Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 26: I covered this military commander for 25


"Lan Lan, are you okay?" Gu Fanting walked quickly to Xi Ying's side and looked her up and down carefully.

The ruthlessness of iron and blood turned into softness, which almost shocked the policemen who saw Gu Fanting's transformation with their own eyes.

Of course they knew who this man in military uniform was, and it was precisely because they knew that they were even more shocked.

"Gu, Commander Gu, you said Miss Lan Qin is your... fiancée?" the old policeman asked cautiously, with a very respectful and pious tone.

People throughout Nanshi and even China respected Gu Fanting.

Not because of his status as the youngest commander in the country, but because of his glorious military exploits.

It is precisely because of soldiers like Gu Fanting who sweat and bleed on the front lines to protect their home and country that they have a safe and stable life now.

Everyone has learned to be grateful, especially during a war a few years ago. War reporters brought precious video materials back to the country, allowing the Chinese who have been living in peaceful times to understand how terrifying the battlefields on the front lines are. And so exciting!

And the commander Gu Fanting, who although he was in a high position, was always on the front line, became the idol in the hearts of most Chinese men and the dream lover of women!

"Yes, Lan Lan is my fiancée." Gu Fanting hugged Xi Ying and turned around to look at the old policeman.

His eyes swept over the face of the young policeman who was covering his face, "What's wrong with him?"

The old policeman couldn't speak, so he could only signal the young policeman with his eyes.

Fortunately, the young policeman finally understood. He quickly shook his head and said, "It's okay. It's just that I accidentally got scalded by the water just now."

Gu Fanting is such a shrewd person. How could a good person get burned by water? And it still burns your face

He couldn't help but guess that this might be the work of his fiancée.

Gu Fanting slightly raised the corners of his lips and asked calmly: "Can we leave?"

He would never ask Xi Ying about this matter in front of outsiders.

"Okay, Miss Lan's transcript has been completed." The old policeman stepped out of the way for Gu Fanting to make it easier for the two of them to leave.

Xi Ying was not in a hurry to leave. She smiled and said to the old policeman: "It doesn't matter if the surveillance is broken. You can check the ID cards of those two people. If they don't even have ID cards, what they say cannot be trusted." ?”

It is precisely because the surveillance in that area of the highway is broken that the police cannot judge which of them is true and which is false.

When Gu Fanting heard Xi Ying's words, he knew who she was talking about and couldn't help but smile.

Even though they knew that neither of them had ID cards, they still asked the old police officers to check them.

Isn't it obvious that the two people who had just left the police station were allowed to stay in the police station for another night

His little unmarried wife is really bad.

But what if he just likes this kind of badness

[Report to the host, Gu Fanting’s favorability towards you has reached 99%]

Following Xiao Yiyi's mechanical sound, Xi Ying followed Gu Fanting into the military vehicle.

"You must have burned that young man's face." The statement was made without any reproach.

"He says I'm arrogant, so I'll show him how arrogant I am." Xi Ying put on her seat belt with an indifferent expression.

"Aren't you afraid that they will arrest you for assaulting the police?" Gu Fanting asked with a smile in his eyes.

"They can't beat me."

"Huh?" Gu Fanting's voice rose with a hint of inquiry.

Does the unmarried little wife who loves him really have the idea of attacking the police