Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2223


"Hmm." Xia Qiu took a step back and covered his forehead.

He looked at Hidler with a guilty conscience.

From the corner of her eye, she looked at the potential gem beside her. Standing here, the azure sapphire looked dimmer.

Can't Hiedler see it

Of course Hiedler could see it, but he just didn't care.

The gem of potential is actually a gem that can spontaneously absorb the energy of the universe. The energy in it is very strong, even if it is sucked dry, it can be reabsorbed and full after a long period of time.

The so-called potential is actually a powerful infusion of energy.

Stored in the universe can give the conscious body sufficient energy when the energy of the conscious body is seriously lacking, complete a baptism, and expand the energy storage of the conscious body.

S+ is a limit.

The body is like a container, how much water can be stored does not depend on the longest one, or on the short board.

This shortcoming will not increase over time, so the potential is basically fixed.

At most, you were originally an A, but later retested and turned into an A+. There will never be such a qualitative breakthrough from A to S.

Hidler led Xia Qiu and left directly from the potential space.

He didn't need to listen to the decision of the Elder's House, it was very clear.

For two S+ people, combining is naturally the best choice. I'm afraid his wedding has already been put on the agenda.

But don't worry, he can take Xia Qiu to familiarize himself with the Galaxy Empire first, and integrate into this empire.

"Where are you taking me?" Xia Qiu was brought into the mecha by Hiedler, and the surrounding scenery moved backwards like lightning, and also started to speed up again, the first level, the second level...the fifth level.

Every speed increase, the mecha has a clear response.

This kind of speed close to the limit is like jumping directly in time. This second still appears here, and the next second has already appeared thousands of miles away.

This time, Xia Qiu felt as if his eyes had been opened, and he could see everything around him very clearly.

"Go to the mech training ground." Hidler smiled slightly.

Xia Qiu should like that place.

The totem of the Galaxy Empire is the balance, and the most important rule is fairness.

Here, as long as you have the strength, no matter how humble your origin is, which level of the balance tree you are in, as long as you can defeat the enemy step by step in the training, you will be able to continue to stand out until the end of your strength.

Hiedler has always wanted to bring Xia Qiu back, but he also wanted Xia Qiu to see it, and also wanted Xia Qiu to fall in love with this empire.

Because this is the place he wants to protect all his life.

"Mecha..." Xia Qiu pondered, then suddenly looked at Hidler and asked, "Can I have my own mecha?"

"Of course, but it will take a while." Hidler parted his hands and rubbed Xia Qiu's hair.

Xia Qiu looked at him like that, with that earnest and doubtful expression, which made him unable to control his hand.

It's just that Xia Qiu pursed his lips tightly and turned his head slightly to avoid Hidler rubbing his head.

Let the atmosphere in the mecha subtly tense again.


There is also a place called the mecha training room in the mecha training ground.

People who have never operated a mecha have to simulate it in the training room. The advanced technological civilization allows only one room for each person, one blindfold for each person in the training room, and what appears in front of your eyes is like a real mecha, and you are in the mecha.

"Welcome to Mecha Simulation, I am System 001."

A snow-white cat was squatting in the corner of the big screen in front of Xia Qiu, wagging its tail arrogantly, not in a hurry, and its green cat eyes were shrewd.


It really is everywhere.

"What are you doing here?" Xia Qiu asked.

"Me? I'm here to play, to see if you'll make a fool of yourself. I knew Hiedler would definitely come here when he brought you back." 001 licked his tail, "So, let's see what happened when you touched the mecha for the first time."

"It turns out that you deliberately wanted to see me make a fool of yourself." Xia Qiu glanced at it.

Just now she also saw what other novices like her looked like after entering the training room and coming out.

I don't know why, it's obviously a machine armor, but they all have pale faces, their steps are sloppy, and they lean on the wall to the trash can in the corner and just vomit.

"You can think like this too, I allow you to think like this." 001 snorted.

"Okay, now start the novice guide mode."

The green cat eyes became serious.

The licking cat also took back its paws and started working seriously.

"The first step is to immerse your consciousness in the mecha and activate it."


As if learning to drive, Xia Qiu followed the instructions and made a series of actions. He consciously controlled the virtual mech, stared at the steering wheel in front of him, and felt that everything seemed to be okay.

001 smiled in the green cat's eyes.

"Now start the second link, simulating the cosmic environment!"

Simulate the cosmic environment

Seeing 001's expression and thinking of those people who came out of the wall and vomited all kinds of meat and vegetables, Xia Qiu felt a little bad.

But things were out of her control.

When 001's voice fell to the ground, the entire virtual environment changed drastically.

She manipulated the mecha, and the surroundings transformed into a vast galaxy.

Pieces of aurora are at the end of the universe, and vast galaxies also form beautiful landscapes.

Xia Qiu could feel that his body was protected in the mecha, but he couldn't control his body.

"Turn!" 001 ordered.

The surrounding world suddenly rotated.

No, to be precise, it's not that the world is spinning, but that Xia Qiu is sitting in the mecha, and before he can protect himself with the mecha, the mecha suddenly turns around and brings Xia Qiu to spin.

The world in front of him was blurred, and the speed of the rotation changed from extremely fast to extremely slow.

But from extremely fast to extremely slow, the conscious body is in the mech, as if kneaded by this speed difference, the body has become countless layers of twists.

Head and feet, in a floating state without any leverage.

A sense of powerlessness that is squeezed all over but has nowhere to draw on.

001's voice is still ringing in my ears.

"You can't be in a coma, you must stay awake, and stick to a universe time."

"Xia Qiu, how is it? It's not that I'm avenging my personal revenge, but this process is something that all the consciousness of the Galaxy Empire must go through."

"Haha, do you really want to hit me now? Unfortunately, you can't hit me! You can't hit me~"

Xia Qiu was very annoyed when she heard that, and she wanted to grab 001 and beat him up. In fact, she really wanted to make herself unconscious.

But this kind of high handstand floating is not painful, mainly because it is more annoying.

Xia Qiu didn't know whether 001's words were true or not. She completed all the steps step by step, and the galaxy in front of her began to crumble.

Finally, she found herself standing in the otherwise empty training room.

Everything seems to be a dream, there is no 001, and there is no white cat.

But Xia Qiu's chest was stuffy, which made people want to vomit.

This proves that everything before was not Xia Qiu's illusion.

"Congratulations on completing the new mobile armor training. Next, do you want to enter the mecha battle simulation immediately?"

"Yes." Xia Qiu regained consciousness quickly, and resolutely chose to challenge.

It may be that she has just been baptized in the potential space, and she is now in a state of exhaustion and excitement.

If she doesn't take advantage of this state to get through this, the next time, Xia Qiu has a hunch that even if she comes back after resting, she will still be trained to be immortal/death.

"I admire your courage." 001 licked his claws and looked at Xia Qiu unexpectedly.

It originally thought that Xia Qiu would definitely not be able to stand being tossed like this by it, and would find a way to escape, but it didn't expect Xia Qiu to be so tenacious and to face difficulties.

Very good, it liked Xia Qiu the most from the very beginning, and it didn't expect that Xia Qiu could keep this until now, which is really commendable.

"For the sake of your tenacity, I'll just turn a blind eye!" 001 said very elegantly and leisurely.

In fact, it increased the difficulty of Xiaqiu's novice stage by 20%, and now it is said to be reduced, but in fact it is only reduced by 10%.

Calculated in this way, Xia Qiu's novice battle is still 10% more difficult than other conscious bodies.

Don't underestimate this ten percent, it can be fatal at critical times.


"Mecha battle simulation, 3 minutes for a battle, each preparation time is 1 minute."

"The countdown is 30 seconds, and the two sides enter the simulated battlefield in a random environment."

"In 3 minutes, the side that attacks the opponent the most times and has the highest hit rate wins."

"If the time is not up and one of the two sides has lost the power to resist, then the other side will win directly, with three victories in five rounds."

001 announced the rules of the competition.

Xia Qiu slowly settled the results of the training in his heart, and made careful preparations here.

"3, 2, 1"


At the 30-second countdown, Xia Qiu's blue mecha and the enemy's red mecha were simultaneously teleported to the endless yellow desert.

The venue is a desert, and the red and blue colors of both sides are very obvious, and there is no room for hiding.

The strong wind and sand and the deep and shallow sand under the feet are not a small obstacle for offense and defense.

Xia Qiu cautiously and carefully stared at the movements of the opponent's red mecha.

She is very careful about her feet. There are patches of sand dunes in the yellow desert, and quicksand will appear randomly, and she will step into it if she is not careful.

When the venue appeared just now, it was quickly announced.

Xia Qiu didn't know if the other party saw it or not, but when she stepped carefully, she found that the blue mecha impatiently locked on to her target. It seemed that she didn't like the environment here, so she rushed up directly, wanting to fight her directly to end this scene.

Not in a hurry!

Finding that the other party was impatient, Xia Qiu became calmer instead.

Looking at the reaction of the blue mecha, the venue announced just now that there will be quicksand, and the blue mecha obviously didn't know about it.

Since he didn't know, Xia Qiu had more room to manipulate.

Her consciousness was immersed in the mecha, and her eyes saw everything outside through the eyes of the mecha.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and there is a storm rolling in the dust, rolling over from a distance.

And the golden sand dunes are like squirming insects, and the shadow of a small whirlpool can be seen visually.

This shadow is, of course, quicksand.

Xia Qiu turned around and left.

As if afraid of the blue mecha, the red mecha immediately fled in the opposite direction.

"What a coward!" Lie Yan thumped the control position in front of him fiercely.

What he is best at is fighting in this hot field.

If it is hot, it will give people a feeling of dry mouth psychologically, so he likes to have direct battles with those rookies in mechs in such a venue.

Lie Yan is already a level 2 mecha master.

But he has no other fun in his life, and he also knows that he can't make it to a high level. He usually receives the imperial subsidy from the second-level mech master, and occasionally chooses the simulated battle of the first-level mecha master to abuse food, looking for a sense of presence.

This time, it was Xia Qiu who was "unlucky" to run into him just like that.

001 shook his cat's tail, and in a quiet corner of the sand dunes, his green cat's eyes watched the whole venue.

Seeing Xia Qiu turn around and leave, 001 licked his paws, feeling a little annoyed.

It hates being indirect the most, so can't it fight well

Look, it waits for a few more minutes. If Xia Qiu dares to keep running without showing it the fight, it will...

Let Xia Qiu and Lie Yan go to fight in the most terrifying hell environment together.

But Xia Qiu didn't disappoint him for too long.

Lie Yan's red mech was a big fool, rushing over blindly, seemingly clumsy as Xia Qiu, but secretly set a trap for it.

After chasing Lie Yan for a while, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He still had a certain fighting instinct after many battles.

But when he wanted to retreat, the sand under his feet suddenly changed.

It was as if a pair of hands were tightly pulling the mech down in the quicksand.

The mecha couldn't find a point of strength, it was staggering, and it was about to be brought down by quicksand.

At this moment-

The blue mecha approached from the other side lightly like a cat bent its waist.

Each mech is equipped with weapons.

When the opponent's laser sword pierced his chest, Lie Yan could learn from the mecha's sensor that his mecha's energy core had been pierced.

The quicksand under his feet was like a restraint belt, the more he struggled, the tighter the quicksand buried him.

Looking at the other side, the expressionless face of the blue mecha made Lie Yan feel extremely angry.

This despicable and shameless villain actually used quicksand to deal with him, wouldn't he confront him directly? !


The blue mecha did not count this point, he is not a first-level mecha like those weak chickens.

Lie Yan's mecha was upgraded before, and it has been mixed between level 1 and level 2. Of course Lie Yan must have its own skills.

He looked at the blue mecha with a ferocious smile in his eyes, closed his eyes, and exerted strength suddenly.

A pair of red wings appeared on the back of the Flame Mech in an instant, just like the blue wings that Xia Qiu had revealed under the gem of potential before.

The red wings stretched slowly, obviously not for decoration.

Xia Qiu's mecha held the laser long sword, and originally wanted to use quicksand to destroy his mobility while he destroyed the opponent's energy core.

But unexpectedly, the opponent's mecha could grow a pair of wings.

If you have wings—

Then she will suffer, and it will be a big loss.

Quicksand is probably useless.

Pulling out the sword neatly, taking advantage of Lie Yan Lie Yan (raging flames) to break free, Xia Qiu swung the sword and chopped off the head of the mecha.

But it's useless, every mech has its weakness, but this weakness is hidden very well.

If it doesn't hit the weak point with one blow, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will have no effect in the battle in the virtual space.