Jun Wuqing looked at her, and said without thinking, "Reasons and conditions, in fact, you can ask me."

When Xia Liang heard what he said, she suddenly realized, her eyes lit up suddenly, she looked at him eagerly and sincerely, and said, "Thank you. Then please tell me, how can I get you to help me?"

Looking at such bright eyes, Jun Wuqing once again had a ripple in his heart, but this time, he was not angry, but cute!