Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 972: Little Red Riding Hood VS Big Bad Wolf 7


Like a strong bull, Pamela rushed towards Wenren and Xia Liang with a mallet in her hand, shouting,

"You shameless girl, I will beat you to death today!"

Wenren didn't move, he pushed Xia Liang in his arms to his back, stretched out his arms, and tightly grasped Pamela's mallet, so that even if she used her own force, she still couldn't pull it back, and couldn't shake!

"You... let me go!" Pamela frowned, and yelled at the people who heard her, "Where did you come from, you wild man, you dare to appear here, don't you want it at all?" Alive!"

And Wenren's reaction to her was to let go of her mallet, lift her foot, and kick her hard.


Pamela screamed, her fat body actually drew a parabola in mid-air, made a loud 'boom', hit the ground, and even made a hole in the ground.

Feeling the tremors on the ground, Xia Liang couldn't help but look at Pamela with admiration. This tonnage is really amazing!

"Mom, mom, are you okay?" Fanny, who was still behind, quickly ran over, and did not squat down to help her, but covered her small mouth in fear, stared wide-eyed, and just stood there looking at the upside-down girl. Pamela.

Seeing Fanny's reaction, Xia Liang couldn't help but shook her head amusedly, Pamela really loved her for nothing.

"Oh! It hurts me to death..." Pamela got up from the ground, rubbed her waist, frowned in pain, then looked at Xia Liang and Wen Ren, stared at them, pointed at them, and cursed,

"Wait for me, I'll go call someone, I must let you..."

However, before she could utter these harsh words, a lot of guards suddenly appeared from the grove.

Pamela's first reaction was shock, but in the next second, she immediately laughed, waved her arms quickly, and shouted at the guards who rushed out,

"They have private meetings together and do some filthy and dirty things. Moreover, they slander the God of Light and commit a heinous crime. We must arrest them and purify their filthy crimes with the fire of light!"

After shouting these words with a loud voice, Pamela was very proud to see the guards stopped and looked at her, thinking that the guards had believed her words.

This made her raise her head for a moment, and she became more and more arrogant. She was about to continue to curse, but she saw those guards raised their spears, and all of them came to besiege her.

"Hey, you guys..." Pamela was about to yell angrily, but at this moment, the leaders of the guards suddenly knelt down and said respectfully to everyone,

"Meet the King!"

"King?" Pamela's eyes almost popped out, and her voice trembled in surprise!

How could this man in tattered clothes be a king? !

No, no, no matter what clothes he wears, how can this king be with Little Red Riding Hood? !

The king fell in love with Little Red Riding Hood? ! God, that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard!

"Aren't you reading it wrong? This person can't be the king's!" Pamela shouted with her eyes red, performing the lion's roar again.

"Shut up! If you dare to be disrespectful to the king, you will be stabbed to death!" The guard on the side raised the spear in his hand and shouted loudly.

Pamela shut her mouth in fright for a moment, and her sturdy body trembled a little more, shivering.

As for Fanny, she covered her mouth with her little hand, she was almost unable to breathe in surprise, she looked at Wenren, blinked her eyes, and suddenly realized—

Even in the most ordinary and ugly clothes, the king is still so noble and handsome!

How could the wild man in Little Red Riding Hood's private meeting be a king? !

God! She was going crazy with jealousy!

I am so beautiful, much more beautiful than Little Red Riding Hood, the king will definitely like me even more!

He just didn't see me. If he had asked me for directions when he lost his way just now, then the person he fell in love with would be me!

Fanny had already forgotten her mother, Pamela. Instead, she straightened her dress, brushed her hair, and walked forward shyly.

"My beloved king, I am Fanny, I admire you very much, look at me, I am so beautiful, so elegant and generous, I am your true destiny, she was deceiving you just now.

Little Red Riding Hood has to touch those dirty cattle and sheep every day. Her hands are rough and ugly, and it feels uncomfortable to touch at all. Her skin is dark and not fair at all. King, please be sure to see clearly. "

Hearing Fanny's straightforward words, Xia Liang laughed so hard that she couldn't get angry. This woman is simply too talented, right? !

She had never seen such a blunt and frank man robbing a man, and the narcissistic arrogance made her admire.

Wenren was amused by her words, the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled, and his eyes were as cold as ice when he looked at her, "You are not my true destiny, but since this young lady is so beautiful Mei, I decided to find a good marriage for her."

When Fanny heard this, although she was a little disappointed that the king did not choose her, her eyes still brightened. She raised her head and asked expectantly,

"What kind of good marriage?"

"I will marry you to a pig, and let you live in a pigsty every day." The smile on the corner of Wenren's mouth became more and more charming, and his tone was also light, as if he didn't realize what his words were. How vicious.

When Fanny heard this, her mouth was wide open, her eyes were full of horror, she shook her head trembling all over, not believing it at all.

"Throw her into the pigsty, let her choose a pig, and hold a wedding for her immediately. As for the wedding room, it is the pigsty, and her room will also be the pigsty. Keep an eye on her and don't let her come out."

However, Wenren's words are still continuing, which shows that what he just said is true!

Fanny rolled her eyes and fainted from fright.

Two guards stepped forward, drove her fainted, and walked her towards the pigsty of the farm...

When Pamela heard that her most beloved daughter was actually married to a pig by the king, she couldn't bear such a big stimulus for a while, and she also fainted.

"Wake her up, don't allow her to faint." Wen Ren said coldly, he was simply a bad-tempered tyrant.

"From now on, your job will be to clean the pigsty. You love your daughter so much, and you want to make her live a comfortable life. You don't need to ask me to. You should take the initiative to clean it. I just want to help you!" Wenren raised his chin slightly. , Said like alms.

After hearing this, Xia Liang raised his head and gave him a thumbs up.

Her family is famous, it's simply not ordinary!