Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 976: Little Red Riding Hood VS Big Bad Wolf 11


Xia Liang looked at the frog, nodded solemnly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you behind. After all, I'm going to roast you to eat."

"God, you... You can't tell the truth?! Gnar really doesn't taste good at all! Really!" The frog was frightened immediately, jumped to the side, and shouted in horror.

"Gnar, you believe everything like this. Oh, God, please don't torture me with your stupidity..." Xia Liang sighed, imitating Gnar's words perfectly, then turned and left.

Gnar, "…".

After reacting for a while, Gnar realized that he had been tricked after Xia Liang and Wen Ren had walked a long way.

"God! Wait for Gnar, why are you so vicious... God, you will regret it for teasing Gnar!" Gnar also hurriedly jumped and chased after him, shouting loudly .

“I am very happy and have no regrets at all…”

"You really will regret it!"

The childish quarrel gradually faded away, and on the other side of the farm, Fanny's wailing and pig's whining, accompanied by the wedding march, seemed very warm... Well, they will be happy in the future.


Back in the palace, when someone mentioned Xia Liang, he changed another way of saying that Xia Liang was the God's handmaiden whom he discovered, not his true destiny as he said at the beginning.

"Baby, you go take a bath first, I still have some things to deal with. If there is anything, please let me know." Wen Ren gave Xia Liang a lingering kiss, rubbed the top of her hair, and instructed.

When Gnar saw the two hugging and kissing, his eyes widened immediately, and he jumped up and wanted to call out, but, thinking of Xia Liang's words before, he immediately closed his mouth and held back .

"Yeah. Go get busy. Don't worry about me." After the kiss was over, Xia Liang blushed, hugged him a little unsteadily, and pushed him away with a smile.

When Wenren left, Gnar, who had been holding his breath all the time, jumped out immediately, "God, how could you kiss him... have you fallen to this point?!"

"I love him, so naturally I want to kiss him." Xia Liang lowered her head, looked at it, and asked with a smile, "The princess you fell in love with before, don't you want to kiss her?"

"God, you... how can you say such a thing! God, Gnar is pure, and won't think about kissing..." Gnar shyly shouted, and then jumped up, not knowing where to go hid.

Xia Liang was amused by its words and reaction, called it twice, and seeing that it still didn't come out, she smiled and shook her head, ready to take a bath.

After bathing, Xia Liang put on the clothes that Wenren had prepared for her. Xia Liang looked in the mirror, only to find that the original owner was very beautiful, pure and pure. , sacred and beautiful.

The servants of the palace, seeing Xia Liang coming out of the bath, couldn't help but be amazed, they all knelt down and chanted,

"Oh... Great God of Light, thank you for sending Goddess to us, thank you for letting us feel the power of light..."

Xia Liang was taken aback by this scene, dazed for a while, then raised her head and chest, flicked her sleeves lightly, and began to sing like a maid of the God of Light,

"Great God of Light, I am your devout servant, I will faithfully fulfill your will and spread your brilliance..."

For a moment, the whole palace seemed to be turned into a church of light. When Xia Liang realized this, she was worried that she was trying to dismantle her reputation, poach his corner, and make them despise the imperial power.

After singing, Xia Liang inexplicably felt that his body seemed to be warm, and a kind of power poured into his body.

Just when she was about to figure it out, she heard an angry shout from behind, "Who are you?! Why are you in the palace?"

Hearing this, Xia Liang turned around, and saw a middle-aged man who was dressed luxuriously and arrogantly, behind him, followed by many guards.

When this middle-aged man saw Xia Liang's face clearly, his expression changed instantly, from glaring at the beginning to obsession, and his voice became soft and kind,

"Oh, fair lady, who are you? Have you lost your way? Need good Marcus to show you the way?"

Xia Liang, "...".

This person has a brain.

"I'm Xia Liang, the king asked me to live here. I'm about to become the maid of the God of Light, do you need me to pray to the God of Light for you?" Xia Liang entered the scene in a second, making her answer full of brain damage breath.

"Oh... so you are God's maid, no wonder you are so beautiful, so holy and noble." Marcus came over, bent over like a gentleman, and said,

"I am the king's uncle, Marcus, and I am a devout believer in God. Beautiful maid, I have a wish here, can you help me?"

"What wish?" When Xia Liang heard that this was Wenren's uncle, she couldn't help but pay more attention, and was going to explore the relationship between him and Wenren.

"Oh... I have always wanted to kiss God and express my pious belief to him, but I have never had the chance. Beautiful lady, you are God's maid and the person closest to God, so I want to kiss you Let me convey your devotion to God through you, okay?"

After Marcus finished speaking, he stepped forward in a very gentlemanly manner, and asked again, "Beautiful lady, can you grant my wish?"

Xia Liang's face is not moving at this moment, very calm, but in his heart, there are all kinds of roars——

Nima! This old pervert has a deep way of teasing girls to take advantage of him!

How could he find such a high-sounding reason to kiss himself in the name of the God of Light? !


I really want to punch him directly in the name of the God of Light!

However, before Xia Liang could show his power, an angry voice came—


Xia Liang turned her head, and saw Wenren walking over with a sullen face, "Uncle, please leave! You have already harassed my most honorable guest."

"Hunter, what do you mean by that? I just want to express my belief in God to this beautiful young lady. This is not harassment." Marcus jumped and shouted.

"Uncle, as far as I know, within today, you have revealed your wish to two beautiful ladies, and expressed your devotion to God by kissing them. I think if you do this again, God should Angry." Wenren said in a low voice.

When Xia Liang heard this, she couldn't help but realize that the co-author is still a habitual offender!