Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 118: Eat, sleep, and train the prince 7


Not only do you eat on time and sumptuously, but you also have beautiful women and wine to accompany you.

If the host was really a man, it would be a life like a god.

[Host, is it possible that you plan to live like this forever?]


[So why did you come to the brothel?]Little Yiyi is really curious about this.

Why, why exactly

"Step in." Xi Ying said casually.


The host comes to the brothel to visit, is he planning to open a brothel in this plane to make money

It seems like a good idea, since the host has no shortage of start-up capital anyway.

After drinking and eating, Xi Ying dropped a piece of silver that she had exchanged for gold.

The oiran accepted it with satisfaction and asked Xi Ying to play again when she had time.

After leaving the brothel, Xi Ying lazily asked Xiao Yiyi: "Where to go to the Taifu Courtyard?"

Taifuyuan is where the sons of ministers and various young princes attend classes. It is equivalent to a school for nobles.

[Go straight along this road and turn right when you see the intersection. You can get there in two hours.]Xiao Yiyi looked at the map of Daxia in his hand and said.

Xi Ying: "..."

"I'll go look for a carriage."

[Host, do you think this is modern times? Unlike taxis, which are publicly owned, horse-drawn carriages are equivalent to private cars.]

Xi Ying raised her eyebrows, "Then what if someone wants to go to Taifu Courtyard but doesn't have a carriage?"

[horse riding.]

“What about people who don’t have money to buy a horse, can’t ride a horse, or just don’t want to ride a horse?”

[… walk over!]

"A four-hour walk?"

Two hours is four hours.


After listening to Xiao Yiyi's words, Xi Ying stared thoughtfully at a horse in a stable on the roadside.

She stared at it for so long that the owner thought she was interested in the horse.

"Master, if you really like it, I can sell you this horse for two taels of silver!" the horse owner said very generously.

"Two taels?" Xi Ying had just arrived in Daxia and didn't know much about prices in Daxia.

[Host, even if this horse is resold, it will still cost four taels of silver anyway. This person probably gave you a discount because of your good looks.]

"What, is that too much?" The horse owner was a little surprised.

He saw that the young master was handsome and gentle, and his eyes when looking at his horse were focused and serious. He was definitely a man who would treat horses well, so he gave such a low price.

Is that still too much

"No, big brother, I want to ask you, do you still have a horse on hand?" Xi Ying bowed her hands and asked politely.

"Haha! Master, you really asked the right person. As the name suggests, I am a horse caretaker who specializes in raising horses!"

"Hello, Brother Guan, I know you gave me a big discount on this horse. I was so shocked just now.

I want to ask you, if I buy a hundred horses from you at one time, can you just sell them to me at this price without asking you for a bigger discount? "

What Xi Ying said was just right.

"A hundred horses?" This time it was Guan Ma's turn to be shocked, "I wonder what the master wants to buy so many horses?"

Xi Ying smiled mysteriously, "Brother Guan has to tell me first if he can sell it to me at two taels per horse."

Guan Ma thought for a while, patted his thigh and said, "Okay! But now you can tell me what you want to do, right?"

Xi Ying told Guan Ma her thoughts.

On the one hand, it is impossible for her to keep an eye on this plan. On the other hand, she is not from Daxia after all, and she is definitely not as skilled as Guan Ma in purchasing materials.