Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 25: I covered this military commander 24


You can feel murderous intent just from a phone call without seeing the person. The other party is not simple!

Xi Ying raised her eyelids and said expressionlessly: "My private affairs have nothing to do with you."

The old policeman was choked by these words and was speechless.

Yes, is it necessary to tell him who someone is calling? Even if you tell him who it is, does he know it

"What kind of attitude do you have! If you have money, you are great? If you have money, you can be so arrogant? It's obvious that you hit someone, but you are still so confident!" The young policeman couldn't hold back his temper and came up with accusations indiscriminately.

"Arrogant?" Xi Ying felt like laughing.

She stood up from her seat and walked towards the young policeman impartially.

Her black eyes seemed to come from a deep cave in an extremely cold place, swept in by an icy storm as violent as a blizzard.

She stopped in front of the young policeman and casually picked up a porcelain white tea cup on the table.

"What are you going to do..."

Soon enough, before the young policeman finished speaking, Xi Ying was about to smash the teacup on his head.

The young policeman immediately closed his eyes, his face looking ferocious, as if his face was covered with shards of porcelain.

However, instead of the expected pain, he had a pool of hot water splashed all over his face.

"Hiss! Hot, hot, hot!" He hurriedly covered his face and wiped away the scorching hot tea.

"Tsk." Xi Ying chuckled disdainfully, and the empty porcelain cup turned into powder in her seemingly weak hands.

[I’m a bastard! !]Xiao Yiyi exclaimed in her heart!

What's this? Breaking a porcelain cup with your bare hands? This is a purely modern plane without any elements of spiritual cultivation. How could something like this happen? Hey!

Lord God, please come out quickly to maintain the order of the plane! The baby is willing to be ridiculed by you again!

However, Xiao Yiyi received no response.

The young policeman's originally fair face had been burnt red, and he stared at Xi Ying angrily with his red eyes.

Xi Ying slowly shook the powder in her hand to the ground, and turned on her sarcastic skills to the maximum: "Don't thank me, I just want you to experience what it means to be arrogant-"

Whenever she hears adjectives that are inconsistent with her behavior, Xi Ying can't help but want to prove it.

For example, Ai Lingling said she was targeting her, and the young police officer said she was arrogant.

If she is not convinced, she can be more exaggerated.

"You, do you know that this is a police station? Why can you be so arrogant in the police station!" The young policeman is worthy of being young. He has already suffered a lot from Xi Ying and still doesn't know how to restrain his arrogance.

The old policeman standing nearby closed his mouth and shook his head very wisely.

Young people, they are just too impatient.

This Miss Xi obviously has a backer, otherwise she wouldn't be so unscrupulous.

"Why? Just because she is my fiancée!" An angry male voice with thunderous force came from the door.

The young policeman covered his face and looked toward the door.

A group of soldiers stepped in neatly, dividing into two columns and lining up on both sides.

A man in a green military uniform came with a cold aura. He had a cold face and sharp eyes. He also held a whip that was so black that it reflected light in his hand.

"Hi, my Lord Commander." Xi Ying arched her eyebrows and showed her white teeth to Gu Fanting.

Gu Fanting's anger was extinguished by the words "My Lord Commander".