Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2228: secret


There should have been several crops in the Lingquan space, but in the end there were only these three blue blood fruits.

Xia Qiu picked off the blue blood fruit, and crushed it in the palm of his hand just like Hiedler did before.

The full juice splashed out, as if being sucked, it spontaneously wrapped around the dagger in Xia Qiu's hand.

Lan Yingying's dagger instantly turned into a sharp long sword.

In Xia Qiu's consciousness, the most powerful single weapon is...


Following her imagination, a very simple gun appeared in front of her, but this blue gun looked very fine, but it was just a sham.

Because Xia Qiu didn't know what was inside the gun.

So this gun is just a show, useless.

Forget it, cold weapons are not considered for the time being.

With a thought in Xia Qiu's mind, Lan Xuejin turned into a long sword.

She tried to let the blue blood fruit cover her whole body, but found that up to now she had obtained a total of four blue blood fruits, which together could only cover one of her head.

The metal formed from the juice of blue blood fruit is called blue blood gold in Xiaqiu.

This blue blood gold is indeed miraculous. When it covers the entire face, it is as breathable as the skin, without affecting breathing and vision at all.

But with blue blood gold, even if it sinks into the bottom of the water, it is like a layer of fish skin, making Xia Qiu's breathing very smooth.

"Master." Xiao Ling found Xia Qiu's location.

It first took water from a nearby spiritual spring, watered all the herbs and strange things in the medicine field, and then waited for Xia Qiu to wake up.

"Where is this?" Xia Qiu looked around, the light golden sky looked very beautiful, as if the sky was golden.

"It's the sky." Xiao Ling stood up and motioned for Xia Qiu to come with her.

It walked ahead until it stopped at an edge next to Lingquan.

Standing here and looking down, Xia Qiu saw the whole picture of Lingquan space.

Looking around is the vast and boundless virgin forest. Outside the forest, there are waterfalls, oceans, and vast grasslands.

Biological signs can be vaguely felt in the ocean, and there are tiny life in the soil.

When Xia Qiu was absorbing cosmic energy before, Xia Qiu heard a voice, and now seeing Xiaoling, it must be Xiaoling.

Xia Qiu is the master of this Lingzhu space, and Xiao Ling is the manager of this space.

"Little Ling, thank you for your hard work."

Obviously, Xiao Ling took care of everything here very well.

"Master~" Xiao Ling was very happy, holding Xia Qiu's hand directly, rubbing his head against Xia Qiu's palm.

The head was smooth and wooden, and the yellow talisman was like hair, rubbing Xia Qiu's palms itchy.

It's as if the Lingzhu space recognizes her as the master. Although Xiaoling has the chance to give birth to spiritual wisdom due to the abnormal change of the Lingzhu space, she still recognizes Xia Qiu as the master, and feels that Xia Qiu is very close.

"Guoguo! Does the master want this fruit?" Xiaoling pointed at the blue blood fruit.

It has been watching here for a while, it is very smart, and has seen that the blue blood fruit is very useful for Xia Qiu.

"Yes." Xia Qiu nodded, and suddenly realized that Xiao Ling was actually a good helper.

"Little Ling, you help the master watch here, and when the fruit is ripe, you call the master to come in, okay?"

It is impossible for blue blood fruits to grow so slowly, so it is also possible that if the three fruits are not picked, no new ones will grow.

It's impossible for Xia Qiu to stay here all the time. She was prepared to guard it, but she didn't expect the existence of Xiao Ling to be of great help to Xia Qiu!

"Okay!" Xiao Ling responded very well-behaved.

Originally it was guarding the medicine fields, even now that the space of the Lingzhu has undergone such a change, Xiao Ling knows that this is his duty, so this is not a difficult task for it.

Xia Qiu's expression softened again.

She looked around, and sure enough, she saw the peach tree from before.

The peach tree took off a small part of Xiao Ling's arm and made it into a peach wood sword, which was then inserted into the medicine field.

Up to now, a thriving and towering tree has grown, and there are crystal peaches on it.

The peaches are pink and white, and each one is as big as half a head, which makes people like it just by looking at it.

Xia Qiu picked the best and most spiritual peach wood branches from it, and then soaked them in the spiritual spring water.

The spiritual spring in the medicine field is still a spiritual spring, but from the perspective, the waterfall below is where the spiritual spring flows down.

I didn't expect that this spiritual spring could turn into a waterfall. It really doesn't look like mountains and dews, but there is something else in the dark.

Xia Qiu thought for a while, and covered her face with blue gold. Anyway, it was her own space, so she shouldn't encounter any danger.

Jumped into the spiritual spring water and sank to the bottom.

There is a blue-gold mask, and the breath in the Lingquan water is also lively aura.

The deeper you sink, the darker the water will be.

The surrounding pressure was like a funnel, and the strong spiritual power squeezed Xia Qiu's body. Gradually, her skin began to ache, as if being pressed hard.

But this feeling didn't last long, the surrounding darkness hadn't been dark for too long, and suddenly the body lightened, and the sound of rushing water was heard in the whole person's ears.

Surrounded by water vapor, white.

She fell into the Lingzhu space along with the waterfall.

Originally, Xia Qiu wanted to find out how the Lingquan was formed, but he didn't expect that this passage was really just a passage.

"Xiao Ling, I'll leave first, and let me know as soon as there is a situation." Xia Qiu came out of the waterfall, shaking his body casually, and the water on the star robe evaporated.

Lan Jin also took it into Xia Qiu's body with his heart.

She has stayed in the Lingzhu space long enough, it's time to go out.

"Okay, master." The wooden little spirit appeared next to Xia Qiu again.

It seems that Xiao Ling is more proficient in using this space than Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu smiled, and his figure disappeared into the space.

At this time, Xiao Ling turned around and went in another direction.

Her black eyes were quiet, and there was another snow-white cat on her shoulder.

"Xiaobai, the master definitely doesn't want you to know about this place, so don't meet the master right now."

001 flat mouth.

When did it have to suffer all this anger, and still didn't want it to know about it, and didn't want to see who it was, yet it dared to hide it from it, it's really being bullied by a dog!

"Don't be angry, after you manage this place very well, then I will tell the master for you, and the master may not be angry at that time!" Xiaoling said again.

On that day, Xiao Ling rescued 001.

In this Lingzhu space, it has been the only one for so long, it is really too lonely.

When it knew what loneliness was, Xiaoling began to be lonely until he couldn't help but make a move.

Originally, it and 001 were watching a small bug struggling to survive in the Lingzhu space, but when it sensed Xia Qiu coming, Xiaoling hurriedly hid 001.

The owner is not familiar with the space now, so he didn't notice any of its small movements.