Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 914: Hey murderer, hello 1


In a residential building in Yuanshun Community, Shuyuan Road, Huaihai City.

Zhan Hai frowned in pain. The severe pain came from the back of his head, which made him groan in pain the moment he woke up.

However, the next moment, when Zhan Hai opened his eyes and looked around, Zhan Hai's face changed drastically, his pupils shrank sharply, and there were all kinds of doubts inside, and the panic flashed by!

Doctor Qin's family was killed!

On the ground not far away, lay the body of Doctor Qin, thick blood flowed all over the ground, and on the sofa not far from Doctor Qin, lay the body of his wife.

Mrs. Qin was naked, her pupils were wide open, her face was ferocious and terrifying, her skin was covered with bruises, it was obvious that she had been abused!

What's more cruel is that even the six-year-old girl was not spared by the murderer.

She was placed in the corner of the wall, with her back against the wall, her head drooping at a strange, impossible angle for normal people, and her neck was obviously twisted.

At this moment, she is like a damaged doll, covered in blood, with disheveled hair, wide-open eyes, and a trace of bright red blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. It looks very scary!

In the room, there were not many fights or traces of struggles, sporadic blood splattered everywhere, on the wall, on the ground, on the coffee table...

There is blood, cruelty, and violence everywhere.

Zhan Hai was a veteran, moreover, he was the kind of veteran who had actually been on the battlefield and fought in the hail of bullets.

He has seen too many corpses, more bloody, cruel, and violent things than now, and he has experienced more, so, after a moment of surprise, he quickly regained his composure.

The first doubt that jumped into his mind was, why did the murderer let him go? !

When he saw the fruit knife in his hand, Zhan Hai instantly understood——


The other party, who spared his life, wanted him to take the blame and make him a scapegoat! !

After realizing this, Zhan Hai's face only became a bit ugly, and he was far from panicked, let alone fled from this cruel murder scene immediately without panic.

He wanted to take a closer look. Why did the other party think that he could be blamed for this murder? !

Enduring the severe pain in the back of his head, Zhan Hai stood up from the ground, dropped the fruit knife in his hand, walked to Doctor Qin's body, and examined it carefully.

The hands and feet were broken, and there was a knife in the throat, which must have been a fatal injury. Zhan Hai's face became more and more ugly when he saw this. He could tell that the person who did it was not an ordinary person at all.

He, even, like himself, has been specially trained to kill! !

It really is very appropriate to pick myself to be the blame for this. Could it be that this person has planned for a long time, and specifically picked this day.

Zhan Hai understood that he had to leave immediately, everything here was really not good for him.

However, before leaving, he wanted to destroy Dr. Qin's medical records, and not let others know that he had been here.

Just when Zhan Hai turned to the study and was flipping through the records—

boom! !

The door was knocked open suddenly, and several police officers with guns rushed in together.

"Don't move!! Get down! Or we'll shoot you!"

Zhan Hai's heart sank, knowing that he could not escape, he had no choice but to put down the record, squatted down obediently, and did not make unnecessary resistance.

"Damn! I finally caught you, a murderer!"

When being handcuffed, a policeman was very angry and said cursingly, "Bastard!! You can be so cruel to a six-year-old girl!"

"I'm not a murderer." Zhan Hai explained calmly, without shouting, let alone getting excited.

"Here, you'd better wait and tell the judge! Now that the evidence is convincing, we can formally prosecute you!" Another police officer came over with the murderous knife and gave him a cold look.

"take away!!"

... ... ...

Two days later, Mingxin Law Firm.

"Xia Liang, come in." Lawyer Chen opened the door of the office and waved to Xia Liang.

"Is there a case?" Xia Liang entered the office, sat down, and asked straight to the point.

"Well. There is a very tricky case. You must have heard about that murderous maniac, right?" Attorney Chen took out a file and handed it to Xia Liang.

"En." Xia Liang nodded lightly, lowered his head, opened the file, and looked at the information on it.

"This case will be accepted in court one month later. The criminal suspect has never admitted his crime. Many lawyers are unwilling to be this defense lawyer. In the end, it fell on us. I want to make this case , please give it to you."

When Lawyer Chen said this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, because he also knew that this was obviously something that some strong people made difficult.

After all, Xia Liang has other cases on hand.

However, his firm really couldn't find a more suitable candidate than Xia Liang.

Xia Liang didn't answer immediately, but carefully read the file from beginning to end, "I'll accept this case! I'll go to the detention center now to see him."

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work. If you need any help in collecting materials later, feel free to ask." Lawyer Chen said with a smile.

He just appreciates Xia Liang's vigorous and resolute style, which is decisive, crisp, and neat, which makes people like it.

"Thank you." Xia Liang smiled at him faintly, turned and walked out.


Two hours later, the detention center.

"Zhan Hai, come out, your defense lawyer wants to see you." The police officer opened the door and said to the people inside.

Zhan Hai stood up calmly, followed him, and walked to the reception room.

Xia Liang was sitting there, flipping through the materials carelessly, when she heard the sound of fetters, she raised her head.

Looking at it, the emotions are instantly turbulent, surging to the extreme, the waves in my heart are churning one after another...


She just knew that, in terms of current urgency, she is a lawyer, and her family's status as a celebrity is no better than a Jedi? !

Tsk, it turned out to be a murderer.

A lawyer and a murderer are a perfect match!

"Hello, I want to have a private talk with my client, is that okay?" Xia Liang controlled her emotions, raised her head, and said politely to the police officer with a smile.

"You have half an hour, hurry up." After a warning from the police officer, he walked out of the room and closed the door.

"You are very handsome and fresh..." After Zhan Hai sat down, Xia Liang looked him over from beginning to end, and said with a smile.

Zhan Hai was puzzled, "...do I know you?"