Quick Transmigration Number One Player

Chapter 831: Happy life in the world of gods - evil gods


In fact, although the fairy world, the god world, and the divine realm are in different dimensions, they can communicate with each other.

Whenever a disaster occurs in the low-dimensional world, the high-dimensional world will take action to provide some support to the low-dimensional world. "

Bai Muxun is worthy of being the best teacher ever. He is extremely patient, and has a good grasp of facial expressions. He always has a very friendly smile on his face, and he can answer almost every question.

Even though Bai Chen knew that he was his enemy, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in his heart.

If the two gods were not enemies, they might have become ordinary friends who could get along well.

There is a certain connection between dimensions, and Bai Chen is quite clear about this.

The immortal world is always paying attention to the immortal world under their jurisdiction. Whenever a disaster occurs in the immortal world and they cannot handle it themselves, the real immortals from the immortal world will take action.

However, it seems that the world of gods and the world of immortals have little connection. After all, no matter how big the matter is in the world of immortals, it is a trivial matter in the eyes of gods. When they can't handle it, the immortals will definitely be able to handle it.

Bai Muxun's patient explanation gave Bai Chen a very important knowledge lesson, which made her feel deeply moved.

The world is so vast, yet we are so small.

Maybe there are higher dimensions above the divine realm! Maybe there is no peak or end to cultivation either.

When the gods in the divine realm have practiced to a certain level, they will also ascend to a higher dimension.

It's like a pyramid, with layer upon layer, the number becomes increasingly scarce as you go up, until there is only one at the top.

And this god might be the creator of countless universes and countless worlds.

I just don’t know which god is standing at the top overlooking all living beings.

Could he be A Tian

After sighing for a while, Bai Chen asked again, "So, what do you need me to do? Do you think I can open the seal of that divine spell?"

"You don't need to open it yourself, you just need to find the location where the mother is sealed." Bai Muxun replied with a smile: "However, the power required to seal it is very huge.

I hope I can get some help from you.”

"Found the location! The place where she was sealed is a secret? Do you think I can find it?" Bai Chen was surprised and said: "Besides, do you think a junior god like me can really help you in terms of power?"

"Although your divine power is not much, your strength is great. I believe you can help me."

"Okay! I remember now. You know me very well. You even know exactly what kind of skills I practiced, right?"

"Haha." Bai Muxun raised the corner of his mouth again, looking at Bai Chen kindly and lovingly, "Theoretically, yes, but I don't know what you are thinking, I haven't learned mind reading.

As a father, I always want to know more about my daughter.”

Bai Chen: ...Haha!

Back to the topic, Bai Muxun continued: "Only a few high-level gods know the exact location where she is sealed, but they can't say it out loud. It seems that they have all been put under a gag spell. As long as they say it out loud, they will immediately turn into ashes.

Even the soul will be gone.

But you can find it. If your divine seals come from the same dimension, there is hope that you can find it."

"So, what if my divine seal and hers are not from the same dimension? What would you do?"

"If it's not the case, I won't do anything. You are still my daughter, and we can just live a good life from now on."

"Haha! Is that so?" Bai Chen had a faint expression. He felt that some of the words of this god should just be listened to and not taken too seriously.

But she believed that what happened to He Qingluan should be true, as this notorious god was introduced in a book from the divine world.

There are even picture books of hers in some markets in the divine world.

However, she was drawn as particularly ugly in the picture book, and was described as particularly evil in the language used.

Some parents in the God Realm even use her name to scare their children, always saying, "If you don't obey, I will call the evil god He Qingluan to eat you." Then, the children will obey her.

That’s right, for the past million years, He Qingluan’s name has always been synonymous with the evil god.

But Bai Chen didn't care about the evil god who had already passed away, nor did he want to spend time to understand him. He just glanced at him.

God has an excellent memory, so even with just a glance, he can remember her name clearly.

While Bai Chen was thinking, Bai Muxun had already stood up, walked to a big tree, looked up at the treetops, and said to himself:

“If your divine seal is different from hers and I can’t find the exact location where she is sealed, I will continue to wait until the next god with a divine seal appears.

However, I have a feeling that you are the key to opening the seal."

"Really?" Bai Chen turned sideways and looked at Bai Muxun's unusually slender back, thinking about the feasibility of this matter. If the seal could be lifted, the curse of the lower gods could be lifted, thereby changing the fate of the lower gods, then of course he could cooperate with him.

But there is still one biggest question: after He Qingluan's soul is released, will she take revenge on the entire divine world

To be honest, although Bai Chen did not have much good feelings towards this divine realm, he did not want it to return to the chaotic situation a million years ago.

After all, the world has already reached a balance, and I don't want to break it.

At this moment, Bai Muxun seemed to know what Bai Chen was thinking, "Don't worry, after mother is released, she will only have a soul, not a body. Although she has the divine seal, she won't be that strong.

Even after rebuilding her divine body, she would have to start practicing from scratch. It would take hundreds of thousands of years for her to grow. And even if she became stronger, she would no longer cause harm to the world.

Her original purpose of ruling the God Realm was just to change the serious situation of male dominance and female inferiority in the God Realm, not because she had a strong desire for power.

She did kill quite a few gods, but those gods were just evil gods seeking fame and reputation.

The only mistake she made was that she was too kind, allowing herself to be replaced by some treacherous and sinister people who appeared to be loyal but actually did evil things in secret.

The monsters suddenly attacked, but it was not what it seemed. Instead, the moralists wanted to use the monsters to kill their mother and leaked the news to the Demon Realm.

However, they did not expect that their mother could destroy billions of invading monsters with just a few magical weapons.

Later, my mother was killed, but it was actually done by her very trusted followers, otherwise who could have gotten close to her?"

After he finished speaking, his face was gloomy and cold. He no longer looked like the dean who always had a friendly smile on his face. He looked more like a messenger of revenge.

"So, who told you these things? Weren't you not born yet at that time?" Bai Chen asked again, "If you heard this from someone else, how true are they?"

Bai Chen's words made Bai Muxun's expression change even more. When he looked at her, the sense of intimacy had completely disappeared, and the temperature of the entire space seemed to have dropped by ten degrees.

“The authenticity is beyond doubt, because at that time, my mother was placing me in a giant egg and carrying me on her body at all times.