Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 77: Beast Ear Mother's Wish (10)


"Humble orc! Get the hell out of here!"

This arrogant tone made Xia Qiu's heart skip a beat, and then he turned around to look into the dark depths of the cave.

"Hmph!" Seeing that she hadn't responded for a long time, the man's voice immediately snorted again.

A strong suction gushed out from the depths of the cave, directly captured Xia Qiu, rolled her all the way into the cave, and threw her to the ground.

There are many fiery red crystals placed on the stone wall, which looks really beautiful.

In the relatively flat cave, Xia Qiu's eyes were facing a throne made of black stones. The simple and luxurious throne was oppressive, and it seemed to be integrated with the entire cave.

Then, when Xia Qiu's gaze shifted to the throne, he was taken aback for a moment.

A little black beast with tall horns was squatting proudly on the throne, and its golden round eyes were full of arrogance, and it was looking at her with its chin raised.

"Humble orc! How can you look straight at such a powerful beast as the Demon King?! Don't even kneel down!"

Such an arrogant voice and tone are indeed the mysterious man who spoke just now, but...

The powerful man she thought was actually... this little beast in front of her? !

Looking at this body shape, it is not much bigger than the juvenile caviar!

By the way, roe? !

Xia Qiu thought of the fish roe, and quickly searched around with his eyes, but the cave was empty, and there was no trace of "Fatty White".

Looking up again, I saw the dark little beast on the throne, with its front paws pressing on a mass of white furry things, its golden eyes seemed to be full of disgust, but it was muttering to itself.

"It looks like a hairy mouth, but it's not enough to stuff the gaps between the teeth. But it's been a long time since the demon king has been dirty, so I can barely use you to stuff the gaps between the teeth!"

What's up with this tone of eating you is your pleasure? !

Catwoman's body exploded with agile strength in an instant, Xia Qiu rushed over like an afterimage, snatched the roe under the claws of the little black beast like a whirlwind, and then the cat's claws mercilessly grabbed at the little beast, and then withdrew in place.

With a cry, the little beast screamed out.

A bright red bloodstain appeared on its face, and the middle part was obliquely in the center of its pair of round golden eyes.

Intense anger and murderous intent erupted from it immediately, the air in the whole cave seemed to press on Xia Qiu's body thickly, holding the fish roe in one hand, Xia Qiu instinctively bent slightly, Bi Tong glanced warily at the little beast, the cat-tailed The hair is slightly fried.

"Beastman! How dare you hurt this Demon King!" The bright golden eyes seemed to have a real murderous intent, and they fell on Xia Qiu angrily.

The black beast, which was only the size of a fluffy ball, was really like a demon king appearing from the ground at this moment. A thick black shadow slowly appeared behind it, condensing into the shadow of a tall and handsome man.

It really wanted to kill her!

The bones in his body creaked under the pressure, and his neck seemed to be clenched by a big hand, and he couldn't even breathe.

Xia Qiu clenched her hands... Before she could do her best. Suddenly, the killing intent faded away again, and disappeared without a trace.

His whole body was like being scooped out of water, and he gasped for breath. Xia Qiu looked at the throne again, only to see the little black beast laying on the throne, as if it had no power at all.

"Humble orcs! When this devil king comes out from here, even if you send yourself to this devil king to eat, this king won't bother to look at it!" The golden round eyes looked disdainful, and the little beast was panting, but it was still the same. A very proud look.

Although it really failed to kill itself, the killing intent and coercion just now did exist.

The bottom of Xia Qiu's eyes moved, and he walked aside and scratched the stone wall with his cat's paw. Although he didn't use much force, there was no white mark left on the dark stone wall...

And this cave was obviously dug by man...

Therefore, a lively smile appeared on Xia Qiu's lovely face, and her round green pupils flickered slightly. She looked at the little beast on the throne and asked tentatively.

"Little beast, are you restricted by something on this throne? Why don't we make a deal, you take us out, and I rescue you? How about it?"