Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 982: Little Red Riding Hood VS Big Bad Wolf 17


With the running speed of Wen Ren's big bad wolf, how could Xia Liang, a half-baked false god, catch up to him, so even if he chased him immediately, Xia Liang couldn't see its trace.

Xia Liang was extremely anxious and flustered, wishing she could have the ability to fly and increase her speed to the extreme.

"God! You can't catch up with it like this, let Gnar help you." The frog Gnar jumped on Xia Liang's shoulder and said.

"Then help me increase my speed quickly, I must stop him, and I can't let him commit killing again."

When Xia Liang heard this, her eyes instantly became bright. She didn't stop her running pace and looked in the direction. Although she couldn't see the figure of Wenren's big bad wolf, Xia Liang could still clearly know it. running track.

This is entirely because Wenren has a strong dark aura, so strong that it makes Xia Liang feel sick when he smells it, wishing he could hold his breath to completely block this smell.

"God! We need to use the power of Fengshen to sing along with Gnar. Although he has always been a miser, as long as you sing touchingly, he will definitely help us. Fengshen likes to hear touching love stories..."

Hearing Gnar's words, if the situation wasn't urgent at this time, Xia Liang couldn't help wondering if Gnar was playing tricks on him again.

However, the next second, when Gnar began to praise the greatness of Fengshen with a soft voice, Xia Liang followed without hesitation.

Even at the prompt of Gnar, she sang a very lingering song, singing out her deep love for Wenren and their unswerving love.

"Oh, God! What you sang is so beautiful and touching! God! God, you have completely conquered Gnar, and you told Gnar what true love is! God, Gnar wants Cried… "

The frog Gnar blinked his tearful frog eyes, rubbed against Xia Liang's body, and said with a choked voice.

Xia Liang didn't pay attention to Gnar's words, she just sang with her heart, expressing all her love affectionately, passing it on through the gentle wind, hoping to pass it to the ears of Wenren, to be able to Arouse its fallen sanity.

Even Xia Liang didn't know when her body flew up. At this moment, she seemed to have transformed into a light fallen leaf, being swept by the wind, leading her forward quickly, leading her, towards Floating in the direction of Wenren.

This is a very wonderful experience, but the wind is too fast, Xia Liang has not felt this kind of wonder too much, she has already seen Wenren running in front of her.

"Wenren!" Xia Liang took advantage of the power of the wind to jump onto its body, grabbing its hair, ignoring its struggle, and lay tightly on its body.

"Wenren, I know you are in pain. But, please try to stay awake for me, don't enter the city, run forward, run straight into the forest, don't stop! Keep running forward!"

Xia Liang hugged its neck tightly with her hands, and said it over and over again in its ear.


I heard that the big bad wolf raised its head to the sky and roared, the sound was full of pain!

Xia Liang could feel it under her body, its body was twitching in pain, it was enduring with all its strength, and it was fighting unyieldingly!

All this made Xia Liang feel distressed.

Finally, Wenren's big bad wolf crossed the urban area and ran into the dense forest. After running fast for a while, it stopped in pain, collapsed on the ground, and howled in pain.

"Oh, the great God of Light, what should I do to relieve its pain?" Xia Liang squatted down, looking at such a famous person, she couldn't help but pray helplessly.

"God! With your divine power and your love, you can purify the darkness in its body..." Gnar the frog jumped in front of her and said.

"However, when I touch it, it only brings more pain to it." Xia Liang said in pain. Just now she stretched out her hand, trying to release the divine power in her body and let it enter Wenren's body, but instead Come to its more painful howls and screams.

"Oh! God, Gnar understands, this is too vicious!" Frog Gnar suddenly jumped high, his voice also raised, and shouted angrily,

"Someone is now casting a curse of darkness, and they are targeting the great god! God, your divine power is still too weak, so you can't compete with them! Only by crushing them can you remove the pain... "

"How can I increase my divine power?" Xia Liang asked anxiously after hearing the words.

"God, if you want to increase your divine power, you need the power of faith, you need the devout prayers of others, and you need believers." The frog Gnar jumped out and said.

"But, I don't have time..." Xia Liang was about to speak, but she heard a familiar voice from somewhere—

"Oh, great God, you will never believe what Loka has discovered..."

It's Lorca!

Xia Liang looked around subconsciously, and naturally there was no sign of Luo Ka. The voice came from the fact that she could hear his prayer.

I didn't expect it to be possible.

"God, your loyal servant has discovered a shocking secret. In a secret room, I saw a dark and cruel sacrifice going on, and the people who performed all this are the pope and the saint..."

Hearing Luoka's words, Xia Liang stood up suddenly, looked at the frog Gnar, and said, "Gnar, I have an important matter to entrust to you..."

"God! I am your most reliable servant. Don't worry, Gnar will definitely finish it. Tell me, what is it?" Frog Gnar immediately felt a great sense of mission when he heard this. Feeling, jumped on Xia Liang and said.

"Help me take care of Wenren, I need you to take good care of him, don't let him leave here, and tell me its situation through prayer at any time." Xia Liang ordered solemnly.

"God, it's so powerful! Gnar can't restrain it." Gnar said with a weak tone.

"Don't worry, Gnar, the wind will help you. I have asked the wind god to help you. You just need to look at him and tell me everything about him at any time." Xia Liang comforted.

"God! This is simple, Gnar will definitely complete the task." Gnar assured, "But, God, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the church!" Xia Liang pursed her lips, her eyes were cold, "I want to stop their priests personally, I want to find the scepter, only in this way can we save Wenren."