Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2220: No. 2033


"Yo, I didn't expect you to be so interested in this little female." Elder Hill looked at Hidler.

The news that Hiedler had returned with the female was basically spread throughout the upper echelons of the empire.

But everyone didn't realize what this incident represented.

After all, it is normal for a male to have many females around him.

The conscious bodies of the Galaxy Empire can live for a long time, but their ability to reproduce is extremely poor. Basically, only two out of ten males will have offspring.

As for Anna, there is no doubt that her genes are excellent, and she is so infatuated with Hidler.

It was unknown whether Hiedler was alive or dead. Anna had been waiting for Hiedler, but she refused to listen to many people's persuasion.

Now that Hiedler is back, even the monarch has started to prepare for the wedding in private, but he didn't expect that the female brought by Hiedler is Hidler's favorite.

"Then you have to get ready." Elder Hill said meaningfully.

As far as he knew, Anna also came to test her potential today.

You know, many years ago, Anna's potential was tested, and it was A.

This is also the reason why those who pursue her are flocking to her.

But today I'm here to test my potential again. I don't need Elder Hill to say what the ulterior motives are.

"Actually, you can sit back and enjoy the blessings of everyone." Elder Hill laughed half-truthfully.

At least, on Anna's side, accommodating a little female is not a problem.

If Anna really has no room for others, he can also directly help Hidler to talk about it.

After all, Hiedler is a rare warrior in the empire. Even if Anna is a princess, the monarch will consider the overall situation.

But if Hiedler is unwilling to marry, Anna's waiting for so many years will turn into water...


Xia Qiu clutched the floating ladder tightly, sweat dripping from his back over and over again.

That kind of tiredness does not come from the body, but seems to come from the depths of the soul.

The entire consciousness is constantly condensed and condensed.

From more than 20 meters away, Xia Qiu no longer looked down.

If you fall from such a high altitude, even if you don't die, you will probably be half-crippled.

Fortunately, she still has Lingzhu space to be the bottom.

Just in case, Xia Qiu can hide in the Lingzhu space.

However, escaping will never be her active choice!

The sapphire on the top of the head looks very close, as if there are still more than ten meters away.

come on!

Time passed by, Xia Qiu kept climbing, and from Hidler's point of view, she had reached a height of more than 100 meters in midair.

More than 100 meters, purely relying on the condensation of the floating ladder, the energy consumption in the middle is a huge figure.

Elder Hill's expression gradually became serious. At first, he just thought that the little female was a bit stubborn and stupid, but slowly, he discovered that the little female was not stupid.

Instead, what she is doing now is the s-level difficulty trial of the potential space.

horrible! An assimilated consciousness from an alien planet has such potential and such resilience.

Every one that can pass the s-level test is a treasure of the Galaxy Empire.

If the little female can really pass through, then... things will turn around again.

"Elder Hill, you are here too!"

A gentle female voice came from behind Hiedler and Hill.

It was Elder Hill who called, but Anna, who was walking slowly, stared at Hidler, with expectations and shyness in her eyes, but also noble, reserved and affectionate.

Hidler glanced back.

On Anna's head was a beautiful crown made of condensed starlight. Her long golden hair was like beautiful seaweed, braided into two braids and crossed behind her ears.

Her skin was pale and rosy, and her golden eyes were full of moonlight.

When looking at Hidler, the tenderness and joy flowed from the bottom of his eyes, so undisguised.

Hidler frowned and turned his head away.

The light in Anna's eyes dimmed little by little.

She came with Elder Paul, and Paul and Hill were chatting together at this time.

Everyone knew it well, but no one exposed such a thing.

The arrival of Paul also verified the conjecture in Hill's heart.

Ana has re-completed the potential test with an A+.

Even better than last time, it was enough for her to stand beside Hidler.

But thinking of the little female in the potential space who hasn't completed the S-score test, once she completes it, Anna's aura seems to be much dimmer.

And following Elder Hill's gaze, Paul and Anna also looked at the potential space.

That thin figure was already at a very high altitude.

When they looked at her, they were already looking up.

And her appearance can no longer be seen clearly, only a small black spot can be seen.

"Where is she going?" Elder Hill muttered to himself.

What amazing resilience!

He didn't believe how much strength Xia Qiu had in his body to last until now. Even if he had some savings in his body, he had climbed so high only by persistence.

pain! acid! tired!

The whole soul seems to be numb from exhaustion, the arms and legs are not his own, and all the movements are mechanical, upwards and upwards, dull and blunt.

If you don't blink, no, when will she be unable to open her eyes.

But the consciousness still exists, seeing everything in a chaotic way.

But it is no longer the eyes, but the consciousness.

Tired, why not give up

This thought flashed through Xia Qiu's mind again and again, but looking at the shining sapphire, his tired body seemed to gather strength again, and he insisted on moving forward a few steps.

One step, one step, the ladder was condensed, and then moved forward and upward.

It's getting closer.

He didn't even want to move his fingers, his slightly trembling hand, even his soul was crushed to the point of creaking.


Finger, finally touched.

In an instant, a warm and powerful force washed away Xia Qiu's body like a warm current.

In another instant, the cold power swelled up again, freezing the warmed body like frost.

The body is very uncomfortable.

The hungry and thirsty body that had been through the desert for a long time had just been satisfied, but it was frozen again.

Consciousness trembled suddenly, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

The power of the ice is too strong, the desire of the body seems to be there for a moment, as long as you break through, you can touch the warmth.


Xia Qiu gritted his teeth.

The last one, retaining the power of sobriety, swarmed out without reservation.


The ice layer made a rattling sound, and cracks bloomed like spider webs.

Work harder!

Poof, there was a crisp sound.

The ice pattern shattered, and warmth was slowly poured into the body from the fingertips, strand by strand, like a spring breeze, sweeping away the exhaustion in Xia Qiu's body little by little, and instilling new energy.

Gritting her teeth, Xia Qiu felt as if something was growing vigorously in her body, absorbing this power as quickly as a seedling, purifying the mottled energy in Xia Qiu's body.

At this time, in the eyes of Hiedler and Anna, the blue gemstone in the potential space suddenly lit up.