Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 966: Little Red Riding Hood VS Big Bad Wolf 1


The kingdom of Bakrah, a farm in a small town near the capital.

In the early morning, the sun poured down, the cattle and sheep walked out of the fence, gnawed the grass leisurely, the rooster raised its neck and crowed, and the birds in the forest sang songs. Everything looked so harmonious and beautiful.

However, suddenly, a loud lion roar broke the beauty of the morning on the farm—

"Fanny, do you see where that dead girl has gone?!"

A very strong woman, holding a mallet in her hand, frowned, rushed out of the room with a tough face, looked around, found no one, immediately raised her head and shouted loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the window of a beautiful small attic next to it opened. A young girl, yawning, leaned on the window, frowning, and said in a delicate voice,

"Mom, my sister and I haven't woken up yet, please keep your voice down. Where else can that dead girl go? She must be looking for that disgusting old woman."

"Okay, okay, mom knows. Go on and sleep, mom won't make any noise. Sleep well, come down for breakfast later."

The strong and sturdy woman, that is, Pamela, saw that her beloved daughter was unhappy, and immediately coaxed her lovingly.

After calming down her daughter, Pamela continued angrily across the farm with a mallet and came to a dilapidated wooden house.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Pame stretched out her hand, and began to slam the door roughly, using all her strength, wishing she could directly punch a big hole in this fragile cabin.

"Damn girl, open the door for me, and the old woman, get up for me, get up and work, don't be lazy!" Pamela raised her voice and shouted inside.

In the cabin, the old woman looked lovingly at the girl in the shabby red dress beside her, and urged with concern,

"Little Red Riding Hood, go and open the door for her, otherwise, she will beat you again and won't give you food."

"Grandma, you don't have to worry. You drink this bowl of oatmeal first to fill your stomach. I will deal with that wicked woman myself."

Little Red Riding Hood, in fact, was Xia Liang who had just possessed him, handed the porridge to the old man, and comforted him with a smile.

"You eat, grandma is not hungry." The old man shook his head and said lovingly, "Little Red Riding Hood, you still have to work, so you must eat. Grandma is old, so she just sits here and doesn't need to eat."

Xia Liang's face was serious, and regardless of the old man's refusal, he gave her the bowl, walked to the door and said, "Grandma, eat quickly, I'm going to open the door. I'll come back to see you after I finish my work."

Saying that, when Pamela was about to kick the door, Xia Liang opened the door.

"You damn girl, why don't you open the door, let the old lady yell for so long, do you want to be beaten again?!" Pame stretched out her hand, and was about to pinch Xia Liang's ear, scolding fiercely road.

How could Xia Liang be twisted by her? With a flash of her body, she quickly escaped from her hands and said while running forward,

"If you hit me again, I will tell the great God of Light about your sins, and let you go to hell after death, tortured and tortured."

When Pamela heard this, her complexion changed, and she immediately sat down in a pious gesture of prayer, muttering, "My great God of Light, I am your pious servant..."

When Pamela finished talking, Xia Liang had already run away and disappeared, so Pamela had to rush back to the farm angrily.

After breakfast, Xia Liang, Little Red Riding Hood, under the pressure of her stepmother Pamela, struggled to pull a cart filled with milk, cooked meat, etc., and went to the capital to sell it.

"If you can't sell it all, you are not allowed to come back!" When Xia Liang pushed the car away, Pamela yelled at her behind her with a mallet.

"Mom, if you give her so much, she definitely won't be able to sell it all. If she won't come back at night, what if she is eaten by some demonic wolf?" Fanny walked over twistingly from behind, and touched it. Touching the flower on her head, Jiao Didi said.

"Probably not... Even if the terrifying demon wolf wants to eat people, it won't eat her. It's thin and small." Pamela thought for a while, waved her hand, and said,

"If you really want to eat, then eat it. I feel bored when I see her, and I want to drive out a long time ago."

"But, Mom, she's gone. Who will do the work on the farm? You work hard yourself. My sister and I want beautiful ones, so we don't want to work." Fanny pouted and touched She looked at her little face and said.

"That's right..." Pamela slapped her thigh, showing a dazed look, looking at the place where Xia Liang disappeared, and said,

"Then I still hope that this girl will not be eaten by the demon wolf."


Besides, Xia Liang, she and Wenren are now being targeted by the system, and 9957 has been exposed. She has long been unable to obtain such things as plot introductions.

Now, she feels very lucky to have the memory of this host.

From memory, Xia Liang learned that there is faith in this world, and everyone believes in the God of Light.

And she was originally the daughter of a farmer in a small town. After her mother died, the farmer married again. Her stepmother brought two older sisters who bullied her every day and made her do heavy work. It's even more miserable.

In this family, the only one who treats her well is her grandma.

However, grandma was also bullied by that fierce stepmother, and she couldn't save her from the fire and water. At most, she saved food and gave it to her.

Xia Liang also has some speechless discoveries. She also has a nickname that everyone knows, which is 'Little Red Riding Hood'.

Moreover, within the past two years, a terrifying demonic wolf suddenly appeared in the capital, biting and eating people every night of the full moon.

It is said that those who are bitten by demonic wolves will be haunted by demons. Only the Pope of Light can purify the evil from your body so that you will not fall into hell.

This little red riding hood, and the so-called magic wolf, made Xia Liang feel as if she had entered a fairy tale about the big bad wolf and little red riding hood.

However, looking at the background of the original owner, the corners of Xia Liang's mouth twitched even more, because the setting of this background clearly belonged to Cinderella.

I wonder if Wenren is Prince Charming this time, or the big bad wolf? In other words, what kind of church is it? !

Xia Liang thought wildly all the way, pushed the car to the lively market, and sold the milk and meat on the car to others as usual.

Until night fell, Xia Liang hadn't sold all the things in the car. She didn't go back, not because she was afraid of that tough stepmother, but because she discovered that tonight happened to be the night of the full moon, that is, the demon wolf Will haunt the day.

She wanted to stay and take a look, what kind of wolf is this devil