Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 127: Eat, sleep, and train the prince16


Drinking wine, listening to songs, and watching him do his homework.

After watching it, Xi Ying fell asleep.

The oiran stopped playing at a loss.

Long Lingbei raised his head from his homework and waved his hand to the oiran.

The oiran leaves.

He continued to work late into the night and write double assignments.

The next morning, Xi Ying woke up.

She fell asleep on the table last night.

A thin blanket was draped over her body.

There are two neatly written homework books on the table that have been completed.

Long Lingbei is not in the room.

Xi Ying took off the thin blanket and walked out of the room.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the oiran standing at the door with an anxious face.

"Mr. Xi, you finally woke up. Please hurry up and save Mr. Long!"


"What happened?" Xi Ying asked as she followed the oiran forward.

"At dawn today, the door of the store was kicked open by someone, shouting that they were here to see Young Master Long.

After Young Master Long went out, they caught him and beat him up! After the beating, I will ask him to confess you!

Young Master Long always insisted that he came here on his own and had nothing to do with anyone else, so he was beaten all the time.

I heard Xiaocui, the sweeper who was watching from the beginning to the end, say that those people seemed to be deliberately trying to beat Mr. Long in public. "

The oiran had a good impression of Long Lingbei, and Long Lingbei was Xi Ying's friend, so she was worried and anxious.

But the oiran knew that Xi Ying was sleeping and didn't dare to wake her up, so he kept waiting at the door for her to wake up.

Just listening to the oiran's description made Xi Ying feel very uncomfortable.

When she came to the door of the brothel and saw Long Lingbei lying on the ground covered in dust with blood at the corner of his mouth, her anger suddenly started to burn.

She immediately exchanged it with Xiao Yiyi for an extremely solid wooden stick.

Combined with Qinggong, Xi Ying defeated the group of minions who were kicking Longling Bei in three or two strokes.

"Xi...Brother Xi Xian..." Long Lingbei called out feebly.

"Long Lingbei, you are really a waste." Xi Ying glanced at him and said coldly.

"Haha! What a good brother Xi Xian!" came a hearty yet treacherous voice.

Xi Ying looked up.

The young man in black robe walked towards her with a smile.

And beside the young man, followed Long Xiaoran.

When Long Xiaoran saw Xi Ying looking at him, he winked at Xi Ying desperately.

No matter how stupid Xi Ying is, she can still guess the identity of this young man in black clothes.

The current prince is Long Tianyao.

Daxia's surnames are not so taboo. The royal heirs are surnamed Long, and other people in the world can also be surnamed Long.

Moreover, in this era without the Internet, messages are transmitted slowly and portraits are inaccurate. Few ordinary people have seen those who stand in high positions.

These high-ranking nobles such as princes and princes will not publicize their status wherever they go.

Therefore, the onlookers only thought that these young men were very aristocratic, probably young men from famous families, and did not think about anything further.

"So, are you the one who brought my third brother into a place like this?" Long Tianyao walked up to Xi Ying, his eyes and tone suddenly changed.

The aura of being in a high place all year round suddenly pressed against Xi Ying, who was still holding a wooden stick in her hand.

However, Xi Ying remained motionless, not even bothering to lift her eyelids.

She is not from the feudal dynasty and has no servile blood in her bones.

She had never been afraid in front of Gu Fanting, so how could she be afraid of Long Tianyao.

Xi Ying's red lips parted slightly and her tone was calm, "It's me."