Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2217: A few galaxies away from Earth


Only then did Xia Qiu open his eyes.

Outside is a blue and deep starry sky, dotted with stars one after another. The majestic elders' courtyard is a silver-gray building, which goes up layer by layer, as if it is inserted into the end of the starry sky.

The mecha stayed on the periphery, and a light screen with a human face popped up on Hidler's screen.

"Master General, long time no see."

The man with the white beard also has gray hair, but looking at his face, he is very handsome.

At a glance, it is impossible to tell his age.

"Long time no see." Hidler smiled, "Elder Hill, you are still so young."

"Haha, yes, I also feel that I am still very young." Hill laughed.

The two people were talking, and the door of the Elder's House was slowly opened. The two doors seemed to be opened from the dusty years, with a loud bang.

Different from the various high-tech advanced civilizations outside, the elders' house seems to maintain the ancient style to the greatest extent.

Hidler took Xia Qiu out of the mecha.

The mech shrunk to a blue and red bracelet on Hiedler's wrist.

"Although Elder Hill is young, he is already five years old this year." Hidler whispered to Xia Qiu.

Hidler said before that the age of the people in the Galaxy Empire, basically if there are no accidents, they are all immortal.

And the Five Years is about 50 million years...

How could he live that long

Xia Qiu was a little shocked when he heard that, isn't this equivalent to a living fossil

"It is indeed what you think. The elders of the entire elders' house are all the respectable seniors of the entire empire. They once made great military exploits for the empire in their era, and now they are retiring in the elders' house to take care of the descendants of the empire." Hidler said again.

It is not difficult to hear that there is a bit of yearning in his words.

To be able to become a strong man in this era, and to be able to enter the elders' house many years later, this is the biggest dream in Hidler's heart.

Xia Qiu took a deep breath in his heart, and warned himself again, but his face remained expressionless, and he followed Hiedler as usual.

Walking into the stone gate, Elder Hill was wearing a silver robe, just like what he saw on the screen, with white hair and a braided beard, standing in the middle of a silver corridor.

Behind him, countless light waves and black and white patterns are constantly changing. The changes of these patterns have a mysterious trajectory. Xia Qiu just looks at it twice, and feels dizzy and dizzy.

"Hey, they brought the female." Elder Hill smiled and looked at Xia Qiu.

"Not bad." His expression became appreciative, and Elder Hill paid more attention to Xia Qiu's forehead.

"She is not from the empire. I brought her back from outside, so I came here today to test her potential." Hidler also glanced at Xia Qiu and introduced it to Elder Hill.

"Hello Elder Hill." Xia Qiu saluted with a smile.

"The little female is really sensible." Elder Hill boasted again with a smile, then turned around, "Come with me."

He stepped into the silver corridor first.

Hidler took Xia Qiu's hand.

"Let's go."

He gave Xia Qiu a soothing look, as if he was afraid that she would be afraid.

Xia Qiu smiled at him.

Xia Qiu didn't feel scared.

Isn't it just a potential test? What is there to be afraid of

There was still a slight worry in Hidler's eyes.

He held Xia Qiu's hand, and the two entered the silver corridor.

A brief moment of dizziness was like falling from a high altitude.

When Xia Qiu opened her eyes, she was standing in a very empty silver hall.

"Do you see the blue stone in the middle? That stone is called the potential stone. Put your hand on it. Depending on the level of potential in your body, that stone will react differently."

Elder Hill's voice came from behind.

Xia Qiu looked back and saw Hidler and Hill standing side by side behind her, but their bodies were all illusory, they should be projections.

Xia Qiu looked at Hidler.

Hiedler nodded at her, proving that this was the way it should be.

Only then did Xia Qiu turn around and look at the center.

There is indeed a huge blue gemstone, freed from gravity, suspended in the mid-air of the silver hall.

According to visual inspection, Xia Qiu's height would not be able to touch that jewel.

Xia Qiu frowned.

Look around, and there are no tools to borrow.

Is it because the native residents of the Galaxy Empire are too tall, so they didn't consider what to do if the tester was too short

there is always a solution to a problem.

It seemed that this journey was not so peaceful, Xia Qiu slowed down and walked slowly towards the gemstone.

She took a step forward, and the scene in front of her changed instantly.

The place where the sapphire was located changed from a hall to a tall tower.

This is a tall silver-gray tower like an elder's house.

Soaring and towering, layer after layer, as if there is no limit.

And that sapphire is at the highest point of this tower.

Shining brightly in the starry sky like a pearl.

"Elder, what did Xia Qiu see?"

Hidler stood outside the potential space, standing with Hill, looking at the projection 1 Xia Qiu raised his head, as if he was looking at something in the sky.

Hidler frowned.

I can't remember the scene when he did the potential test back then.

However, he vaguely remembered that his potential test back then was not difficult, as if he knocked down a person like him, and then encountered the potential gem.

At that time, the potential gems bloomed with golden light, s-level potential.

Since then, he has been favored by the elders' house and carefully cultivated.

Finally, when he came of age, he became the youngest lieutenant general of the Galaxy Empire.

Later, with the addition of many military achievements, he became an admiral again.

But compared with the mood at that time, looking at Xia Qiu, Hiedler felt a little more nervous than when he was doing the potential test.

Hidler felt that Xia Qiu's potential was very powerful.

After all, the elders don't know how Xia Qiu went from a weak consciousness to the present level step by step.

But how much will she rate

a, or s

The elders said that the s score is a rare event in thousands of years.

And Xia Qiu, even if there is an a, Hiedler thinks it is very perfect, and the offspring regenerated with the genes of the two of them will definitely have extremely powerful potential.

Thinking about it, Hiedler's thoughts flew.

At this moment, in front of Xia Qiu's eyes was the tower.

The door of the high tower was closed tightly, and there were no stairs. Even climbing up was a very difficult task, let alone touching the sapphire.

Xia Qiu approached the tower and looked around carefully a few times.

The tower is silver-gray, vaguely resembling the material of a star robe, which also reminds Xia Qiu that the place where she stands is the Galaxy Empire, a place far away from the earth and not knowing how many galaxies.

The inertial logic of the past can no longer be something that affects her.