Quick Transmigration: Report to the Host, You Have Been Attacked!

Chapter 82: Hello, forensic yandere12


Xi Ying was welcomed into Wen Shan's home.

Judging from the price of the villa and the exquisiteness of the decoration, Wen Shan's family has a lot of money.

At first glance, her room looks very similar to He He's original room, both of which are in a frigid style.

But unlike He He, Wen Shan's room can be seen with small, exquisitely crafted dolls.

These dolls are not cute at all. On the contrary, they are all made to look ferocious.

Seeing Xi Ying looking at these dolls, Wen Shan didn't explain.

The nanny brought a cup of hot tea and a cup of milk tea. The hot tea was handed to Xi Ying, and the milk tea was handed to Wen Shan.

"Thank you, Mama Yang." Wen Shan took it, her smile sweeter than the taste of milk tea.

Yang's mother smiled back briefly, then turned around, wiped her hands on the apron in front of her and said, "Forensic He, our young lady is very kind-hearted! She is usually very nice to me, what do you think? How could a child like me, who is very kind to my servants, do such a cruel thing!"

Xi Ying stood there holding the tea, nodding seriously with a serious face, "I understand the situation you mentioned, and I know what to do."

"Okay, then you can talk, I won't disturb you anymore." Seeing Xi Ying's good attitude, Yang Ma left the room.

"Wen Shan, I'm sorry." Xi Ying said almost as soon as Yang Ma closed the door.

Although Wen Shan was mentally prepared, when she actually heard Xi Ying's apology, a trace of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

"I shouldn't have stalked you. It was precisely because of my persistence that I suffered a tragic fate in my last life." Xi Ying continued.

"Last life?" Wen Shan couldn't help but frown when she heard these three words.

"Yes, you may not believe it, but I was reborn. After I woke up in the dirt in the suburbs, I found that I was back to the past!" Xi Ying was a little excited when she said this.

[Host, is your purple diamond vulnerability really good...] Xiao Yiyi was ashamed.

The main god's regulations only said that nothing about the main god's space should be revealed. It would be better for the host to just say that she was reborn from the original owner.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse to meet a host with such a high IQ and such good acting skills.

"Are you... reborn?" Wen Shan put down the milk tea cup and stared at Xi Ying with wide eyes.

"Well, I know why you became like this, and I also know that you had no ill intentions towards me. If it weren't for my persistence in my previous life, I wouldn't have ended up like that."

Xi Ying raised her head and looked at the shocked Wen Shan with her dark eyes, "So, when God gives me another chance, I will choose not to be your enemy."

Wen Shan opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

She didn't know what to say.

She herself is a reborn person, and now He He is actually reborn too

She was reborn in her life, and He He was reborn in her reborn life

This sentence is convoluted, but the meaning is that Xi Ying can know what Wen Shan can know, and Xi Ying probably knows more than Wen Shan.

"You're not checking me out?" In the end, Wen Shan could only ask this sentence.

"I won't investigate anymore. From now on, you and I will be on the same page. However, if I can find out that there is an obvious relationship with you next time I encounter a case that I am responsible for, then I will still fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of a forensic doctor."

When Xi Ying said this, not only would it not make Wen Shan feel any extreme emotions, but it would also make her feel that this was the real He He.