Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 977: Little Red Riding Hood VS Big Bad Wolf 12


As soon as Marcus heard that his real purpose was exposed, his face immediately turned red, and when he met Xia Liang's contemptuous gaze, he became even more angry from embarrassment.

"I... I express my piety to the gods, no matter how many times I express my piety, I will not be too much, and the gods will also forgive me." Marcus raised his neck, put his hands back, and straightened his chest, saying very naturally.

When Xia Liang heard this, her eyes flickered, and she immediately took a step forward, making a gesture of prayer, with an incomparably solemn and noble expression on her face, which made people dare not step forward to disturb her.

Immediately afterwards, a series of pleasant chant came from Xia Liang's mouth—

"Oh... my great God of Light, I am your most devout servant. Now, I have a problem here that cannot be answered. I ask the great god to guide me..."

Marcus and Wenren stood aside, looking at Xia Liang in front of them, they stopped still, with a hint of bewilderment on their faces.

What the hell is she doing? !

After a while, after Xia Liang's chanting ended, something happened that made Marcus' eyes wide open in surprise, and seeing the scene in front of him, Wenren also frowned in surprise, and a flash of light flashed in his deep eyes. incredible.

I saw Xia Liang in front of her exuding a golden brilliance from her body, covering her whole body, making her look so sacred and beautiful, so unattainable, as if it was real The gods descended in general.

After being stunned for a second, Wenren bent down first, and began to chant with the most devout voice, "Great God of Light, your coming is the greatest gift to our pious servants..."

The servants and guards, who were still in a daze, saw that their king had bent down to offer his piety, so they naturally did not dare to neglect, and all knelt on the ground, using their most pious attitude to welcome the arrival of the God of Light.

In an instant, everyone in the palace knew about the coming of the God of Light. This was a miracle!

There is no need to deliberately publicize such a sensational matter, it can always be spread to every corner in the first time.

At this time, Xia Liang kept a sacred face, and the brilliance of her body still existed. She said solemnly, "Marcus..."

When Marcus heard that God actually called his name, he was so excited that he died.

But in his heart, he was terribly afraid, for fear that his so-called devout actions in the past would anger the gods and make the gods punish him.

"Marcus, your piety is not my real admiration. From your behavior, I feel ****. This is a sin, a great sin, but you, not only did you not want to correct this It is a crime, and I still want to carry out such a crime every day.

Especially in my name to enjoy such a dirty desire of yours ||, you will be punished as you deserve... "

As soon as Marcus heard this, he was about to pee in fright. His face was pale, he was covered in cold sweat, and he begged for forgiveness in a trembling voice,

"Oh... my great God of Light... Please also forgive me... Your servant was only delusional for a while, he was just lost... Please forgive him... Please help him find the right way... Oh, great God of light, you are so holy and great, I believe you will forgive my poor servant..."

"All mistakes must be punished... Marcus, if you want to be forgiven, you must clean up all your sins. Tomorrow you go to clean up the dirtiest place and clean it up, and your crimes will be punished." get relief... ”

"Oh, the great God of Light, what is the dirtiest place, please give me the clearest instructions." Marcus asked with a pale face.

"Marcus, pigsty, go clean the pigsty, clean it up, and you'll be saved..."

As soon as the words were spoken here, the light on Xia Liang's body had disappeared, and she opened her eyes again, made a gesture of prayer, and said sincerely,

"Thank you, the great God of Light..."

After finishing all this, Xia Liang turned around and looked at Marcus again, his eyes were full of surprise, "Marcus, what's wrong with you, you look so haggard, but what happened?"

Wenren stood aside, watching Xia Liang play Marcus like this, the corners of his mouth turned up, his mood became better, and there was a bright smile in his eyes.

"It's okay. I still have something to do, please allow me to leave first." Marcus shook his head pale, and when he was about to turn around to leave, he heard Wenren say,

"Uncle, the God of Light descended on a rare occasion and showed a miracle. It is to guide you back to the right path and to save you... Please pay attention to it. God's punishment is not a child's play. About you cleaning the pigsty I will shoot my guards to supervise you."

"You...you..." Marcus became annoyed again by what he said, and wanted to yell at him, but when he saw Xia Liang at the side, his arrogance immediately extinguished, and he nodded despondently, said,

"Understood, I don't need you to supervise. God's punishment, I will naturally follow it one by one. Hunter, you should think about how to catch that demon wolf and give an explanation to the people. Wait until the next full moon It's been a few days since the night."

"Similarly, I don't need my uncle to urge me to do this. This is my duty as a king, and I will complete it." Wenren said with a serious expression on his face.

Marcus snorted, glanced at Wenren again, then turned and left without saying anything.

After confirming that everyone had left, Xia Liang immediately took off the previous disguise, rushed towards Wenren, put his arms around his neck, raised his head, and said with a smile,

"How is it? Did I act like it just now, hehe...Look at the one who scared Marcus, haha...I still want him to clean the toilet, but, after thinking about it, it seems that the pigsty is more It's not welcome."

"Awesome!" Wenren smiled, lowered his head, and gave her a lingering kiss. After the kiss was over, he asked with a smile, "Then what's the matter with the light?"

Seeing Xia Liang's appearance just now, he thought that some kind of God of Light had really descended, so he also took advantage of the trend, amplified her momentum, and made everyone think that it was indeed the God of Light descending.

"That, I don't really understand, I just think it's fine." Xia Liang shrugged, with a hint of doubt on his face.