Quick Transmigration: Rescuing Supporting Male Leads Plan

Chapter 178: God is too cold


"Then host, where should we go first?"

"I don't know either. I don't have any clues. It would be great if someone could help me figure it out."

"Hey! Wait wait, it seems there is indeed someone who can help me!"




"I remember hearing some fairies talking about this person. They said that this person knows everything! If I can find this person, then I will have a clue."

"But that person can come and go freely in the six realms. Who knows where he is now?"

"Well! I heard that Know-It-All can be considered a foodie. As long as I make rare delicacies in this world, I don't believe he won't show up. And I heard that the last time he appeared he seemed to be in the mortal world, so let's go to the mortal world."

Although Gu Jinmi is wearing a veil now, there are more than one or two people looking at her! It turns out that she is really charming!

"Host! This world is so vast. It's not easy to find someone in this vast sea of people!"

"Let's go to Yangzhou. Isn't it said that Yangzhou's food is famous all over the world?"

Arriving in Yangzhou, Gu Jinmi looked at the various people around him, sighed and said, "It's not a good idea to keep looking for him like this. We have to let him come to us!"

"You've figured it out."

"That's about right! Let's go to Tianxianglou to apply for the job of cook."

In this way, Gu Jinmi began her cooking career. Originally, the boss of Tianxianglou could be said to be dismissive of Gu Jinmi! But since Gu Jinmi came, the reputation of his restaurant has spread farther and farther! Everyone knows that there is a beautiful chef in Tianxianglou! Every day, there are endless customers who come here to admire her reputation! What's more important is that Gu Jinmi doesn't want any wages at all, as long as she provides herself with food and accommodation. Where can you find such a chef! The boss of Tianxianglou now wakes up with a smile in his dreams every night!

Gu Jinmi watched as more and more customers came to Tianxiang Tower. It seemed that she had really made Tianxiang Tower famous. Now all she had to do was wait, wait for the know-it-all to come to her!

One night when the inn was about to close, a poor beggar in ragged clothes suddenly broke in. When the owner of Tianxianglou saw him, he immediately asked someone to kick him out and said, "Get out, get out, really, where did this poor beggar come from? This Tianxianglou is a place for people like you."

"If the food here wasn't so good, I wouldn't want to come here! Even if you chase me away today, I won't leave."

The boss of Tianxianglou was furious when he heard what the old beggar said. He looked at the waiter next to him and said angrily, "Why are you still looking at me? Get him out of here."

Gu Jinmi heard some noise outside and hurried out to see what was going on. She saw the owner of Tianxianglou arguing with a beggar. But looking at the beggar's appearance, although he was dressed in rags, he looked like an immortal! Could this person be...

"Wait." Gu Jinmi hurried downstairs, looked at the old beggar, bowed and said, "Does the old senior know everything?"

"Haha, little girl, are you kidding me? The old man is just an old man. He is not a know-it-all."

"Haha, you really flatter me, old senior! Who hasn't heard of your reputation? How could you be an old man?" As soon as Gu Jinmi heard the beggar's words, she immediately knew that this old beggar must be either rich or noble!

"Humph! The old man is not a know-it-all."

"In that case, I originally wanted to cook for you, but now it seems I have no choice!"

"No, no, no!" You know, he came here today just to have a meal! I heard that the food in Yangzhou Tianxianglou is simply delicious! How could he, a gourmet, miss it like this!

“If that’s the case, then Senior is not only.”

"You are a smart girl, and yes, the old man is exactly the know-it-all you mentioned."

"Haha, you are indeed a know-it-all, senior! Please come in, senior. I will cook some delicious dishes for you right away."

After a while, Gu Jinmi had someone bring a few plates of food and put them in front of Baishitong.

Baishitong looked at the delicious dishes and immediately drooled! But he looked at Gu Jinmi in front of him and said, "Little girl, do you have something to ask me, an old man?"

"Just as you said. As long as you answer my question, you can enjoy all the dishes on the table. And if you want to eat the dishes I cook in the future, you can come to me directly. But if you don't answer, then it will be a pity to waste all the dishes on the table!" As she said that, she wanted to throw the dishes to the ground.

Know-it-all quickly spoke up to stop him, "No, no, no. I'll answer, I'll answer, okay? Don't fall down. Tell me! What do you want to ask?"

"Ask about my background. Senior, have you seen this jade ring?" Gu Jinmi took out the ring from her arms and handed it to the know-it-all.

Baishitong took the ring and looked at it carefully, then looked at Gu Jinmi in disbelief and said, "Where did you get this ring?"

"I will tell you the truth. I don't know. I only remember that I woke up in a deep forest, a desolate place. But except for the jade ring, I don't remember anything else. That's why I came to ask the know-it-all senior!"

"You mean you came from the Barren Land? How is that possible? You know, the Barren Land is full of ferocious beasts. Not to mention humans, even gods can hardly escape from that forest!"

“Haha, I encountered an opportunity in this desolate land and came across the realm of nothingness, so I was able to escape from it.”

"The Realm of Nothingness? Didn't it disappear hundreds of thousands of years ago? I didn't expect that the Realm of Nothingness is now in the desolate land!" Bai Shitong was shocked today. You know, the Realm of Nothingness had been destroyed by the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Demons a long time ago! But now...

"Senior, senior."


"Senior, do you know something about my background?"


"I believe you won't hide anything, Senior! After all, a human being should keep his word, and a god should be even more so."

"Hey! Forget it, forget it. It's my fault that I promised you first! This jade ring is a relic from the gods."

"God's legacy?"

"You know that in the heavens there are different levels. The lowest level is the Immortal Clan, then the God Clan. The God Clan is further divided into upper gods and lower gods. Above the God Clan there are miracles, but according to legends, these miracles have long disappeared tens of thousands of years ago."


"I heard that God was first created by a miracle. But no God has ever seen this miracle. Therefore, this miracle has gradually been forgotten by people, but it still exists in some rare copies. And this jade ring, whether from the material or the carving, does not belong to the six realms, so I can only boldly guess that it is most likely a relic of God."

Gu Jinmi took the ring and looked at it again and again. If this was really a relic of God, then the original owner was very likely a miracle! But how could this be possible! If it was really a miracle, then how could the original owner appear in that desolate place! It seems that the original owner's life experience is far more complicated than she thought!

Know-it-all looked at Gu Jinmi carefully and said, "Little girl, it's not that I don't want to help you find out your origins! But I really have no other choice this time. Your origins are so great! If you really want to know, you can go to the Demon Realm to find a Mirror of This Life. Maybe it can help you."

"Thank you for telling me, Senior. I won't bother you any more."

"Maomao, it seems we have to go to the demon world again!" She didn't expect the original owner's life experience to be so troublesome. She didn't know why she always had an ominous feeling in her heart! And this world also gave people a very strange feeling, but she couldn't tell what was so strange.

"Host, host, something bad has happened. Something bad has happened."

"What's wrong? Your host is fine. Don't curse me if there's nothing wrong."

"I'm not cursing you! Host, haven't you noticed that this world is becoming more and more unpredictable? I just did a careful investigation and found that all the world lines in this world are messed up."

"The world line is messed up, what's going on!"

"Maomao, I don't know either. It seems that some strange virus has entered this world, which is why all the world lines here are not following the plot. And the reason why the original owner lost his memory is probably related to this virus!"

"According to what you said, the original owner might have been carrying some viruses, and it was because of these viruses that the original owner lost his memory. And the relationship between Fu Jueyu and Fu Mengmeng changed."

"Well, you can say that!"

"No wonder! I was wondering if something was wrong! The relationship between Fu Jueyu and Fu Mengmeng progressed too quickly! In the original novel, Fu Jueyu always treated Fu Mengmeng as his apprentice! But now..."

"Host, I'm sorry! It's all Maomao's fault."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Gu Jinmi felt much better when she thought that it was some virus that caused her lover to become like that. "So what should I do now?"

"Host, that you."

"Just say what you want to say!"

"If you want to eliminate the virus, you have to destroy yourself, and the world will return to its original state."

"Is that so? Then as long as you complete the hidden mission, that's all. The main mission is a failure anyway."

"Well, that's about right!"

"Okay, I understand."