Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2225: Xiao Ling


Xia Qiu launched a ruthless effort.

She has a method, although it will damage her mental power, it can make her mentally confused.

Xia Qiu doesn't believe it anymore, when her mental world is on the verge of collapse, what else can 001 see in her mind!

Taking a deep breath, Xia Qiu bit her lips tightly and began to indulge herself.

At that time, I went back and forth through books and did tasks. Although Peter was able to erase the original memory at the beginning, the feeling and the empty feeling in my heart would not disappear with the erasure.

At that time, Xia Qiu had a lot of negative emotions in his heart, as if his personality had split.

But these things need to be borne by herself.

Later, Xia Qiu's mental strength became stronger, and these emotions were easily digested.

Now, Xia Qiu is forced to bring up these emotions and form a fault storm.

Closing his eyes, Xia Qiu began to recall the past.

A person is alone in the cabin, hugging his knees, huddled in a corner, staring at an unknown place in a daze.

Her pupils are divergent, her expression is sad, and her whole body seems to be split into different parts of her. She doesn't know which one is real, and which world is real...

"Ah! Xiao Qiuqiu, what are you doing?" A cliff suddenly appeared in front of 001. The originally good spiritual world suddenly collapsed layer by layer. The location where 001 was located was like an isolated island, and everything around it had collapsed.

That kind of pain, when Xia Qiu desperately recalled it, let her be immersed in it, and the spiritual world in her mind was greatly damaged.

"Okay, Xiao Qiuqiu, stop, can't we have a good talk?" 001 retreated and retreated, but the collapsed spiritual world was intertwined with blue melancholy and orange pain, and these two colors rolled up a dark storm, pressing on 001.

Seeing the bad situation, 001 wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but the way behind him was also cut off.

Its current situation can be described as very bad.

Originally, it is an intelligence without an owner, because it is derived from the cosmic system, so as long as there is a technological civilization, it definitely exists, and it can travel freely.

Today was a good day, because it avoided Hidler, and it actually helped itself come up with a bad idea to recognize the master Xia Qiu.

You said that if you admit it, you will admit it, isn't it just to see the secret? Don't know what kittens are the most curious about

Xia Qiu is so stubborn, she would rather hurt herself than see her memory.

The mental storm was obviously caused by Xia Qiu herself. She could do it. Didn't she know that if she lost it like this once, her mental strength would not be able to recover for at least two years. Is it worth it

001 kept complaining, but there was still no way out for it when looking around.

It is completely controlled by the mental storm here, and if there is no other way, it will be completely destroyed by the storm when the mental storm comes over.

In Xia Qiu's mind, 001 is like an octopus that voluntarily got into a bottle, lost all means of defense, and can only let the storm roll it into dregs, and then when the world in his mind calms down, 001 will mix with the residues of past memories and be precipitated into the abyss of memory together by Xia Qiu.

The memory abyss of the intelligent body is the darkest and darkest place in the entire universe, not even a black hole. 001 knows the horror there, so now for the first time in its life, it knows what it feels like to be afraid.

Save it, save it.

Just come and save it, as long as it can save it, it is willing to do whatever it wants.

"Are you really willing to do anything?" A clear voice suddenly sounded beside 001.

Xia Qiu is now in a state of collapse. It is definitely not Xia Qiu who can speak, and it is not Xia Qiu who can hear the voice.

001 shouted, "Who are you?"

It looked around, and the surrounding world was still dark, like the end of the world.

The soaring tornado swept everything around and collapsed, and the whole world was separated into many layers, and the edge of each layer was as sharp as a thin layer of ice.

The billowing ice layer slowly collided with the tornado and approached.

"Don't worry about who I am, tell me, is what you just said true?" Qingling's voice asked again.

There is no time! 001 stared at the mental fault that was drawing towards it. Wherever the fault passed was a collapse, and it only had a small foothold left. If it touched the fault, it would not even have the qualification to sink into the abyss, and it would surely die.

"It's true! As long as it can save me, I'm willing to do anything!" 001 couldn't care less, and shouted directly.

It looked around, guessing that what was talking was the secret that Xia Qiu was covering up, and it also guessed that this was also something that was also stored in Xia Qiu's mind.

A glimmer of hope ignited in 001's heart again.

"Okay, you have to remember what you said!" Qing Ling's voice fell to the ground.

"Remember, remember, definitely remember!" The mental storm of the fault has directly swallowed the position where 001 is.

001 was so frightened that he didn't feel any pain after waiting for a long time.

It opened its eyes, only to find that it had left Xia Qiu's spiritual world and was staying in a very primitive but very comfortable place.

A wooden man with wooden arms and a wooden body tilted his head to look at it.

"Who are you?" 001 looked at himself, it was still a cat.

But this wooden creature has abundant and fresh cosmic energy in its body, and when it looks at it, it can't help but feel good.

"I'm Xiaoling." The wooden man reached out and fiddled with the yellow talisman on his body.

It can be seen that the luster on these yellow talismans is no longer bright, but the effect of the spell is still there, which is why the wooden man can move and talk.

But such an existence has never been seen by 001 who lives in a technological civilization. How does it come to life

001 looked at Xiao Ling carefully, and suddenly, its green eyes lit up, as if it had discovered something.


"Xia Qiu, Xia Qiu?"

An urgent call accompanied by waves of warmth poured into the body, calling Xia Qiu back from the extreme negative emotions.

Those hands held her face, and she could see the man's face in a daze.

The anxiety in the golden eyes was like burning. There was no doubt that if Xia Qiu didn't wake up again, Hidler might have to do some extreme things.

"I'm awake." Xia Qiu's head ached.

She underestimated the consequences. Without Hidler guiding her to slowly restore the mental power of the riot, she might never wake up, become a madman, or fall into a coma for the rest of her life.

Xia Qiu looked at Hidler suspiciously.

Tears flowed down the corners of Hidler's eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xia Qiu smiled, reaching out to wipe away Hiedler's tears.

She was just a little dangerous, why did he cry

Although Hiedler's character is much gentler with her, that kind of indifference is also the strength that exists in his bones.