Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan

Chapter 175: God is too cold


Gu Jinmi stayed in the palace for four hundred years without realizing it. After she had completely digested what she had learned, she breathed a sigh of relief! She could finally get out. She swore that if she stayed in the palace any longer, she was really worried that she would burn the place down with a fire!

"Host, haha, I knew you could do it. We can finally go out now." You know, it was almost growing mushrooms from staying here! It couldn't remember how long it had been since it last saw the sun!

"Let's go! Stop talking nonsense. You are much happier than me." Gu Jinmi said while rubbing Maomao's fur in dissatisfaction.

"No way! I'm still with you! It's not easy for me!"

“Haha, yes, yes, yes, it’s not easy for you.”

"Hey, what's with your perfunctory tone?"

"That's exactly what happened!"

Gu Jinmi looked at the opened door and was immediately excited! She quickly hugged Maomao and flew out. After she got outside, she took a deep breath and said, "It's really a good world outside! I really feel the deep malice in the palace."

"Host, people like you who take advantage of others and still act cute are likely to be hated by others."

"Tsk, let them bear the grudge! Anyway, they bear the grudge for their own sake, and I will do my own thing. Even if they curse me behind my back, I won't lose a single piece of meat."

"Hey! Something is wrong! Why are we still in this deep forest?" After Gu Jinmi's excitement, she looked at the place that was still so familiar, and suddenly she felt like vomiting blood! Although she didn't like the palace, she didn't like this deep forest either!

"I don't know about this!" Maomao scratched his head with his claws and said, "Logically speaking, shouldn't we have found the exit? Could it be that the Realm of Nothingness is not the exit of this deep forest?"

Gu Jinmi carefully observed the surrounding environment and remembered that there was a passage in the book that mentioned that the realm of nothingness often appeared in some desolate places, and this desolate place had no entrance or exit. If you want to get out, you can only rely on your super high flying ability to fly vertically for 90,000 miles to reach the top and return to the human world.

Moreover, due to the unique climate environment in the deep mountains and old forests, the terrain of the deep mountains and old forests is steep and steep, and there seems to be some poisonous fog in the forest that will affect people's flying skills. As long as you are not careful, you are very likely to fall back to the bottom of the valley. And the higher you go, the more the poisonous fog spreads, and the stronger the toxicity is.

Flying up ninety thousand miles, although I am now proficient in the art of flying, it is still very uncertain to fly ninety thousand miles! After all, it will take at least half a month to fly ninety thousand miles. Not to mention the influence of the poisonous fog on my flying skills. Moreover, the book also records that there will be various hardships in the process of flying. As for what they are, it depends on luck and opportunity.

It was also very difficult to find a stop during the flight. Even if she wanted to rest and recover her strength, it was difficult to do so! Plus, she had to bring Maomao with her, which was even more difficult! What should she do? However, since it was recorded in the book, it meant that someone must have done it. Since someone had done it, she had the confidence to give it a try. But the first thing to solve now was probably the problem of the poisonous fog.

But now this is the bottom of the valley, and the poisonous fog is so rare! It seems that I can only take a risk to develop an antidote for the poisonous fog. But then again, isn't it said that there is no entrance to this deep forest? Then how did the original owner get in? Did the original owner live in this deep forest since childhood

But this doesn't match the injuries all over the original owner's body! And who gave this jade ring to the original owner? Forget it, let's find a way out first!

After more than three months of developing the antidote, Gu Jinmi finally succeeded after repeated failures.

"Haha, I knew I would succeed one day. Humph! It's just a flight of 90,000 miles! 90,000 miles is 90,000 miles, who's afraid of who?"

Gu Jinmi carefully put Maomao into the cage and said, "Maomao, you must hold on tight! If you fall, I can't save you!"

"I know, I know. Seriously, you've said this at least ten times, okay?"

Gu Jinmi tapped Maomao's little head in annoyance and said, "I'm just worried about you!"

"You'd better worry about yourself! But can you do it?"

"Why can't it be done? You still don't believe me."

"It's not that I don't trust you! I'm just worried, okay?"

"Don't worry! I'll do my best! Anyway, even if I fail, the most I can do is fall to the bottom. I'm already very powerful now, I'm not afraid of falling. Even if I fall from a higher place, I'm afraid I won't die! You! You'd better take care of yourself. Let's go!"

As Gu Jinmi flew upwards, she looked around and found that the walls around her were really smooth! Fortunately, she brought a secret weapon with her, so she could take a break even if she was tired! After flying for a day and a night, Gu Jinmi felt that her physical strength could not keep up! But when she looked at the endless sky above, she sighed! Forget it, let's take a break first!

Gu Jinmi took out the sword she had brought back from the palace and stuck it into the cliff. It was safe! When she first saw the sword in the palace, she didn't want to take it, but the sword found her on its own! It would be embarrassing if she didn't take it!

"Maomao, tell me! What sin have we committed? We have spent more than five hundred years in this deep forest. If we could have gotten out earlier, I think I would have almost completed my mission by now!"

"Host, stop complaining. In fact, your luck this time is pretty good. You have to know that you are embarking on a hidden mission this time! You have to know that once you complete the hidden mission, the reward is twice that of a normal mission! What's more, you have encountered such a void realm and got such a great opportunity. You have to know that what you learn in it can not only be used in this world, you can even bring it back to your original world! Tell me, aren't you making a fortune?"

"But that's not the case! As for the hidden mission, we have no clue at all! Why did the original owner appear in this deep forest? You said that the original owner once had immortal bones, so where did the original owner's immortal bones go now? And what about those injuries on the original owner's body? When I think about it now, I feel like my head is about to explode!"

"Don't you humans like to say an old saying? Something like, "A boat will naturally straighten itself when it reaches the end of an alley!"

"That's what they call 'things will work out when the time comes'."

"Haha, that's it. But it feels so weird! Isn't the boat straight? Why does it have to be straight only when it reaches the bridge? Is the boat crooked everywhere else?"

Gu Jinmi rolled her eyes at the fox and said, "Well! You have to ask the person who said this! How would I know? Stop making noise, I'll take a rest first." After saying that, she closed her eyes. Fortunately, she is almost an immortal now and doesn't need to eat anymore. Otherwise, she would definitely die of starvation instead of exhaustion!

Gu Jinmi took Maomao with her and flew upwards while resting. But the process of flying upwards was full of hardships! The weather changed every time they flew for a while! Especially the hail that just passed by. It almost crushed me to death! Fortunately, I was alert, otherwise, I might have been crushed to death!

After a few days, Gu Jinmi finally saw a little green light, and she was immediately excited! You don't know how happy and excited it is to meet someone of your own kind after living alone for a long time. Gu Jinmi now just wants to speed up and fly forward!

"Host, host, calm down, calm down, don't be confused by these illusions."

Illusion?! Wait, no, Maomao is right. At this speed, it's good enough to be halfway there. But now I can see the edge of the cliff. This doesn't make sense!

If she remembered correctly, the book also mentioned that you will encounter some illusions during the flight! So all this is fake. Sure enough, when Gu Jinmi looked up again, she only saw the endless sky. It seems that what she just saw was definitely this illusion.

If I stay in this illusion any longer, it will definitely be bad for me! It seems that I can only speed up. I hope that God will bless me and help me get through this level!

Wait, as the saying goes, illusions come from the mind. If I don't think about anything now, then this illusion will collapse by itself. As expected, just as Gu Jinmi thought, the vines that were originally tangled have now disappeared. It seems that I have passed this level now!

"Great, it's finally over."

"Maomao, how do you know that it is an illusion?"

"Because I am not originally from this world, even if I traveled through time and space and became a fox or something else, it would not affect my abilities. The reason why you can't do it is because some of your characteristics are restricted by the original owner. After all, in the mission world, if people find out that you are not the original owner, you will be rejected by this world. That's why you can't easily see the essence of some things like I can."

"Oh! So that's the case!" Gu Jinmi said thoughtfully.