Quick Transmigration: She’s a Heartbreaker

Chapter 101: The imposter noble girl15


Yan Shen slowly placed his hand on her face, stroking her slightly tremblingly. The skin on her face was more tender and smooth than tofu, soft and elastic, and felt excellent to the touch.

This kind of touch made Jiang Xun even more unbearable. She grabbed Yan Shen's hand and rubbed her cheek and nose on the back of his hand, like a kitten seeking comfort.

She bit her lip while rubbing it, and her delicate lips were bleeding.

Yan Shen frowned, put his finger on her mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Stop biting."

His voice was hoarse and sounded very sexy. After he reacted belatedly, his expression became unnatural.

Just when he was still a little awkward, Jiang Xun opened his mouth and bit his finger.

She was quite forceful and her teeth bit deeply into the middle of his index finger.

Yan Shen could no longer calm down. He seemed to be pulled into the river of desire by a pair of gentle but strong hands.

From time to time, his fingers would be licked by Jiang Xun's soft tongue, and whenever that happened, he couldn't help but tighten his body.

Yan Shen felt that he was about to be submerged by the river water, but he still had one foot on the bank, as if he was hesitating whether to simply get wet all over, or to keep his sense.

But Jiang Xun didn't seem to want to let him hesitate for too long. He suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck, pulled him down, and then said in a weak and pitiful voice: "I feel uncomfortable..."

Yan Shen's heart was in his throat, and it ached. He held his breath and couldn't breathe. After a long time, he said: "I did this to save you today... Don't regret it when you wake up."

After he finished speaking, he slowly unbuttoned Jiang Xun's coat. In fact, Jiang Xun himself had already taken off only two buttons.

Jiang Xun was so uncomfortable that he made "um" and "um" sounds, which was simply challenging Yan Shen's endurance.

When he untied the bow of his inner garment and opened his bellyband, which was embroidered with begonia flowers on a goose yellow background, his mind went blank.

When he was at a loss and didn't know what to do next, the guards suddenly shouted from outside the door: "General Shen! You can't go in."

"Go away." Shen Xitang's voice was loud and full of urgency.

The door to the wing was kicked open, and the bolt broke and fell to the ground.

Like a gust of wind, Shen Xitang entered the room and saw Yan Shen and Jiang Xun, disheveled and hugging each other.

Jiang Xun heard the voice and looked up at him in a daze. His charming spring eyes looked straight into Shen Xitang's eyes, and his eyes were so alluring.

Seeing that she was covered with Yan Shen's clothes, Shen Xitang looked very cold and exuded an attractive aura.

Yan Shen pulled up the quilt again and wrapped Jiang Xun tightly, glaring at Shen Xitang, "Shen Xitang, what do you mean?"

"Her maid has already told me about Miss Su and begged me to save her. In this way... Prince Kang won't need to make such a big sacrifice."

"You want to save her? How?" Yan Shen frowned and sounded unhappy.

"Of course I have my own way. Don't you want Prince Kang to do it? I have long heard that Prince Kang is not a womanizer. Now it seems that the rumors are false?" Shen Xitang stared into his eyes coldly, and the atmosphere suddenly became deadlocked.

"It has nothing to do with you." Yan Shen's eyes were sharp, and his aura was not inferior to his.

"Leave her to me. Doctor Ye is in my house. I will ask him to treat her, so there is no need for Prince Kang to make such a move." Shen Xitang's tone was sarcastic.

"You!" Yan Shen glared at him.

"Prince Kang, leave this person to me. It's too late." Shen Xitang squinted his eyes, always looking at Jiang Xun.

"Are you sure you can save her?" Yan Shen asked half convinced.

"OK." Shen Xitang said.

Yan Shen took a deep look at Jiang Xun who was rubbing her arms in his arms, and he didn't even want to hand her over to Shen Xitang.

He even suspected that Shen Xitang lied to him because he actually wanted to take her for himself.

"Don't you want to? When Miss Su wakes up, if I tell him that you knew you could save her in other ways, but still insisted on taking over her body, what do you think she will think? Will she be grateful to you? Or hate you? ?" Shen Xitang's tone was indifferent, and his words were heartbreaking.

"..." Yan Shen fell silent.

Shen Xitang's words made him unable to argue. In this situation, he could only believe Shen Xitang, otherwise his reason for having a relationship with her to save her would be untenable, and he was also Shen Xitang. I understand. Since he said he could save her, he was more than 90% sure.

Shen Xitang noticed the change in his expression and knew that he had made a decision, so he took a few steps forward and took Jiang Xun away from his arms.

Yan Shen grasped the quilt tightly and looked at him.

The two men looked at each other like soldiers meeting each other, with swords and swords flashing, and no one gave in after fighting for a moment.

In the end, Shen Xitang used 30% of his internal strength to snatch Jiang Xunsheng over.

Yan Shen turned his head and said in a deep voice: "You'd better keep your word."

Shen Xitang sneered, "Don't worry."

Shen Xitang left the restaurant with Jiang Xun in his arms and immediately took her to the nearest Shen family courtyard.

He entered the yard in a hurry, ordered his servants to prepare a bunch of things, and then entered the house and placed Jiang Xun on the soft couch. Jiang Xun was about to go crazy from the medicine. If he didn't relieve it, he would be afraid that the poison would enter his body and it would be too late.

She twisted left and right in pain, her lip was bitten again, her clothes were completely soaked with sweat, her whole body was frighteningly hot, her cheeks were red, and she looked like a cooked shrimp.

The fragrance of her body became more obvious due to the heat. Shen Xitang stared at her, his eyes were not calm, it could even be said to be hot.

Jiang Xun, who hadn't been touched for a long time, let out a choked sob in a low voice, a bit like a moan.

Shen Xitang knew that he couldn't delay it any longer, so he took off all her clothes without hesitation.

No matter how strong his concentration was, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although Shen Xitang was not a romantic person, he sometimes went to brothels for fun, and saw all kinds of beauties. There were also women who stripped naked and lay on his bed to seduce him, but he could not change his expression, even if The type he likes, if he doesn't want to, he can have no reaction.

But until he met Jiang Xun, he was tempted by her many times. When he saw her, he wanted to have a verbal war with her, and even did more extreme things to her.

Now seeing such beautiful scenery, Shen Xitang felt that the women he had seen before were really unsightly.

Only the Jiang Xun in front of him was worthy enough to make him dream.

But this was not the time for him to think about those things. He sighed, and he didn't know what he was feeling. He turned his back to Jiang Xun and took off his clothes.

After closing his eyes for a long time to calm down, the servant put down what he wanted, said something, and then went out without even daring to raise his head.

Shen Xitang hugged Jiang Xun and sat in the tub filled with boiling water.

The two of them sat facing each other. Shen Xitang put his hands on her shoulders and used his inner strength to force out most of the aphrodisiac for her.

When the water turned turbid, he carried her out of the tub. He picked up a cloth bag and opened it, which was full of slender silver needles.

Shen Xitang inserted the silver needles into acupuncture points all over her body one by one.

His movements were slow and careful. Jiang Xun seemed to feel a little pain, but he still didn't wake up.

Half an hour later, her body was covered with silver needles, and Shen Xitang's arms were cramped from exhaustion and he was sweating profusely.

By the time he took off the silver needle, half an hour had passed.

When Jiang Xun woke up, what he saw was Shen Xitang's smiling face.

He seemed very tired and kept standing by the bed looking at her.

Jiang Xun looked at him for a while before sitting up suddenly and said in surprise: "General Shen?"

"Yeah." Shen Xitang responded lazily.

"I...why am I here?"

"Think about it carefully." Shen Xitang smiled.

When Jiang Xun saw him, he guessed what had happened, but he still looked shocked. He frowned and thought for a long time, "I... I seem to have been drugged."

"Well, yes, you were given a strong aphrodisiac." Shen Xitang said.

Jiang Xun said "Huh?"

"Prince Kang planned to make you an antidote to save you, but your maid found me, so I took you away and used other methods to detoxify you. If I hadn't arrived in time, you would have had sex with Prince Kang. It’s cooked.”

Jiang Xun felt a sense of pride and smugness in Shen Xitang's tone.

"How could this happen?" Jiang Xun frowned and turned pale.

"What? Aren't you going to thank me for saving your life?" Shen Xitang said lightly.

Jiang Xun said hurriedly: "Thank you, General Shen. I will remember General Shen's great kindness to the people."

"I don't need you to keep it in mind. I saved you, so you have to repay me." Shen Xitang said with a smile.

Jiang Xun was stunned for a moment and said, "How does General Shen want me to repay him?"

"Usually in this kind of situation, isn't it the case that there is no way to repay the kindness of saving one's life, so one has to offer one's life?"

Jiang Xun's pale face suddenly turned red, and he was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Shen Xitang laughed heartily, his eyebrows stretched out, and the smile reached his eyes, "I'm just joking with you."

Jiang Xun frowned and said nothing.

"However, benefits must still be given."

"General Shen, don't joke like this. What benefits do you want? If I can do it, I will definitely agree." She lowered her head, her voice was weak, and her body was still a little weak.

"You raise your head first and look at me." Shen Xitang stopped smiling.

Jiang Xun was stunned and slowly raised his head. Her movements were very slow. As if she couldn't wait any longer, Shen Xitang reached out and lifted her chin, making her look at him, "If I say, what I want is you. ?How are you doing?"

The author has something to say: It’s too late. It’s too late.

Yan Shen: The cooked duck flew away!

Shen Xitang: Fortunately, the Hu was successfully intercepted...

Jiang Xun: I've taken all the aphrodisiac, but I can't take it? I don't like such a gentleman.