Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 924: hey murderer hello 11


Coming out of Yi Tianyi's home, Xia Liang yawned a little tiredly, her eyes were blurred with tears, and her voice was a little soft.

"Hey, I think even if we go to check Zhang Xiang's old background, we may not be able to find him now. That pervert, in the past few years, has been surpassing himself, constantly evolving towards a super pervert..."

"Hehe..." Zhan Hai was teased by Xia Liang, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, seeing her tired look, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and for the first time took the initiative to wrap his arms around her shoulders.

Xia Liang was a little surprised, feeling very flattered, she couldn't help but looked up at him, her brows were bent, she softened her body, leaned into his arms, and asked with a smile,

"Is there a little more feeling about me?"

"En." Zhan Hai responded softly, holding her shoulders slightly harder, looking at her bright and soft smile, he couldn't help turning his head, wanting to press a kiss on her forehead.


"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, Xia Liang's cell phone rang, breaking the ambiguous and warm atmosphere.

Zhan Hai took a step back in embarrassment, let go of her shoulders, coughed lightly, and reminded, "Call."

"Understood... mua! This is indispensable." Xia Liang took out her mobile phone, stood on tiptoe, kissed him on the face, and said with a smile.

Zhan Hai, "...".

"...We were discovered..." Xia Liang glanced at the incoming call, shook his phone, shrugged at him, and said, "He's here to hunt you down."

"Xia Liang, where are you now?! Zhan Hai, he is missing, and he can't be found, do you know?! The police went to find him, but they couldn't find him, and they are already planning to arrest him!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Lawyer Chen's furious roar sounded over there.

"You are the guarantor for his bail pending trial. If he runs away, your lawyer's license will be revoked! Come back quickly, pay a fine, and write a letter of repentance..."

"Wait! It hasn't been 24 hours yet. How can you be sure that he ran away? You guys are too arbitrary! I'm with Zhan Hai, he didn't run away, it's just that his phone ran out of battery, and we also I haven't left the city, but I'm in the suburbs now, I'll be back soon..."

Xia Liang opened her eyes and said nonsense. Lies were just words. After hanging up the phone, she looked at Zhan Hai,

"Since we already know about that Zhang Xiang, let's go back first. The latest murder happened in Huaihai City. If Zhang Xiang is the murderer, then he is most likely still in Huaihai City."

"Well. Will your license be revoked?" Zhan Hai asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it." Xia Liang waved her hand and said indifferently,

"I didn't expect this to go so smoothly. It's only noon now, and it's only evening when we returned to Huaihai City. That is to say, we were warned and paid a fine at most. It didn't even take 24 hours. How can we judge? It was an escape, and we still showed up on our own initiative..."

Zhan Hai felt a little relieved when he heard this.


Along the way, Zhan Hai drove the car very fast, especially after getting on the highway, he even drove at the maximum speed limit, compressing the original 5-hour drive into 4 hours.

On the way, Zhan Hai also called the police to prove that he did not run away. He could not be contacted before. It was because his mobile phone was out of battery and he did not want to run away.

After passing the toll booth and returning to Huaihai City, Zhan Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them drove directly to the police station, and they were undoubtedly warned in various ways. Finally, they paid a fine, and the matter was considered settled.

"Hey, Police Officer Liu, can you help me find someone?" Xia Liang thought for a while, took out a piece of white paper, brushed it, quickly sketched Zhang Xiang's portrait on the paper, and handed it to him.

"Can you give it a try, can you find this person in your system?"

"Who is this person?" Police Officer Liu took the realistic drawing paper, glanced at it, and asked.

"Some time ago, he did me a big favor and almost saved my life, but I don't know his name and address. I wanted to thank him, but I couldn't contact him..." Xia Liang's ability to lie is simply Easy to handle.

Officer Liu disagreed at first.

However, Xia Liang begged for a long time. When talking about the other party, his gratitude was so sincere. In the end, Officer Liu agreed to help.

"Why don't you just say it?" Zhan Hai asked in a low voice while the two were sitting aside and waiting.

"There is no evidence. I'm afraid of scaring the snake." Xia Liang shook her head softly, "Once we find out, we won't be in charge of this matter."

To put it bluntly, Xia Liang didn't trust the current police, and didn't believe that they would do their best to investigate this case. Rather than relying on others, she still preferred to control everything in her own hands.

Zhan Hai thought about it for a while, and understood Xia Liang's worry, and felt even more deeply for her thoughtfulness.

Taking the initiative to hold Xia Liang's hand, Zhan Hai looked at her haggard face, feeling a little distressed, "Do you want to lean on me, close your eyes and rest?"

He didn't sleep almost all night last night, and today he has been running around all day for himself. Thinking about it, Zhan Hai felt sore and soft in his heart, and wanted to feel more pity and love for her.

Xia Liang shook her head, smiled and moved her fingers, intertwined with him, and said in a low voice,

"This is the police station. I'm afraid that if I really lean on you, I won't be able to help but play hooligans to you... In the worst case, if you yell, the police will arrest me!"

Zhan Hai, "...".

"...I won't shout." Zhan Hai's mouth twitched, and he looked at her speechlessly.

"Hehe..." Xia Liang hooked his palm with a smile, and said solemnly, "If you don't shout, I won't rely on you. The dog food at home is running out, so don't throw it away."

Zhan Hai, "...".

Just when Zhan Hai felt that he could no longer communicate with Xia Liang, Police Officer Liu came over with a piece of paper, "The person has been found."

"Really?!" Xia Liang's eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly, "Let me see if it's him, what's his name, and where is he?!"

Zhan Hai also felt his heart skip a beat, and felt like he was dreaming, which was unbelievable.

Did you find it so quickly? !

"According to the photo you gave, the one identified by the search is this person. I just compared it, and there should be no mistakes." Officer Liu handed the paper to Xia Liang.

"Yes. It's him!" Xia Liang eagerly took the paper over, carefully looked at the information on it, narrowed her eyes, and said softly,

"It seems that we are really destined. It's so simple, we found it. I must thank him very much."

Officer Liu smiled, "You are a person who knows how to repay you."

"Of course." Xia Liang put the piece of paper into his pocket, and smiled meaningfully, "For me, every drop of water will be repaid by the spring. Don't say that this person saved my life..."