Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 238: No one can beat me in my BGM21


"I already know that you were poisoned. The reason why you rushed into the school with a car and people yesterday morning was because you were weak after fighting the demon cultivator.

But I won’t apologize to you because I didn’t know the causes and consequences at the time. "

Xi Ying said while wiping her hair with a towel.

Nanzhi's eyes fell on the towel she was using.

There are two bath towels and two towels in the bathroom, but they are all pure white.

But the one held by Xi Ying was in the shape of stripes.

This further strengthened Nan Zhi's idea that Xi Ying had room.

"I don't need you to apologize to me..." Midway through his words, Nan Zhi felt his heart tightening, followed by heartbreaking pain!

He quickly covered his heart, frowned, and huddled up.

Big drops of sweat quickly seeped out on his forehead and body, quickly soaking his clothes and sheets.

In just one minute, Nan Zhi felt as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Xi Ying watched calmly and wiped her hair with a towel.

Totally like an outsider.


It wasn't until Nan Zhi vomited a mouthful of blood that his semi-dead state ended abruptly.

[Host, I can feel Nanzhi's cultivation level declining sharply.]

"What is his original cultivation level?" Xi Ying's casual eyes swept over Nan Zhi, who had his eyes closed to rest, and walked to the sofa to sit down.

[Ninth level of out-of-body experience.]

"What now?"

[First level of foundation building.]

Xi Ying was silent.

[Host, I know you don’t understand this very well, so I’ll give you a brief explanation.

It is equivalent to a student who was about to graduate from college and suddenly dropped to the first grade of elementary school for some reason.

Do you think it's cheating or not? Is it cruel to the heart or not?]

Xiao Yiyi's words made Xi Ying look at Nan Zhi twice.

He didn't know what grudge the person who poisoned him had against him, but he actually forced him into such a situation.

"Bai Qianli." Nan Zhi, who had recovered a little energy, closed his eyes and said, "You have space."

This is not a question, but an affirmative.

It was precisely because of Nan Zhi's words that Xi Ying's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The affairs between Xiao Yiyi and the Lord God must not be leaked out, otherwise she will be completely destroyed and will never reincarnate.

If Nan Zhi knew more, she wouldn't mind killing Nan Zhi immediately.

Nan Zhi also felt Xi Ying's murderous intention, but he still wanted to continue talking.

"If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing I could do, I wouldn't put down my pride and ask you."

Nanzhi opened his eyes, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

The man who was about 1.8 meters actually knelt in front of Xi Ying.

But even though he was kneeling, his expression was neither humble nor arrogant, and his white lips showed more masculinity. "My mother and I depended on each other for life. I was bewitched. It doesn't matter if I die, but she worked hard all her life. I don't want her to end up in such a miserable state." end.

I can feel that you have space.

There are three types of jelly grass that can be used to prepare anti-poison elixirs, but these three types of jelly grass are almost extinct in the world and can only survive in space. "

Speaking of this, Nan Zhi raised his eyes to look at Xi Ying, his eyes full of determination, "If you have these three kinds of fairy grass in your space, if you can help me, then, even if you ask me to be a cow or a horse, I will No excuses."

Xi Ying's eyes were light and she calmly accepted Nan Zhi's kneeling.


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