Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 2235: Spoiler Xia Ling


I am an ordinary earth girl, yes, this must be the truth of everything.

So I will encounter those inexplicable things. All the boys who like me and confess to me will encounter various misfortunes inexplicably. These must be just coincidences.

I'm really normal, except for one thing.

My mother, Xia Qiu, is a superstar, and she hides her secrets. The top entertainment companies in the world want to see her beauty. The Oscar Organizing Committee said that as long as she is willing to act, no matter what movie it is, she will be the best actress of that year.

Although my mother is not rare, and I am not rare, but my mother's power can be seen.

As for my father, I really don't want to mention him.

He is just a businessman, and he also happens to love military affairs, so the largest house in my family is on an overseas island, and helicopters are needed for daily travel, which is very troublesome.

So I still like to live in City A.

Again, although my family is very powerful, I, Xia Ling, am really just an ordinary girl.

Everything my mother told me last night must have been a dream!

The demons are gone!

—Xia Ling, written on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, at ten o'clock in the evening.

In the large room, the orange curtains fluttered in the wind.

The girl sitting at the desk wrote the last line very seriously, then locked her diary and put it away.

"Xia Ling, why aren't you sleeping?"

There was a knock on the door, and a woman in a nightgown hugged her shoulders and looked at the girl with a half-smile, those quiet eyes seemed to see through everything.

Xia Ling didn't dare to look at her, but she was also very reluctant in her heart, so she snorted heavily and got up.

"Sleep right away! Mom, you paid me for everything in my life, and now you still care about me so much!"

The girl said angrily.

Obviously, everything written in the diary was used by her to deceive herself.

The real thing is.

Xia Ling is not an ordinary girl.

At least her father is the largest arms dealer in the world, and he is also an alien.

The choice of vacation for the family of three is usually a living planet outside the Milky Way,

As for Xia Ling himself, he was told the unfortunate news yesterday.

Before she was born, her life-long event was because her father met the Great Demon King in the battle, and the enemy was very difficult to deal with. Neither her father nor mother could handle it, so she was used to make an oath to seal the Great Demon King.

If she had been a boy, maybe things would have been easy and the enemy would have been sealed forever.

It's a pity that Xia Ling is a girl.

Therefore, she can only follow the promise in the oath, and enter the seal of the Great Demon King after she reaches the age of sixteen to attack the Great Demon King.

Best of all, she got rid of the big devil, and she was able to retreat physically and mentally.

The next thing is to lose yourself.

The last time, the last time, was that he lost his mind and body, and the big devil escaped unharmed.

Of course Xia Ling has pink bubbles in her heart, and she also likes gossip, handsome guy.

Xia Qiu and Hidler kept her alive like an ordinary girl.

But probably because of this promise, since childhood, all the boys who liked Xia Ling and confessed to him all ended up with no good ending.

"Mom! Is there really no other way?" With a wrinkled face pitifully, Xia Ling shuffled to Xia Qiu and stretched out his hand to tug at the corner of Xia Qiu's clothes.

"Oh." Xia Qiu sighed.

Looking at the poor Xia Ling.

The girl completely inherited her and Hiedler's merits.

Her long black hair was as smooth as satin, but tied into a refreshing ponytail.

The small face, the facial features are more like Hiedler, three-dimensional like a mixed blood.

The most beautiful ones were Xia Ling's eyes.

It looks black at first glance, but if you see those eyes under the sun or under the light, they are actually black mixed with clear gold, which is really moving.

"Lingling." Xia Qiu reached out and rubbed Xia Ling's head, then stroked Xia Ling's face.

"If there is another way, mom doesn't want you to go either."

"But to put it another way, although the Great Demon King is ambitious, he is also a very outstanding man."

"Now is his weakest time, the soul is divided into countless pieces to suppress."

"Mom asked 001 to help you predict your fate before. It said that you are destined to be entangled with the Great Demon King in this life. Even if you don't have this incident, you will still get into trouble in the future."

"Perhaps this is your fate?"

Xia Qiu said, looking at Xia Ling's frustrated face, he gently hugged the girl into his arms.

When she was Xia Ling's age, she never believed in fate, only in herself.

But ever since she got the Lingzhu space and became the master of time and space, Xia Qiu discovered that she could already touch a trace of the rules of the universe.

The growth and reproduction of all living things cannot escape the traces of the universe.

Even if the so-called change of fate against the sky, this fate is only an approximate trajectory, and it is not really destined to happen to you.

Just like Xia Ling, what Xia Qiu can do is to make Xia Ling's destiny of entanglement with Taxi smoother.

In 001's universe survey board, Xia Ling's fate has been entangled with Taxi since birth.

Moreover, Xia Ling will still have an inseparable entanglement with Anna.

Even if Xia Ling is her own daughter, everyone has their own destiny, Xia Qiu can't make Xia Ling's life follow their wishes.

All she can do is to make Xia Ling live a happier and smoother life before the age of sixteen.

But this day has really come.

Seriously watching Xia Ling's red-rimmed eyes and slightly immature face, Xia Qiu was still full of reluctance and doubts.

She has never deliberately taught Xia Qiu anything, so Xia Ling is a blank sheet of paper in love and life.

Now, Xia Ling is about to embark on the journey of book travel like she did back then.

Can Xia Ling like this really solve the problem perfectly

"Linger..." Xia Qiu gritted her teeth, "If you don't want to, we won't..."

"Qiuqiu!" A tall man also wearing a nightgown came out of the opposite bedroom, interrupted Xia Qiu's words just in time, then put Xia Qiu's shoulder from behind, and patted Xia Qiu comfortingly.

He hugged Xia Qiu again and separated her from Xia Ling.

"Ling'er, it's getting late, you should go to bed earlier." Hidler looked at Xia Ling.

"Husband..." Xia Qiu looked at Hidler hesitantly.

But Hidler shook his head invisibly and stopped him seriously.

"Got it!" Xia Ling pouted.

Although it seems that his mother is more powerful, Xia Qiu is most afraid of his father, Hidler.

Hiedler has already opened his mouth, which proves that there is no room for turning things around.

Xia Ling went back to the room sullenly.

"Good night, father and mother."

"Good night." Hidler smiled.

When the door of Xia Ling's room was closed, Hiedler held Xia Qiu's shoulders and brought her back to their bedroom, holding Xia Qiu's shoulders and sitting with her on the big bed in the bedroom very seriously.

Hidler looked into Xia Qiu's eyes, "Qiuqiu, are you going to make your daughter suffer a lot?"

"Of course not." Xia Qiu shook his head.

She knew what Hiedler wanted to say, but as a mother, Xia Qiu felt very sad to see her daughter go to such a fate.

She even suspected that if she had thought of other ways to be stronger, then Xia Ling would not have faced the current situation.

Every time Xia Qiu thinks of these things, Xia Qiu can't wait to bear them instead of Xia Ling.

Hidler sighed, "Actually, I'm also very sad. If it wasn't for me, Linger wouldn't be like this."

"However, Qiuqiu, you have to know that this is what Linger must do, and we and 001 have paid such a high price to help Linger get the easiest way and the least painful way for her."

"As the saying goes, the father pays the son the son. We were all responsible for the affairs of the Sunshine Empire. Now it's time to pay the debt. Ling'er is our daughter. You have to have confidence in her."

"I..." Xia Qiu looked at Hidler, struggled for a long time, and finally let out a long breath, "Honey, I feel bad."

"Why am I not..." Hiedler also sighed.


Life went on as usual.

With Xia Ling's carefree personality, he soon forgot about these unpleasantnesses.

It seemed that everything Xia Qiu told her was like foam, which dissipated in the sun.

"Xia Ling, I heard that there is a witch with a crystal ball in the back alley, and her fortune-telling is very accurate! Let's go and play."


Xia Ling doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but for some reason, her mind suddenly became confused. When she realized it, she made you sit in front of the witch.

The witch looked like a witch, and in front of her was a table covered with a dark purple velvet tablecloth, with a crystal ball in the center,

The crystal ball looked so dazzling that Xia Ling couldn't open his eyes.

"Open your destiny, follow the guidance of the God of Destiny, and go where you should go!" The witch chanted the spell.

Under the wide black hood, a pair of black eyes are burning like two clusters of black fire, which looks very supernatural.

Xia Ling had a very bad premonition in her heart, she wanted to call for help, she wanted to run away.

But the witch's burning black eyes gradually stared at her, as if devouring her soul together.

The mind gradually began to dizzy.

"Xia Ling... Xia Ling..." Someone was calling her.

Xia Ling opened his eyes, but he was still in a daze.

"Are you okay? Brother Xiyu has already passed, let's leave." A girl said in her ear with concern, and then helped her up.

Xia Ling stood up in a daze, the sun above her head was burning hot.

Her vision was blurry.

When the blur gradually dissipated and she could fully see everything in front of her, Xia Ling saw the round-faced girl supporting her.

Both of them were hot and sweaty. The girl was wearing glasses and a goose yellow peaked cap on her head.

There is a red heart and a line of words on the peaked cap, love Yuxi brother, forever!

"Brother Yuxi?" Xia Ling looked at the name suspiciously.

Who is Brother Yuxi

"Yeah, let's go quickly. Just now, brother Yuxi was in a hurry and knocked you down. Many people saw it. We have to leave quickly, otherwise we will be surrounded by the media and want Brother Hei Yuxi again." The round-faced girl said eagerly.

These fans, they must be well-behaved and well-behaved, and they must not cause trouble for Brother Yuxi.

"Oh!" Brother Yuxi, right

Xia Ling remembered him.

"Okay, let's go."

Xia Ling's mind was very active, and he quickly figured out the situation at the scene, and then contacted the witch and the amazingly bright crystal ball.

She could guess that some kind of wheel of fortune was probably starting to turn.

Now this situation should be related to the attack on the Great Demon King.

"Yeah!" The round-faced girl supported Xia Ling and left in a hurry.

The two returned to a rental house where they lived.

The two of them live together, and they are both members of Han Yuxi's fan support team, so they share the rent together.

The round-faced girl is Liu Xianxing, who works at KFC.

And Xia Ling, who is also called Xia Ling here, has a miserable life experience, and her family has always favored boys over girls since she was a child. She was not even allowed to go to school, so Xia Ling was directly asked to work.

This part-time job lasts for five years, and all Xia Ling's money will be taken away by his family, leaving only a small part to live on his own.

In a poor life, Xia Ling fell in love with Han Yuxi by chance, and Han Yuxi became her spiritual food.

She joined Han Yuxi's support club and became a super loyal fan.

Gradually, her status became higher and higher, because she often picked up Han Yuxi's plane and participated in Han Yuxi's activities, and Xia Ling was also a little famous in the support club.

Today, Xia Ling and Liu Xianxing went to pick up Han Yuxi from the airport.

Maybe Han Yuxi was in a bad mood. When Xia Ling went up to sign, Han Yuxi pushed her away and fell to the ground.

Those paparazzi were always on the lookout for rumors, and when they saw this situation, they wanted to take the opportunity to expose Han Yuxi's scandal. Liu Xianxing had already known about this, so he dragged Xia Ling away quickly, so as not to attract blackmail to his own Madou.

"Xia Ling, you go to work this afternoon, remember to update our support club with photos of our activities today."

Liu Xianxing started to cook in the kitchen, and told Xia Lingdao.

"Xingxing." Xia Ling rested her chin. Since she came back, her ankle was red and swollen. It wasn't serious, but the pain made her feel very uncomfortable.

Her eyes followed Liu Xianxing back and forth in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Liu Xian was wearing an apron, washing green onions.

"I've lost my fan of Han Yuxi!" Xia Ling said.

With a bang, the vegetable washing basin loosened from his hand, and Liu Xianxing turned pale with shock.

He quickly wiped his hands and came back to Xia Ling.

"Are you crazy? Or do you have a fever?" Liu Xian stared at the temperature on Xia Qiu's forehead. He didn't have a fever, so how can you be talking nonsense

Xia Ling's obsession with Han Yuxi, Liu Xianxing thinks it's the level of obsession.

Even because of Xia Ling, Liu Xianxing felt that he didn't like Han Yuxi that much at all. If he didn't compare, he couldn't feel it. Xia Ling's liking was obsessed to the bone.

Liu Xianxing once thought that Xia Ling might never get married in this life, all because of Han Yuxi.

But now, such a person suddenly announced that he was going to take off his fans, no wonder Liu Xianxing was so surprised.

Looking at the terrified and anxious face of the round-faced girl, Xia Ling reached out and pushed Liu Xianxing's hand away, saying indifferently.

"Isn't it just off powder? Is it worth your fuss?"

"Han Yuxi's personality is too bad, why didn't I find out before?"

"No matter how bad you are, you can't take it out on your fans. The floor at the airport is so hard. When I fell on the ground, my ankles were swollen and my elbows were scratched. He didn't even look at it!"