Quick Transmigration Number One Player

Chapter 860: A wonderful rescue process


They have played a big role in helping me keep a relatively active mind.

So, just like Jin Chen had kept the little snake, Bai Chen also kept his cute pet.

Before the trial field was opened, the legendary Emperor of the Universe actually came to the game space in person, and his voice and smile were seen on countless large screens throughout the space.

What surprised Bai Chen was that every intelligent creature said that he was very handsome and was one of their kind.

Later, she learned that the Emperor of the Universe had used some kind of magic that allowed countless types of players to see him as their own kind, and all of them were the best-looking.

The purpose, of course, is to make all intelligent creatures worship him.

His goal was achieved, and every player was excited and pious when they saw him.

After he showed up, he simply said a few words of encouragement, which sounded ordinary to Bai Chen, but to other players, they seemed to have a unique charm, making all the players who were qualified to enter the trial field excited.

Everyone seemed to be full of energy.

Even Siwen Liangyue's face was filled with excitement. Only Bai Chen was calm and stared at the big screen indifferently.

When it comes to the art of bewitching, if the Emperor of the Universe says that he is second to none, no one would dare to say that he is first.

The comrades who had entered the inner earth world stood together before entering the trial field, intending to cooperate with each other after entering the trial field.

Bai Chen also planned to slap the military order tokens into their hands after entering and make them his helpers.

But will things really go as smoothly as she imagined

... .

The trial field was officially opened, and the players were sucked in like locusts.

The same goes for Bai Chen.

Unfortunately, she is now alone, hanging on a dead tree halfway up a cliff.

Where are the shadows of my comrades

There is a cliff with no top in sight above and an abyss with no bottom below.

Moreover, the smoothness of this cliff is comparable to that of jade.

It seems that the gravity here is very strong. For Bai Chen, who once lived on the planet Huaguang, this strong gravity is not unfamiliar to him.

The gravity here seems to be even stronger than that of the Huaguang planet. If the soul falls into the abyss, it may die.

After entering here, players cannot fly in the air like in other places, nor can they turn into smoke and float in the air.

The only skill you can use is fighting.

So at this moment, Bai Chenkong had all the skills, but he was helpless.

I could only hug the dead branch and cry without tears.

If you don't have any mission, there is no need to worry. Maybe after climbing here for ten years, you may be automatically ejected from the trial field.

However, my mission is to save the lives of the players who enter!

However, just as Bai Chen was thinking about countermeasures with a bitter face, a giant bird opened its bloody mouth and spit out foul smell at her. This stench was the same one she had smelled during training.

If I hadn't trained, I would probably have fainted from the stench.

Hahahaha! Bai Chen was overjoyed. Got it.

It happened so quickly that she jumped up to meet the bird, grabbed the giant bird's neck, and then flipped over and rode on its back easily.

The giant bird was horrified and flapped its wings and shook its body, trying to shake Bai Chen off. However, no matter how it flapped its wings, Bai Chen seemed to have taken root on its back.

The giant bird had no choice but to fly around in the sky, screaming hysterically.

Soon, many such giant birds were attracted.

This incident made Bai Chen very depressed, because all the giant birds were spraying bad breath at her.

There was also the smell of sharp blades mixed in with the stench.

All the birds emitted a foul odor at the same time, which was many times stinkier than when they were training in space, and they also had to avoid the attacks of those sharp blades that could cut through iron like mud.

Bai Chen's situation is very dangerous.

She began to endure the unpleasant stench and hunt the giant birds that attacked her. After an unknown amount of time, all the birds that flew towards her were finally killed.

Only the one under his crotch was left whimpering in pain.

Bai Chen suddenly had an idea and wanted to give this giant bird a military token to try.

Just do it when you say it, and do it as soon as you think of it. Then, Bai Chen hung on the giant bird's legs with a whoosh, grabbed the giant bird's legs with one hand, and with the other hand, he hit its feet with a snap.

Giant Bird: ...This monster is a pervert!

Then use your mind to direct it to fly in a certain direction.

The giant bird was originally in a stupid state, not knowing why the monster was patting the soles of its feet.

But suddenly its mind became confused, and then it headed in the direction Bai Chen was commanding as if possessed.

Later, it became a good little lamb and made great contributions to Bai Chen's road to salvation.

After getting the mount, Bai Chen felt much better. He began to watch the movements below closely, wanting to see if the players who entered were really fighting each other.

Maybe the space was big enough, and at a glance, there were only a few players walking around.

And there was no sight of any fighting.

But soon, she saw two human players meet unexpectedly, and then she saw them fighting.

Seeing this, Bai Chen quickly commanded the giant bird to dive down.

At this moment, the eyes of the two human players seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, like zombies, but they used their killing moves one after another.

After Bai Chen estimated his own strength, he quickly intervened. First, he grabbed a player's hand and pulled it. Then, with a quick snap, he slapped the military order token on it.

The player was stunned for a few seconds and then quickly left. Whenever he met another player along the way, he would grab his hand and high-five him. His movements were incredibly fast and he didn't even give the other players a chance to react before he took a picture of the next one.

If Bai Chen saw this phenomenon, he would definitely be delighted.

The second player, Bai Chen, did the same thing.

Then came the third, and the fourth.

After a short while, a large area changed from killing to high-fives.

What a peaceful atmosphere.

Bai Chen continued to ride on the giant bird. After a while, he saw that it was very lively below.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a group of strange players fighting each other.

I swooped down again and finally got a clear look at the appearance of these players.

They turned out to be the chubby, winter melon-like players that he had met once in the game space.

When the Donggua players saw Bai Chen, they immediately stopped fighting each other and rushed towards her ferociously.

Although they seemed to have no hands, their round bodies were like heavy steel wheels. When they pounced over, the force was so strong that Bai Chen was almost blown down by the wind.

Bai Chen quickly used his speed advantage to dodge, and at the same time slapped out a palm, knocking the Donggua player who was rushing towards him away.

Then, she simply took the initiative, pounced on a player, grabbed a few strands of hair on his head and escaped from the encirclement, while running she was still studying where her palm was.

However, after studying it for a long time, I found that except for two legs that were extremely thin, the rest of the body was completely bare.