Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 916: Hey murderer, hello 3


After Xia Liang left the detention center, she contacted the police and accompanied her to the crime scene without stopping.

She must find the water cup where Zhan Hai took sleeping pills.

This point is definitely a strong push to the evidence.

Walking into the community, Xia Liang saw the residents downstairs at the scene of the murder, and a group of reporters doing interviews.

Xia Liang stopped and stood outside the crowd to listen, but the more she listened, the uglier her face became.

The policeman who was interviewed said with certainty that Zhan Hai was the murderer!

What's more, it doesn't look like he is playing bureaucracy again, but he is creating this kind of pressure and creating this kind of public opinion.

I believe that as long as everyone believes that Zhan Hai is the murderer, they will not continue to investigate in detail. At that time, even if Zhan Hai is not the real murderer, he must bear the blame.

Xia Liang narrowed her eyes slightly, wishing she had thought more.

However, some policemen, for the sake of performance and promotion, will never investigate further in this situation of getting stolen goods, but will quickly close the case.

However, as long as she is there, she will definitely not let Wenren be wronged, and she will definitely bail him out regardless of how these policemen act as monsters.


After the reporters dispersed, Xia Liang stepped forward, showed his ID, and said politely,

"Hi, I'm Xia Liang, Zhan Hai's representative lawyer. I want to come and see the scene in person, do you mind?"

"Oh...don't mind. My surname is Liu, you come up with me." Officer Liu glanced at his ID, then at Xia Liang, a strange look flashed in his eyes,

"Lawyer Xia, this kind of murderous maniac, you still act as his defense lawyer, is it a lot of psychological pressure?! If it were me, I wouldn't come to collect evidence for him, and I would send him to prison with my own hands. Let the judge sentence him to death."

When Xia Liang heard this, a coldness flashed in his eyes, but the corner of his mouth smiled,

"As lawyers, we also have our responsibilities. Since I am Zhan Hai's defense lawyer, I naturally believe that my client is innocent. I will defend him and bring justice to him!"

"All the murderous monsters say they are innocent! How can you trust the words of that kind of beast!" Officer Liu sneered, went upstairs, opened the door, and said,

"Lawyer Xia, be careful when you walk around the scene, and don't destroy anything."

"Yeah." Xia Liang replied coldly, really wanted to knock this Police Officer Liu unconscious, he listened and believed, and only wanted to solve the case, wanting to be a scum in the top position.

Xia Liang stood by the door, put on gloves, took out a pen and paper, and looked into the living room, from the east corner to the west corner, scanning inside and out several times. sent through.

At that time, the three deceased were all in the living room, and the staff of the forensic department had already made marks on the ground, roughly depicting the movements of the deceased's limbs at that time.

The original bloodstains had dried up, black and red, and looked a little disgusting. There were also bloodstains on the sofa, but not a lot.

Xia Liang stood still in front of the sofa, facing the position where the hostess died, then turned around, looked at the position where the hostess died at that time, touched his chin with his fingers, and couldn't help showing a bit of contemplation.

The male deceased, before he died, looked exactly at the position of the female deceased.

Xia Liang opened the file again, found the forensic autopsy report, and quickly found what she wanted.

If the hostess dies first, the hostess dies half to an hour later than the hostess.

Why is there more than half an hour, the male master is lying here, waiting to die? !

The report also stated that the male owner's wrists and ankles were broken, and there were a few minor knife wounds on his body, leaving only a little blood. It was not fatal, but the fatal wound was in the throat.

Look at that location again, there is a large area of dried blood, there is really enough blood.

The hostess is naked|naked, with bruises all over her body, obviously abused.

If the idea of this murderer is a little more perverted, then the following reasoning should be reasonable—

The murderer killed the hostess first, and then broke the hands and feet of the hostess so that he could not move, and abused his dead wife right in front of him.

Xia Liang recorded this reasoning.

She went out of the living room, walked to the room used for treatment, quickly ran to the trash can, rummaged through it, and found the paper cup that was squashed by Zhan Hai.

She took out a transparent paper bag and carefully put the cup into it.

"You can't touch this thing." Officer Liu came over, frowned when he saw her action, and immediately warned her.

"This is the paper cup my client used at the time. It is strong evidence. I want to take it back for testing. This is my duty." Xia Liang put away the things and said in a cold voice.

Officer Liu frowned, but said nothing.

After Xia Liang had seen the entire crime scene, she understood the situation well. She didn't delay or rest, and went directly to Zhan Hai's current temporary residence.

Because Zhan Hai is currently a major suspect, his residence is naturally controlled by the police.

Fortunately, Xia Liang is now a lawyer, so it is very convenient to enter.

Zhan Hai had just returned from the front line of the war a year ago. In this city, he had no relatives or relatives, so the house he rented was also a one-bedroom.

There are not too many things in the room, and all the furnishings are in order. One can tell that Zhan Hai is a very self-controlled and disciplined person.

Opening the closet, Xia Liang couldn't help smiling, there were very few clothes in it, only a few, and they were still the company's work clothes.

He is currently working as a security guard in a company. There is nothing special about his position. Security guards are what veterans do most of the time.

Opening his bedside table, there were several bottles of medicine inside, Xia Liang picked it up and looked at it, frowned, and found that they were all antipsychotic drugs.

His illness seems a bit serious.

Xia Liang felt a little distressed, and she was even more sure that she must let the judge's decision be bail pending trial at the first instance.

Judging from the evidence we have so far, the sleeping pills taken are a point, and the murder weapon must be a fuss about the murder weapon.

Thinking like this, Xia Liang sat down, and hurriedly began to search for the evidence, found the identification of the murder weapon, and examined it carefully.

A moment later, Xia Liang's eyes lit up, he snapped his fingers, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She found this refutation point!

In the next few days, Xia Liang has been wandering around Zhan Hai's residence, company and other places. Xia Liang will chat with everyone who knows him and collect a lot of useful materials.

Finally, the first trial began.