Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead

Chapter 68: I have two pendants (23)


Over the years, foreign races have clashed with the empire many times, and they were forced to hide in Tibet and come back again and again. Lei Ming's hatred in their hearts is unmatched.

Almost as soon as he heard his name, the alien race would be frightened, trembling, and angry, wanting to gnaw his flesh and drink his blood.

When the man saw the enemy who didn't know how to live or die, he felt extremely happy. He twisted his face and laughed, vomiting blood non-stop.

"Lei Ming, you have today too."

The people on the ground were still lying there, exposing to the enemy the parts of the body that could kill with a single blow.

Chen You was floating in fear, his mind was full of scenes so bloody that he wanted to make a mosaic.

He asked the system, "What else can I do now except wait for the time?"

The system said, "You can appreciate a one-sided kill."

Chen was about to cry again, "Don't scare me, I'm timid."

The system said, "It's started."

Chen looked again, Lei Ming was kicked a few meters away like a sack, he floated in front of the man, the man passed through his body, grabbed Lei Ming's back, lifted it above his head, and smashed it hard into the distance.


Chen You hurriedly floated up and down, left and right, "Lei Ming, wake up quickly!"

Lei Ming was unconscious.

The man stepped on him, crushing him hard, "Aren't you very majestic, the famous Major General Lei Ming, why are you acting like a dog now?"

Chen You gritted his teeth, "I'm going to beat him into a hornet's nest!"

The system said, "Calm down, your current state is too disordered and not good for your brain."

Chen also said, "I can't control that much anymore."

He saw that big hedgehog suddenly staring at Lei Ming's pants with extremely strange eyes.

In a world of ice and snow, a foreign race vomited blood and was terrified, saying something in his mouth, which was very scary.

Chen You's eyes fell on Lei Ming's pants. He was first surprised, then confused.

Before the master woke up, the two pendants soared into the sky and made a strong appearance.

Brother, what do you mean, you want to scare your opponent away with pendants

Chen didn't understand, and felt that something big was going to happen, "Is Lei Ming going to wake up?"

The system said, "See with your own eyes."


To be honest, Chen You's current mood was as if thousands of troops were crossing the Yangtze River. People kicked people, horses kicked people, and people turned their backs on their backs.

He has lost his mind.

The man was not much better than Chen, because he was frightened, his eyes almost popped out, "Hahahahaha, Lei Ming, so you are not human!"

Chen You couldn't help giving a thumbs up. Yes, yes, you are so smart, big hedgehog. He is indeed not a human being. You may have been a family eight hundred years ago.

So don't fight and kill.

The man obviously showed no signs of family, his breath became short, as if he was calculating something.

Chen Youji's soul trembled, "Couldn't the big hedgehog want to hit Lei Ming's two pendants?"

The system said, "It's possible."

Chen You trembled even more. The foreign race was so cruel. At this time, he didn't care that he was vomiting blood, but he was still thinking carefully.

Look at the kid next to him, he also has the same number of pendants, if you want to do it, do it with him.

Anyway, he is useless at all, and I don't want it for a long time.

No matter how Chen You yelled, the man didn't pay attention to the child next to him.

Chen thought about it again, and asked the system to turn him and his pendant together.

The child turned over suddenly, and the man's nerve endings tensed, and he was about to make a move. After finding something, he laughed again, "So there is another one here."

"What a pretty kid."

The man patted the child's face, "I know you're awake, open your eyes, don't fall asleep."

The tone is gentle and gloomy.

Chen Youhe, if you hit me a few more times, maybe I will be able to open my eyes to look at you faster.

The man slapped the child's face until it was red and swollen, and he still didn't wake up when he saw him. He stretched out his hand and made a sound of surprise.


How did you turn around just now? The man inexplicably felt a chill creeping up his hands and feet, could it be that he is alive

Anyway, he's going to die.

Human beings are despicable and cruel, and they are doomed this time.

The man smiled, pulled a back, and had the face to meet his clansmen.

Chen You watched as the foreign race ripped off his clothes, a large piece of his leg was gone, and bones were faintly visible.

Soul couldn't smell blood, nor did it feel nauseated, otherwise Chen You would have already vomited.

His focus suddenly changed, "Damn it, it's scary, this foreign race's pendant is full of thorns!"

The system said, "What a fuss."

"Oh..." Chen You said meaningfully, "It seems that you are a person with a story."

system,"… "

Chen Youpiao went over and squatted down to look at the pendant of the foreign race. There were so many thorns, densely packed, he was sure that he did not have trypophobia.

"Isn't this the king of a foreign race? How could it be a female?"

The system said, "On the side of the alien race, the female is responsible for raising the family, acting as a labor force and fighting force."

Chen asked again, "What about males?"

The system said, "Responsible for being as beautiful as a flower, commanding the female to be a cow or a horse."

Chen You, "..." Such an unreasonable setting.

Fortunately, the target of his mission is not on the side of the foreign race, otherwise he would not only have to complete the mission, but also have to raise a man.

The man pressed the wound, making a muffled sound, his face was covered with sweat, and he let out a scream, but he was still struggling to breathe, he held his breath, soon.

"Lei Ming, seven years ago, you killed my husband."

The man squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, his face pale, "I want to kill you myself even in my dreams."

He tore off a thorn on his body and stabbed it towards Lei Ming's neck dripping with blood, "Die!"

In the blink of an eye, Chen was dragged back into his body. He grabbed the gun and pointed it at the foreign race, bang bang bang several times.

The man slowly twisted his neck, "Little friend, are you alive?"

Chen You's scalp was numb, and he continued to bang bang bang bang with shaking hands.

The man was beaten into a hornet's nest, but he didn't fall down. He suddenly rushed towards Chen You at a terrifying speed.

Unprepared, Chen You's weak and small body was easily thrown to the ground. The tragedy was not this, the tragedy was that the gun in his hand was knocked out.

It's over.

Chen asked the system again if he could get another one for him.

The system said it couldn't, and said, leave it to fate.

Chen You didn't want to resign himself to fate, he was terrified.

The man played with the gun, his pupils constricted, "This is not something from the Empire."

Chen Youxin said, you are so powerful, you can tell it at a glance, why don't you go to heaven

The man lifted the child aside and grabbed him, "Little friend, I didn't see you holding this thing in your hand. Tell me, how did you do it?"

Chen turned his head again, damn it, I don't want to tell you.

Haha, the man shot Lei Ming without saying a word.

Chen You, "..."

He was furious, "You want to beat me, why are you beating him?"

"Distressed?" the man said, "Don't think I don't know, you are a couple."

"Lei Ming didn't go to the battlefield because of you, I'm right."

Chen You twitched at the corner of his mouth, the news is very well-informed.

The man played with the gun, "Forget it, it doesn't matter."

He pointed the muzzle of the black hole at Lei Ming, "One shot at each person, everything is indispensable."

As a result, there were no bullets.

When a dramatic turning point appeared, Chen You couldn't help but want to bow down.

The man laughed coldly, with long thorns growing out of his five fingers, he grabbed Lei Ming.

Chen You used the potential that would never be surpassed in this life to pounce on Lei Ming, blocking the paw of the foreign race for him.

A blood hole the size of a bowl appeared on his chest, and Chen You's first reaction was that Mahler's Gobi made it, so he made a baffle.

Dad, I'm going to see my mother, this is the sadness in Chen You's last consciousness.

He lay down in Lei Ming's arms, closed his eyes, and spurted blood to Lei Ming's heart, which silently decreased and disappeared.

When Chen You was conscious, it was in the dark night. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was dead or not. He was about to look around when he met a pair of blood-red eyes.


A familiar voice sounded, "It's me."

Chen You was stunned for a while, and he said pleasantly, "Major General, are you alright?"

"Yeah." Lei Ming hugged the child, unable to hide his excitement, "How did you wake up?"

Chen was questioned again.

He paused for a few seconds and said, "I don't know."

"When I woke up, I saw a monster with thorns on its hands and feet beating you, so I jumped on it."

Chen rubbed his chest again, where's the hole? Damn it, gone? He felt it again, it was hot, flat, and not hurt at all.

Feili didn't let himself lose control, and shouted, Chen went to check Lei Ming's body again, the gunshot wound was gone, and the wound shot by the foreign race was gone.

If it weren't for the faint blood stains on the other party's clothes, he would have thought he was having a dream.

None of them are human beings. Their race is much more powerful than bugs.

Or is it only Lei Ming who is awesome? Is he in the limelight

"444, is that you?"

"it's me."

Chen You was stunned, "You really did it!"

The system said, "Let you go with dignity."

Chen You, "..."

Lei Ming thought the child was frightened, so he kissed the child's face, suppressing the murderous look in his eyes, "That's a foreigner, where is he?"

Chen You was stunned.

No, after he was pierced into a bleeding hole, the alien was still alive, so he should have killed Lei Ming.

What happened

What about aliens

He asked the system what was going on with the foreign race, and the system fell silent.

Lei Ming hugged the child tightly, and didn't ask any more questions, "If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

Chen You also hugged Lei Ming tightly, you are fine, and I am fine, that's great.

The next moment, Chen You was kissed by Lei Ming, and both of them were very excited.

It's so cold in the snow, sitting on the buttocks, it's a deep pit.

Chen You suddenly hissed in pain, Lei Ming was eating him, how can I describe it, it was really searching for his blood, swallowing it into his stomach, grinding his teeth against the broken place, one bite at a time.

Very creepy.

At this moment, Chen You had a strange suspicion that Lei Ming ate that alien.

And he doesn't know it yet.

Lei Ming realized that his mouth was already covered with blood, and the smell was extremely strong.

At that moment, Lei Ming was stunned, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Chen You's neck was bloody and he couldn't see it. He resisted the urge to curse, "Major General?"

Lei Ming pulled the child into his arms in vain, wrapped his arms tightly, trembling slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, I hurt you."

"It doesn't hurt," Chen lied again. In fact, he was crying in pain. He changed the subject, "Major General, why did you bring me here?"

Lei Ming rubbed his face against the child, "This is where I lived."

Chen Youoh said, "Did the major general take me home?"

Lei Ming said, "Yes."

"Now you're fine, let's go back to the capital planet, the temperature here is very low, you will not get used to it."

Come on, I'm leaving soon, so I won't bother. Besides, if I go back to Capital Star, I might have to see the old man. It's a troublesome thing. Chen said again, "I really want to see the major general's home."

"Since they're all here, can the major general take me there?"

Lei Ming stared at the past, "Okay."

Chen You was really curious, looking forward to seeing Lei Ming showing his snake tail before leaving.

He told the system, "I'm sure now that Xiao Ming and I belong to the snake tribe."

The system said, "Isn't this obvious?"

Chen You roared, "Then I asked you at the beginning, if I am a snake, why did you lie to me and say I am not?"

The system said, "Didn't you see it? That's me testing you."

"Your IQ is worrying, keep going."

Chen twitched his mouth again, it's really annoying, I don't want to play with this guy anymore!

"What are you thinking?"

The voice in his ear brought Chen You back to reality, he scratched his face, "It's so cold, I don't know when it will be dawn."

Lei Ming unbuttoned his coat and wrapped the child around him, "It's almost dawn."

Chen You lay on the man's chest, very warm, as if he felt more secure, and it had nothing to do with the chest muscles.

He felt that the man's aura was different, and he couldn't say or describe the specifics.

"Major General, shall we build a fire?"

Lei Ming pursed his lips and said, "The fire will attract something, it's not safe."

Chen You was stunned, yes, it was played like that on TV, as soon as the protagonist started a fire, monsters in the forest would appear, and then it was time for the protagonist to show his skills.

If there is a heroine present, it is still a necessary choice for the catalyst of the relationship between the two.

You were hurt, you said it was cold for a while, and it was hot for a while, or it was too bad, so I took off your clothes and hugged you.


Chen was heavily polluted again.

After hesitating for a while, he still didn't ask Lei Ming about the battlefield, which affected the atmosphere.

"Major General, talk to me."

Lei Ming asked, "Say what?"

Chen You, "Anything is fine." Just don't say a word, I feel like I will be eaten up in the next moment, I'm very scared, okay

Lei Ming thought for a moment, "I will take you to see your second brother when I go back."

Chen Youxin said, this is not important at all, really.

Lei Ming said, "Slaves can be redeemed. Your second brother can go or stay, it's up to you."

The so-called second brother was the culprit who harmed the original owner. The original owner did not know how much torture he had suffered. He could not resist and only dared to pray to God in his heart to punish the other party.

Bad guys deserve bad results.

What kind of body is redeemed, just live like that, as soon as you jump, you will come out to harm people.

"Major General, actually I," Chen You said, "I don't have a good relationship with my second brother."

Lei Ming found out early in the morning, "Really?"

"Yeah." Chen said again, "I'm ugly, my elder brother and second elder brother exclude me and won't play with me."

Lei Ming frowned, "That's all?"

Chen also said, "It's too much, I won't be able to finish talking for a while, anyway, I don't kiss him, I don't care about his affairs."

Don't blame me, the legendary second brother, I used your brother's body to do the mission, it's also fate, I have to help him fulfill a wish, don't you think so

He didn't want Lei Ming to love Wu Wu after he left, so he would get that vicious second brother out and keep him by his side.

It will definitely cause trouble for Lei Ming.

After hearing what the child said, Lei Ming said, "Then don't care."

Chen again, uh huh.

His eyelids were heavy, and he fell asleep leaning against Lei Ming's shoulder socket.

Lei Ming stroked the child's back, and rubbed his lips against his cold ears, warming him.

There was a wound on one side of the child's neck, which was still shocking. Lei Ming's throat rolled and tightened for a while.

There was a red light in his eyes, and he couldn't help getting closer.

Chen You made a crying voice, "It hurts..."

Lei Ming woke up suddenly, his breathing was heavy, his face couldn't hide his astonishment, and he was at a loss.

He held the child and sat stiffly for a long time.

The next day, Chen found himself curled up in Lei Ming's arms, his body was warm, and he didn't freeze to death.

Lei Ming's body temperature is much higher than his, unlike ordinary people.

He touched the other person's forehead, "Do you have a fever?"

Lei Ming said, "No."

Just teasing me, Chen You put his hand inside his collar, it's so hot!

At this temperature, anyone else would burn out.

"Major General, you are sick."

Lei Ming said, "It's all right."

Chen stared at the man again, as if he was fine, but his body temperature was too abnormal.

Lei Ming went to collect firewood and took Chen You along the way. He was worried that there were wild animals here.

After a while, Chen You was roasting on the fire, smelling the smell of meat, and there should be a task reminder today.

The system said, "I'm waiting too."

Chen You was surprised, "Didn't you post it?"

The system said, "The above ten special reviewers must unanimously review to confirm whether it is completed. Once one of them fails the review, the task will fail."

It's too much, if one of them is confused, or his head is flooded at the time, and if someone is in a bad mood and refuses to let me pass, then I have to cry to death

Chen also said, "Your routine is very unreasonable."

System, "Pray."

Chen You, "..."

He moved to Lei Ming's side, "When can I eat meat?"

Lei Ming said, "Wait a little longer."

Chen You swallowed his saliva, he was so hungry, he grabbed the snow and stuffed it into his mouth, filling his stomach first.

The orange flames were imprinted on the man's face, the beauty was shocking, Chen You sighed, I admit, you are the most beautiful in the universe.

He got closer and saw the fire flashing in the man's eyes, flickering on and off, like the bloodthirsty light of an animal, about to eat people.

Looking thoughtfully, Chen looked away again, as if he hadn't noticed anything.

Unknown birds are skewered in rows, grilled on the fire, and they feel delicious when they are old.

After the bird was roasted, Lei Ming left it to dry before serving it to the children.


Can't wait, brother, I'm so hungry that I'm almost starved to death, Chen You ate meat, and also experienced the heroism of eating and sleeping in the open.

After he was finished, his stomach began to rumble, and a wave of boiling heat rushed straight to his buttocks, coming fiercely.

Lei Ming waited not far away, "Ah Chou?"

Chen You held his breath, don't call me, I'm afraid that if I open my mouth, I'll die of drunkenness in the wafting smell.

Footsteps came, what the hell, Chen You hurriedly stopped, "I'm not well yet!"

Lei Ming stopped, "Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Chen You shut his mouth tightly and didn't want to talk anymore. When he went out, people were floating.

Lei Ming turned his back to the child, "Come up."

Chen looked at the broad back in front of him again, he jumped up and put his arms around the man's neck.

Xiao Ming, do you know that my dad also recited me like this when I was a child, and when I went to school, he stopped memorizing it.

Chen You is very happy, thank you.

Lei Ming's body trembled, and as he was walking, he asked abruptly, "Where are you from?"

Chen You was taken aback. After his brain was working quickly, he said, "Another place."

Lei Ming pursed his lips and said no more.

If you don't ask, it means that you won't investigate any more. Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He decided that in the next world, he must control his own nature well, and he can't behave too differently from the original owner's original attributes. If he does that, he will destroy one.

It is full of flaws, it is really too dangerous, and it may be snapped off at any time.

The most annoying thing is that there is no chance to do it again, as long as the mission fails once, it will be over, and he has to be worried every time, half dead.

The forest is very quiet, there is no one who is lurking in a hidden place, ready to attack at any time.

Chen You lay on Lei Ming's back and looked around, afraid that a huge monster would jump out and swallow him and Lei Ming.

Looking at the back of the man's head, Chen You couldn't help but grab the ends of his hair in his hands, it was stiff, just like him.

Lei Ming's optical brain sent a communication message, he put Chen You down, and clicked to accept.

On the screen, the adjutant appeared with a wounded figure, his face was full of excitement, and he saluted, "Major General, we have won!"

Lei Ming's facial lines were no longer tense, and he seemed to be happy, "Okay."

Chen You thought to himself, now that the alien race is dead, Lei Ming's fate has really changed completely.

From now on, his life will be smooth sailing, his future will be bright, and he will be invincible.

The mechanical voice of the system sounded in Chen You's mind, "Congratulations on completing the task, the countdown to leave is six hours."

He asked strangely, "It was only two minutes last time, why is it six hours this time?"

The system said, "Because you didn't finish well that time, so there are only two minutes."

Chen You, "..." Well, he took the longest time among the three worlds that time, and it took him many years to get all the evil thoughts.

So, the final countdown to leave is longer, or is it a reward for him

Is there any point in getting this kind of reward? Not at all.

Go early and go late, not all of them have to go.

Moreover, the longer the delay, the less straightforward it would be to leave.

Chen sighed again, forget it, he is just a small character, this is not something he can decide, let's think about how to spend the remaining six hours.

Facing Lei Ming's gaze, Chen You's back felt inexplicably cold.

After a brief dead silence, Chen said again, "Major General, let's go." He doesn't have much time here, so he has to hurry up.

Lei Ming stroked the child's face, pressed his fingertips on his lips, and watched as a drop of blood was pressed out.

Chen You frowned in pain, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

It seems that there is something big to do before leaving.

It might be difficult for the system to let him go with dignity.

After starting again, Lei Ming still carried Chen You on his back, "After you go back, go to grandpa's place to stay for a while."

Chen You listened silently. He knew that Lei Ming had sensed something was wrong with his situation and wanted to settle him properly, but...

I can't go back, I have to go.

Chen put his chin on the man's shoulder again, "Major General, let me sing you a song."

While Lei Ming was in a daze, the child's singing sounded in his ears.

"That day, I had no choice but to go on the road..." Chen You, "For my restless heart, for the survival of my self-esteem..."

The soft singing is flying in the quiet forest, it is so beautiful.

Lei Ming was silent. After the child finished singing, he asked, "What song is this?"

Chen also said, "On the Road."

Lei Mingteng reached out to turn on the light brain, "Sing it again."

Chen You knew that Lei Ming was going to record the song, so he sang it over and over again. Eventually, his voice gradually weakened, almost choking.

Hey, let me just say, if you want to leave, hurry up, what kind of countdown is there, this is not a reward at all, it is a punishment.

Chen jumped off the man again, "Major General, I haven't seen you smile yet."

Lei Ming raised his eyebrows.

Chen You put his hands on both sides of his lips, and pulled out a curve, "You have to smile more, don't always keep a straight face, it's fierce, it's scary."

Lei Ming's eyes were deep, "Remind me in the future."

Chen You paused, grabbed Lei Ming's optical brain, and repeated what he said just now according to the way of recording songs.

"Okay, so you won't forget."

Lei Ming said in a low voice, "I want you to remind me yourself."

It's self-willed, Chen You pursed his lips, and slapped him on the face, "How long will it be?"

Lei Ming's eyes flickered, "Soon."

Along the way, the two of them were talking, and Chen You talked a lot. He was afraid of being bored, so he was not a good kid who could be as quiet as a chicken.

Lei Ming was on the contrary, taciturn, listening most of the time, only occasionally responding, his eyes were gentle.

With more than four hours left in the countdown, they encountered a short-tailed, three-eyed beast.

Chen You watched helplessly as Lei Ming hit the beast's head with his fist.

It really is a punch.

He swallowed hard, wise not to pass.

Lei Ming stood at the corpse of the beast with his head down, his heavy panting sounded like the paws of a giant beast slapping the ground, which made people feel flustered and frightened.

Instinctively, Chen took another step back, another step back, leaning his back against the big tree, and retreated nothing.

After an unknown amount of time, the wind blew away the bloody smell, and the beast was surrounded by blood-red snow.

Lei Ming raised his eyelids and returned to normal, "Come here."

Chen You stepped on the blood with his shoes, and walked in front of him dragging blood marks all over the place.

"System, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know." Chen said again, "But I can't help shaking."

He was hugged tightly and trembled even more.

Lei Ming kissed the child, from comforting to hot, then to fierce and brutal, in the blink of an eye.

Chen was kissed and passed out again.


The system reminded that there was less than one hour left in the countdown, and Chen woke up again, and he found himself in a cave.

The surrounding stone walls were very damp, and the ground was very slippery. Chen You almost fell, but he didn't dare to walk around, so he raised his voice and shouted, "Major General?"

The man appeared at the entrance, against the light, with a huge shadow.

Chen said again, "Is this where you were born?"

"Yes." Lei Ming walked towards the child, his face blurred, "I'll take you in."

Chen followed Lei Ming again, step by step with a particularly clear voice, including the sound of breathing and heartbeat.

There is a hidden cave inside, which is similar to the ones in novels and TV.

Chen You put his back on a stone and listened to Lei Ming talk about his childhood.

He picked his fingers, "Major General, I want to..."

Lei Ming suddenly swallowed the three words of walking.

Fuck, I don't want to, I'm leaving!

Chen was crushed against the stone again by a strong force, and the breath that enveloped him was heavy and smelled fishy. He felt that it was not Lei Ming behind him, but a beast.

The pain hit, first in the neck, then in the shoulder.

From the corner of Chen You's eyes, a huge snake's tail swung across the stone wall.

He then lost consciousness.

When the countdown counted down for three minutes, Chen You's soul was floating in the air, his body was gone, and only the sleepy Lei Ming was in the cave.

Don't ask him where his body went, why there are only torn and bloody clothes, he doesn't want to say.

There is a small golden snake in the clothes, and there are some eggshells next to it.

After listening to what the system said, Chen cursed again, "Didn't you say I have no eggs?"

System, "What I said at the time was that you have an idiot."

Chen You, "..." Damn it, I don't know what to say.

"During the three days when I died, why was the egg still well?"

The system said, "Before you died, you laid eggs, and I kept them for you."

Chen You, "... Thank you."

The system said, "You're welcome."


Chen You looked at the man on the ground, brother, don't look for me after you wake up, I'm in your stomach.

At that time, the other party rushed forward, and his soul was still in his body. That feeling, how should I put it, was really more uncomfortable than death.

To be honest, Chen You would rather be tied up as a work of art and hang on the wall than suffer that kind of crime.

But the other party is unconscious, so there's no point in crying and screaming.

Besides, he couldn't cry out, it happened too suddenly.

Chen sighed again, if he let a man know that his evolution was to eat a fellow, he would definitely tear him open and try to dig him out.

But after eating everything, after being digested in the stomach, you can’t dig it out. If you squat a few times, you can squat out some that cannot be absorbed.

After thinking about it, Chen left a message on the man's optical brain again, saying that he failed to evolve and left, don't think about him, live a good life.

He also said that Xiao Jin was their good son and asked him to raise Xiao Jin up.

Chen stroked the little snake's head again, no matter where you came from, it's good to have you, it's better than leaving nothing behind.

He said earnestly, "Son, you have to be a good baby, stay with your father, listen to what your father says, and don't leave him, or he will be lonely."

"If you meet bad guys, don't be afraid. Your dad is the most invincible and strongest in the universe. He will protect you."

After the nagging, Chen was dragged into the next world again, he still didn't believe it, "Hey, didn't you lie to me? Why do I feel that you just found that little snake somewhere?"

System, "..." idiot.


On December 22, 2016, in an apartment in Xicheng District, M City.

Chen woke up again in the new world. He fumbled around with his hands and found something as hard as a brick.

It's a cell phone.

Good thing, Chen You grabbed it immediately. He stretched out his finger and swipe at the bottom of the screen, and caught the Daily Express logo on the first page at a glance.

This thing is what he must look at every time he goes to the toilet, and he will accompany him without complaint or regret, his true love is undoubtedly true.

After poking it in, Chen You's eyes widened. The stars in the entertainment section were all very familiar.

Then he flipped through all the newsletter, sports, live broadcast, video and other sections, and his heart suddenly burst into ecstasy. Isn't this the M city where I live

Hahahahaha I'm back

Chen You looked down at his body, which was white and thin. He pulled up his clothes and saw that there were two muscles.

It's not him, he's just one muscle.

Could it be... he was reborn on someone else

No, it's not that easy, the task hasn't been completed yet, it's impossible for the system to let him back so kindly.

Thinking of something, Chen's hand holding the phone started to shake like Parkinson's, I know it!

This is a parallel world, he remembered the system said.

The system popped up and said, "Yes, it is the world you were supposed to come to last time."

Chen You's face turned ashen in an instant, and he had nothing to love.

I'll fuck you with the system!

He sobbed and begged, "Fourth brother, I don't want to have trouble with perverts, it's really impossible."

The system said, "You have done it before and have experience."

"It's different," Chen shed two lines of tears again, "This is not an ordinary pervert, but a murderous maniac, I really can't do it."

The system said, "Come on, I like you."

Chen died again.

After being dead for a while, he faintly felt that the bottom of his butt was wet. He moved to the side and saw that there was a big light yellow water spot.

"Look at the shitty system, I'm really scared to pee!"

System, "I forgot to mention that your body has been wetting the bed since childhood."

Chen You, "..."