Quick Transmigration Number One Player

Chapter 833: Happy life in the world of gods - go to the special god class


The young man had a smile on his face. Although he didn't say anything when looking at Bai Chen, encouragement could be seen in his eyes.

He brought Bai Chen to the classroom door and turned away. His walk was still graceful and ethereal, so unworldly that people couldn't help but want to take a few more glances at him.

The classroom of the special classes is very spacious. When you first walk to the door of the classroom, it feels like you have arrived at a large square. Although it is an interior space, the ceiling is very high, estimated to be several dozen meters.

There are some runes on the ceiling that seem to be flowing, spreading outward in circles.

The atmosphere in the classroom is very lively and refreshing, which is a treatment not available in other classes.

There are no tables or chairs here. The students are sitting in a large circle on some cushions in the central area of the classroom, several meters apart, in training postures.

They all closed their eyes, as if they had entered a deep state of cultivation.

The students’ ages varied greatly, the older ones looked like full adults, while the younger ones were only the size of kindergarten kids.

Among these students, Bai Chen found several familiar faces, such as Huai Jue from Class 17, the naughty kid Chi Kan from Class 20, and Sang Musen who ascended to heaven at the same time as her.

After Bai Chen walked into the classroom, he sat on the only remaining cushion and closed his eyes, intending to practice to see if it was different from usual.

However, when she closed her eyes and had no time to practice, she actually saw a strange scene.

She saw a goddess sitting in mid-air in a training posture in the vast universe.

Her eyes were full of infinite love, her appearance was extraordinarily beautiful, and the divine clothes on her body were flying in the universe.

In one hand she was holding a tray with some round, colorful beads on it.

The other hand scattered the beads like candies, and everything that was scattered eventually turned into planets one after another.

These scattered planets seem to be completely random, yet they seem to be rotating according to some law.

If some planets did not rotate, she would pick them up, take a look at them, blow on them, and then throw them down, and then the planet would start to rotate.

Bai Chen looked a little dazed, feeling it was so novel.

It seemed as if the "candies" in the plate were endless. No matter how much was scattered, the beads in the plate did not seem to decrease.

She kept doing the same action, and soon the whole area was filled with thousands of densely packed stars.

Originally, Bai Chen thought that what he saw was just an image, but the goddess actually raised her eyelids and looked at Bai Chen.

"Child, you are my child. I finally found you. Come home with me!"

"Ah! What?" Bai Chen was greatly surprised and felt it was extremely mysterious. "Why do you say that?"

"Because you are my child!"

"Excuse me, what is your name? Could you please tell me more clearly why I am your child?" Bai Chen spoke a little stutteringly, feeling very incredible.

"because... "

But just as the goddess was about to continue answering, someone hit her on the head.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a face very close to her, an enlarged version of Dean Bai.

The two whiskers were the most conspicuous, and Bai Chen almost reached out to pull them, but he managed to resist the urge.

"Do you know how long you have been here?" Bai Muxun said with a smile, "The other children have been waiting for you for half a day."

"Ah! Didn't I just close my eyes?" Bai Chen felt a little dizzy. When he thought back to the scene he had just seen, he really felt like he had only experienced a short while.

I only watched the goddess being sweet for a few minutes at most, and the time I spent talking to her was even shorter, at most one minute.

But Bai Muxun actually said that he had been here for most of the day, which was really strange.

Could it be that the speed of time flowing in that illusion is different from that outside

"We sat and drank tea and chatted for a while before we forcibly woke you up."

Bai Muxun's signature friendly smile has not changed, nor has his pleasant voice.

"I'm sorry to disturb your sweet dream."

"Haha! Sweet dreams!" Bai Chen smiled foolishly to hide her embarrassment. She looked around her and found that dozens of students were staring at her.

Their looks were either disdainful, indifferent, or jealous.

Bai Chen was very happy to accept the first two types of looks, but he didn't know where the jealousy came from.

"You are really something. I can't wake you up even if I push you. What kind of magic skill do you practice

If the enemy came, I might be killed before I even woke up. "

The one who spoke was actually Chi Kan, who sounded like a little adult, scolding with an expression as if he was disappointed in someone.

Ever since Bai Chen hugged little Chi Kan that time, he seemed like a different person. He suddenly became a good boy in the class. Not only did he start to study seriously, but he also stopped causing trouble.

If other children make trouble, he will teach them a lesson, so that they can be obedient, study hard and make progress every day.

Since then, the teachers have been in a better mood when they come to teach Class 20, and they are more energetic during the class.

But they don’t know the specific reasons why the class atmosphere of Class 20 has improved.

Even the beautiful head teacher was a little confused by this phenomenon. She had spent ten years trying to improve the class atmosphere, but it suddenly got better. It was really hard to understand.

However, she was very happy to see that this long-standing problem was suddenly solved.

Bai Chen certainly knew the reason for this change in little Chi Kan, so whenever he thought of it, he always felt a little emotional.

Oh! My motherly aura is so powerful.

It would be great if my other halos were as powerful!

When you meet an enemy, your halo will flash, and the enemy will immediately turn into a gentle little lamb, treating you as a friend, confidant, or even worship you and become your little brother. How great it would be!

But such a dream can only be imagined in the mind, and it seems impossible to realize it.

"Um, um, sorry!" After thinking wildly for a while, Bai Chen apologized embarrassedly.

It would be very embarrassing to be scolded like this by a child.

"It's okay. Just don't lose your vigilance outside." Chi Kan taught again like a little adult, making Bai Chen feel even more embarrassed.

I always feel that Chikan is too nosy, as if I am someone related to him.

Could it be that this little adult, like Huai Jue, wants to regard herself as her mother

But isn't his mother still alive? And she is also a very powerful God King.

How could he have such thoughts about another woman? Could it be that he couldn't get maternal love from his mother

Just as Bai Chen was awkwardly speculating, classmate Sang Musen made another noise.

"Lihua, why are you in this class too?"

An expression of disbelief.

It’s because he knew that all the students in this class were the most talented in the entire academy, but Luo Lihua’s talent didn’t seem to be that high!

She was just an average person in the fairy world. After arriving in the god world, she became even more ordinary when compared with the natives here.

That's why he had some doubts.

Sang Musen has been always arrogant recently because his cultivation speed is even faster than that of the children in the divine world. This makes the children who look down on the lower gods look at him with admiration.