Quick Transmigration: She’s a Heartbreaker

Chapter 50: The fairy that everyone dissed 1


When she first joined the show, the original host attracted the most attention. Her temperament was cool and refined, and she was called the "fairy sister" by netizens. She won the favor of several boys as soon as she appeared on the show.

On the first day when the boys voted for the girl they were interested in, she got three votes.

Here I would like to introduce the four male guests.

The name of guest number one is: Gu Li, the boy Bai Ran mentioned to Jiang Xungang when she first entered this world.

He is the one with the highest comprehensive score among the four guests in the evaluation of netizens, because he has the best conditions in all aspects. He is the son of the famous painter Gu Youyuan, his mother is a famous entrepreneur, and he himself is also a talented painter. Already has some visibility.

The reason for signing up for this show is a bit complicated, so I won’t mention it here for now, and then let’s introduce the other male guests.

The second male guest is named Gu Yu. He is a warm-hearted family man with average family conditions but is indeed the most popular salt-type man nowadays. He has a light and clean appearance, a tall and thin figure, single eyelids and thin lips, just like the cool breeze in spring. Warm and cool, it makes people feel inexplicably excited.

The third person is Zhao Jiuxuan, the owner of the coffee shop. He is also very handsome, and most importantly, he is very good at flirting with girls.

The last one is also the youngest, 21-year-old Yan Xiao, the school darling of the S-largest school. Because he was previously named the national school darling, he is very popular. He has the shape of a little puppy and is very lovable.

On the first day, except for Gu Li, the other three people all voted for the original owner.

The original owner was a little surprised. She has a relatively slow personality. Since she was raised by her grandfather, she is relatively honest and has never felt that she is particularly beautiful. When she was interviewed, she told the truth and said that she did not expect to get three votes.

As a result, on the third day, the original owner began to be isolated by the girls, and the few boys who had a crush on her also inexplicably stopped paying attention to her.

The comments about her on the Internet have gradually changed from being shocking at first to saying that she is pretending to be innocent, making green tea and so on.

But the original owner doesn't use the Internet very much and doesn't have many friends. She doesn't know what people on the Internet say about her. She is just curious about everyone's change in attitude, but it's hard to ask. After all, we have only known each other for a few days, so it is too embarrassing to ask such a question. .

However, Bairan would take the initiative to talk to her, saying that he would help her, and would listen to her complaints and comfort her, so that the original owner believed in her and relied on her very much, treating her like a gentle sister.

Bairan has always been very popular. She is 1.68 meters tall and has beautiful long black hair. She looks like a goddess at first glance. Moreover, she has a good personality, cheerful and generous, and is particularly popular with girls.

Just two days after the show started, she was accepted by both men and women, and everyone liked her.

During the voting on the second day, she got two heart-warming votes, while the original owner only had one vote left. On the third day, the original owner had no votes left.

The original owner did like Gu Li at first because she likes to draw and write, so Gu Li's character is more to her taste, and she admires Gu Li's father Gu Youyuan very much.

The original owner only told Bai Ran about this, but Bai Ran suddenly told her that Gu Li was a liar. Although he was indeed Gu Youyuan's son, he came to the show just for fun, and asked the original owner to be careful with him. , don’t like him anymore, lest you get hurt.

The original owner believed it was true and did not dare to like Gu Li anymore. However, she did not know that the other two female guests frequently opposed her and made trouble for her. She endured it. When she saw Zhao Wenyin, the one with the best family conditions among the female guests, When launching an offensive against Gu Li, he secretly wanted to hint that she didn't like Gu Li, but was humiliated by Zhao Wenyin in front of everyone.

Bai Ran came over to smooth things over, and Zhao Wenyin finally gave up. But from then on, everyone disliked her even more, and even Bai Ran ignored her.

She was very sad and wanted to quit the show, but the show crew said that she had signed a contract and did not agree with her quitting at this time. Bai Ran suddenly came to comfort her and said that Gu Yu actually liked her.

By chance, she and Gu Yu were assigned to a group date. Silly, she was completely immersed in Gu Yu's tenderness and fell in love with Gu Yu.

Another female guest, Lu Jia, also liked Guyu. Encouraged by Bai Ran, the original host mustered up the courage to confess to Guyu and compete with Lu Jia for Guyu in order to pursue true love.

At this time, the Internet was already criticizing her, but the original owner had no idea.

In the end, Gu Yu chose the original owner, and the original owner thought that he finally got what he wanted, even though he suffered so many grievances, it was worth it.

In the last episode of the program, the male and female guests will finally confess to the person they like. If both parties successfully hold hands, they will become a couple. The program team will also announce who is the one who lied.

The original owner attended the last recording session with great expectations and confessed her love to Gu Yu. Who knew that Gu Yu was the man who cheated on her feelings, and Gu Li was not at all. Moreover, Bai Ran confessed her love to Gu Li at the end and became a couple with Gu Li. .

The original owner was completely stunned. She didn't say a word in a daze, and was ridiculed by the crowd. She still remembers the look in Bai Ran's last look at her, which was contemptuous, indifferent, and a bit mocking.

The original owner will always remember the look in her eyes, like thousands of sharp knives cutting into her heart, one after another, suffocating her. She immediately started crying. She could not forget the pain at that time, like a poisonous snake, coldly wrapping around her. .

Zhao Wenyin, who hated her the most at first, comforted her with some sympathy, but at that time she could no longer listen to anything.

The original owner didn't know how she got back home, but something even more terrifying awaited her.

The original owner never thought that online violence could be so terrible. Human flesh, verbal abuse, and vicious curses all came to her, all from the malice of strangers. Her life could not go on at all. The door of her flower shop was splashed with paint and written She wears bitches and green tea. As soon as she appears, people look at her strangely. Some people also send her terrible things. Even if her mobile phone number is changed again and again, people will still know it.

The original owner finally found out from others that it was because of her performance in the show that everyone hated her so much, but she couldn't understand why at all, so she went to watch the video of the show.

After watching it, she was dumbfounded. She had no idea that Bai Ran not only lied to her that Gu Li was a liar, but also said so many bad things about her in the show, all of which were false.

Bairan's character is an outspoken and upright sister, who seems to be trustworthy, and she is very close to the original owner, so everyone believes in what she says. She did not directly say anything bad about the original owner, but She often "leaks the truth" about what the original owner said and did, hinting to everyone that she is actually here to catch Kaizi, making everyone think that she is a bad person, greedy for vanity, pretending to be innocent on the surface, but actually very powerful.

Everyone also advised Bai Ran to ignore her. When she was away, Bai Ran said that although she was like that, she didn't have bad intentions. It was not good to isolate her alone.

Zhao Wenyin hated her so much at first because Bai Ran told her that the original owner liked Gu Li and said that no one but herself was worthy of Gu Li's talent.

From this point on, everyone thought she was pretending, and netizens began to think she was not as "fairy" as they imagined.

Even when the original owner said that her parents died young, Bai Ran said that she was lying to gain everyone's sympathy, which also caused all the boys to think that she was a bad person.

After watching the video, the original owner finally knew why these things happened to her. She wanted to ask Bairan to find out, but she couldn't find her at all. Long after the show ended, she was still not forgotten by people. Over time, the original owner suffered from depression. Finally committed suicide.

The system knew that Jiang Xun had known all the memories of the original owner's life, and began to issue tasks.

"The task assigned to you by the original owner this time is to find out why Bai Ran wanted to harm her, and to take revenge on Bai Ran and protect your reputation from being bullied online."

"If it were me, if I were to suffer such a thing, I'm afraid it wouldn't just be this wish. I might want to destroy the world." Jiang Xun said with emotion.

"Of course the character of the original owner is different from yours, and everyone's experiences are also related to her character, so your assumption does not exist." The system objectively commented.

"Okay, you're right. I won't let myself get into this situation." Jiang Xun reached out and touched his face and smiled, "As for Bai Ran, it depends on who she is. The devil is ten feet taller."

Jiang Xun looked at the time and saw that only a few minutes had passed. Later, at dinner time, the girls and boys would prepare dinner together in order to let them promote their relationship. In the memory of the original owner, the original owner would have told Bai Ran that she liked her just now. Gu Li, then during dinner, the original owner was targeted by Zhao Wenyin, which caused her to leave without eating half of the meal. She was hungry in the middle of the night and had no energy the next morning. She was so hungry that she left before everyone had eaten. She ate an extra piece of bread, but Bairan saw it and shouted, so that everyone saw her eating.

Lu Jia said that everyone was busy and didn't eat, so she was the only one who secretly ate, which made everyone's impression of her even worse.

Jiang Xun thought to herself that since she had reached this point, she would just change her goal.

The author has something to say: Jiang Xun: Fairies are coming down to earth, bitches are coming and going, who can outsmart whom

This time, who do you want to pick? Say it loudly!