Quick Transmigration Number One Player

Chapter 35: The Arbitration Wife - The Most Beautiful Woman in the World


Sure enough, there was a brown paper envelope at the bottom of the box.

Perhaps, the secret lies here. Bai Chen sat down at the old dressing table with the envelope in his hand. He opened it carefully with excitement and took out the contents.

The envelope contained some yellowed black-and-white photos, plus a dozen color photos.

Among them, the black and white photos are photos of my grandmother with some people when she was young.

There are also two photos of my grandpa and grandma inside.

I heard that my grandfather passed away in his thirties, and the only things he left behind might be these two photos.

Bai Chen took the photos, which were only a few inches in size, and looked at them carefully. Although most of the photos were group photos of his grandmother and other people, Bai Chen could always see his grandmother at first sight.

Because among the people in the photo, only grandma is the most eye-catching.

But the closer Bai Chen looked at these photos, the more frightened he felt, because the charming eyes of his grandmother when she was young looked very familiar to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen touched his face and came to the conclusion that Qiao Yiran's face was 90% similar to his grandmother's when she was young.

Bai Chen, who already had something in mind, continued to check.

From a pile of photos, Bai Chen actually found a photo of his grandmother and a handsome man.

The man was of noble appearance, with handsome features, tall and mighty, and he snuggled up to my grandmother when she was young.

Who is this man? Is he the old man of the Yuan family

Bai Chen's eyes got closer and closer, it seemed like it really was the old man!

The facial features are vaguely similar.

Just when Bai Chen's eyes were about to become cross-eyed, grandma seemed to have thought of something. She rushed into the bedroom from outside and snatched the photo from her hand.

That panicked look formed a sharp contrast with my grandmother's usual image of a steady old woman.

She is a woman in her seventies, but her speed is even faster than that of young people.

The grandmother who had snatched the photo seemed to have realized her own misconduct. Her face turned red and she said in a panic, "Of course, it's time to eat."

Bai Chen pretended not to notice the photo and said to his grandmother with a smile: "Grandma, you were so beautiful when you were young!"

Grandma breathed a sigh of relief and patted Bai Chen on the shoulder. "What's the point of being pretty? When you get old, you'll still be an old woman with wrinkles all over your face."

No matter how good-looking a person is, they will grow old one day.

This is true for the old man and also for my grandmother.

How gorgeous they were when they were young! But when they got old, they could only return to their original simplicity and look like an ordinary old man or old woman.

Bai Chen stood up and took his grandmother’s arm: “Grandma is not old, she still looks very beautiful.

I dreamed of my grandmother when she was young last night. She was so beautiful and charming, the most beautiful woman in the world.

So, I was curious and wanted to see it.”

"It's just a joke, not that exaggerated, just a little bit more decent." Grandma was completely relieved and tapped Bai Chen's nose: "Let's go, let's eat."

But the photo with the man had been hidden in my grandmother's pocket.

She would never tell that secret.

Bai Chen was certain that the old man and the grandmother had once been lovers.

Maybe the two of them truly loved each other, but due to the huge disparity in their family backgrounds, the old man and grandmother eventually broke up.

Decades have passed, and grandma has become the white moonlight in the old man's heart. He has never forgotten her voice, appearance and smile.

One day, he went to his grandson's company and saw a secretary.

This secretary general was very similar to his white moonlight, which made the old man begin to suspect that this secretary might be the descendant of his white moonlight.

It was very easy for the old man to investigate someone. It didn't take long for him to find out everything about Qiao Yiran.

It turned out that Qiao Yiran was his white moonlight's granddaughter.

The old man wanted to make up for the regrets of his youth, so he overbearingly let his eldest grandson marry his white moonlight's granddaughter and made her the mistress of the Yuan family.

But the old man was worried that the grandmother would not agree when she found out the specific family her granddaughter was going to marry.

Therefore, he forced Yuan Ziyu to act first and report later, and let them get the certificate first, or make it a fait accompli. In this way, there would be no room for regret.

When the grandmother found out that her granddaughter was marrying into the Yuan family, she seemed very distressed.

But she was helpless, as her granddaughter had already obtained a marriage certificate with the young master of the Yuan family, or they were already married.

She couldn't break up the couple, so she could only endure the pain and wish her granddaughter the best.

Bai Chen felt that his analysis was almost correct, so all the unreasonable parts before were now reasonable.

Bai Chen stayed with her grandmother and mother for two days. On the third day, Yuan Ziyu came to pick her up in person.

Yuan Ziyu behaved very well in front of his grandma and mother. He was simply a good husband who cared for his parents and made them very happy.

Bai Chen didn't want to go back immediately, she wanted to spend more time with the two old people.

But my mother and grandmother kept pushing me away, saying that a married daughter should put her husband's family first.

Bai Chen shed bitter tears in his heart. If they knew what kind of life their daughter and granddaughter lived in the Yuan family, they would definitely not be able to bear it.

But how could the two old people know about this? For the time being, let them feel that their daughter and granddaughter are happy.

When going downstairs, Yuan Ziyu kept her arm around Bai Chen's shoulders, looking very loving.

Grandma and mom smiled and sent the young couple downstairs.

But as soon as the two old men went upstairs, Yuan Ziyu became hostile.

"Why did you suddenly go back to your parents' home? You are not allowed to run around without my permission again, and this will not happen again." Yuan Ziyu's face changed like a chameleon, faster than the face-changing master of Sichuan Opera.

"Yuan Ziyu! We agreed that we would not interfere with each other. I don't care about your fancy tricks, but you don't restrict my freedom of life, ok."

Bai Chen glanced at Yuan Ziyu with disgust, took out the car keys, pressed the switch, and quickly got into the driver's seat.

People say that appearance reflects the heart. If you know that person is a bad guy, a scumbag.

No matter how good-looking he is, you will still find him disgusting and think he is extremely ugly.

In Bai Chen's eyes, Yuan Ziyu was extremely ugly.

When the speeding car passed by Yuan Ziyu, it raised a thick fog of dust, which sprayed dust all over his nose. It was so cool.

"Qiao Yiran!" Yuan Ziyu roared. He had no way to deal with Qiao Yiran now and could only yell at her.

On the way back, Bai Chen received a message from the private detective asking her to come over.

When Bai Chen got the information from the detective agency, he was not too surprised. It just confirmed his guess.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when Bai Chen was about to wash up and rest, Yuan Ziyu actually lay on the couple's bed again.

He still had that stinky face as if he had eaten shit, as if Bai Chen had borrowed tens of billions from him.

"What did you say to grandpa?" Yuan Ziyu asked in an annoyed voice.

"Nothing!" Bai Chen was in a very good mood and answered casually while applying facial cream.

"Nothing? Then why does grandpa keep hitting me?" Yuan Ziyu leaned forward and stared at Bai Chen.

"You are a rebellious descendant who deserves a good beating."

Bai Chen was smiling as he spoke, not at all frightened by Yuan Ziyu's murderous expression.

Yuan Ziyu rubbed his cheeks, and had the urge to strangle the woman's neck in front of him, "Did you say something you shouldn't have said?"

Bai Chen continued to pat his face to maintain his skin, "No! Haven't we already agreed on three rules

I'm not a kid who likes to tell tales, don't worry.

I won't tell anyone about your affair with Miss Meng.

You can rest assured."