Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead

Chapter 33: Go to prison (13)


For the majesty of the boss, Chen You was determined not to shout.

For He Siyang, he will definitely do what he wants to do, and no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

The man and the boy looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and secretly competed with each other. They didn't look away until Dongzi gave a signal.

Chen You rubbed his sore eyes. When he was a child, he competed with his friends not to blink. He never lost.

Lost today.

Dude, I will obey you.

He Siyang was two steps behind, just enough to see the figure in front of him. He lowered his head and found that he was stepping on the man's shadow.

"Follow me, don't run around, do you hear me?"

Hearing the man's voice, the shadow between He Siyang's brows faded, and he let out a soft "hmm".

There is a river on the other side of the mountain. Someone tried to escape from this hell from there, but was caught back as expected, half dead.

The blood stains the dead leaves red one piece, another red piece, like the meticulous work of an oil painting master.

Everyone held their breath, watching the man being beaten with his head in his arms, begging for mercy like ghosts and wolves.

This was done intentionally by those who wielded their batons, and they wanted to give others a cruel and cold warning.

Although it's not the first time.

But that doesn't stop them from wanting to do it.

The man was beaten beyond recognition. He fell to the ground and vomited blood. He couldn't even get up.

Standing in the crowd, Chen You stared wide-eyed, and finally turned his head away unbearably.

No matter which world he is in or what he has experienced, he is just an ordinary college student who loves playing online games and spending time in Internet cafes.

He couldn't adapt to this bloody and violent scene at all.

After pinching his palms hard, Chen You hurriedly backed away, retching to the side.

He spit on the ground. Watching movies and watching real scenes are two completely different concepts.

No matter how bloody the movie is, he will only be impressed by how awesome the special effects are and how realistic the post-processing is. The bloody flesh, arms and legs flying around, and messy things in the stomach dragging all over the floor are just as shocking as the real thing.

And when the real thing happened in front of me, I lost all thoughts, just nausea and fear.

Chen You raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and when he turned around, he was startled, "Why are you standing quietly behind me?"

He Siyang asked, "Why did you vomit?"

Chen You didn't change his face, "I've eaten too much, and I feel sick to my stomach."

He Siyang didn't ask any more questions, as if he believed the answer, "Let's eat less in the evening."

Chen You hummed, and said to himself, after seeing such a scene, I would feel nauseous after drinking northwest wind at night.

At night, Chen You tossed and couldn't sleep, he felt uncomfortable, and tortured his system in his heart, come on, hurt each other.

After playing "Nunchaku" on a loop for nearly seventy times, the system finally failed.

Chen You choked up with grievances, "I was bound by you to such a crazy and inhuman task, now I can't even listen to songs?"

System, "Change another song."

Chen became self-willed again, and wanted to slap himself, "If I don't change it, I will listen to "Nunchuck"!"

The system's expression is short and clear, "Change a song, some listen to it, don't change it, don't listen to it."

Chen You, "..."

In the end, he switched to "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style", his mood was at the bottom, and only things with a more upbeat rhythm could save him.

After listening to it for a while, Chen remembered again that there are not only songs with a cheerful rhythm, but also action movies. He immediately asked the system to send him ten or eight movies.

System, "No."

Chen You, who had already adjusted his state, "..."

What the hell are you kidding me? Little Chrysanthemum and a bunch of similar products are sold in large quantities on the platform. How could there be no action movies

Chen You babbled, threatened and lured, and finally succeeded.

After watching a few plot and intense movies in a row, he felt that he was seriously ill and his kidneys were weak.

He Siyang found that the man became listless and unable to concentrate, so he asked if he was sick.

Chen said yes again.

He Siyang frowned, "What?"

Chen You waved his hand and sighed, "Think I farted."

Staring at the man, He Siyang narrowed his eyes and said abruptly, "Some things can't be overdone, it's not good for your health."

"I know," Chen You said, "I will control it."

He Siyang's complexion suddenly turned cold, and he snorted, revealing an undisguised sarcasm.

Chen You looked confused, what's the matter, what's the matter, he's acting weird, your brother is next to you when he's watching a movie

He Siyang lowered his eyelids and carelessly rubbed his fingers. He ate and lived with this man, almost inseparable. When did it happen? Who is the opponent

Since it was all overdone, it meant that it wasn't once or twice that he didn't notice it.

He Siyang asked Chen You which day it started.

Chen also said, "Just these two days." It's all the system's fault. Either one is not given, or a few rows are given. He is also a person with poor self-control and strong curiosity. If he doesn't read all at once, he feels uncomfortable. .

So He Siyang didn't sleep all night, while the man beside him was stretching his hands and feet, sleeping soundly.

He spent a week with his eyes open until dawn, and found nothing.

This time, the one who was depressed was replaced by He Siyang, and the one who was worried became Chen You.

Neither of the two of them knew, and it was basically caused by a not-so-good misunderstanding.

I thought you knew, and I thought I knew, but I didn't know anything.

When winter comes, the sunshine is short.

He gets up earlier than chickens, sleeps later than dogs, eats worse than pigs, and works more than donkeys. This is Chen You's current situation.

Miserable and pitiful, with no end in sight.

He could finally understand the despair of the people here.

So you should still be a good person.

A new set of quilts were issued, and soon became dirty and smelly again. In such an environment where even the air is polluted, there is no possibility of cleanliness.

Chen You didn't need to make the bed, He Siyang would easily fold the quilt into tofu cubes for him.

Very standard, the trainer has personally praised it.

Often at this time, the trainer would cast an ambiguous look at Chen You, mixed with envy and jealousy.

It would be great if someone would warm the quilt and take care of tidying up.

Chen You also felt good, he put his arm on He Siyang's shoulder like a brother, and hooked towards him.

The younger brother is as virtuous as his wife, and there is no one else.

At six o'clock in the morning, before dawn, the prisoners lined up to rinse their mouths. A mouthful of water with ice slag was poured into their mouths. Their frozen teeth chattered, their souls trembled, and the eight meridians were instantly opened up. The mouth and nose spray was not far from heaven.

"Holy shit, shit, shit, it's so cold!"

Chen was jumping around again. He deliberately stuffed the down vest handed in by a prisoner into his prison uniform, but it was still cold.

The winters he spent in those years were nothing compared to here.

The sound of clattering fell into his ears, and Chen You turned his head to see that a buddy was urinating everywhere, shivering from the cold, feeling like he was frozen to death.

deserve it.

After He Siyang finished washing, seeing the man rubbing his hands and exhaling, he raised his eyebrows, "Is it that cold?"

"Remove the word ?" Chen took another breath of cold air, his internal organs were all cold, he accidentally touched He Siyang's hand, it was hot, and he was envious immediately, "It's good to be young."

He Siyang said, "I'll give you some heat."

Chen You was taken aback, how embarrassing this is, the next moment, he grabbed the young man's hand, not wanting his face first, but next spring.

He Siyang put his other hand into his trouser pocket, and when Chen You felt that his hand was not warm, he could cover it with something warm again.

Dongzi and Lao Yu sniffed, they didn't get this kind of treatment, forget it, let's cover the right with the left hand.

When going out, No. 15 children's room had a face-to-face meeting with the next door, and they followed the big team together.

Chen You twitched the corners of his mouth, and he said to He Siyang, "That kid Chu Tian is peeking at you."

He Siyang said nothing.

Chen also said, "Just leave him alone, if he dares to do something, I'll deal with it."

He Siyang knew that Chu Tian's eyes were actually on the man next to him, this was already the fifth time in a week.

But he wouldn't tell a man.

He also knew that with Chutian's temperament, he would never say anything.


It will be as if it never happened.

He Siyang has been here for almost two months, except for that time he was taken to investigate, he has no other troubles.

Who knew that Liu Jianhui in District C sent someone over today and called He Siyang.

Then Supervisor Liu had long thought of him, and it took so long to make a move, which has already broken the record.

As soon as He Siyang left, Chen You was like an ant on a hot pot, vividly expressing the idiom of restlessness.

"Boss used to lose his kidneys, but this time he really lost his mind."

"I still don't think it's reliable. That kid's IQ crushes us, and he's so sinister. He doesn't talk much, and he doesn't smile. Talk to him, and accidentally look at him. I feel like I'm being calculated."

"Boss is smarter than both of us."

"Just a little bit."

Dongzi and Lao Yu huddled together secretly, chatting about their boss one by one.

"But the boss likes him very much. If we hadn't stopped him just now, he would have rushed up."

"Hey, no matter what, the boss is accompanied by someone, so we can rest assured if we go out first."

"Don't worry, at the critical moment, the child is useless, and the boss has to carry it alone!"

"That's right... Hey... If only it looks good and can fight again."

"Dream, you think too much, if he is really like that, the boss can't hold back."

"that's true… "

After a while, Dongzi and Lao Yu finally finished chatting. They looked at the anxious boss, worried.

Chen You on the bed scratched his head vigorously, ahhh why do people always come out to disrupt the progress of his tasks.

Hey, the target is still too charming.

Chen You begged in his heart, "Brother System, can the next world give me a mission target that is so ugly that it is outrageous?"

The system said it was difficult.

Chen You, "..."