Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers

Chapter 11: Black Heart Lotus's Red Envelope Group 11


Mo Yao was taken away by the police, of course it was Wen Qing's credit. She handed over the recording of her last conversation with Mo Yao and the recording at the scene to the police as evidence of her instigating the violation.

The law states that actions based on threats are void. But if she was deliberately instigating, no matter what, she would have to be charged with intentionally instigating! Because of the solid evidence, Mo Yao was sentenced to a one-year suspended sentence. Although the punishment was not severe, she should pay the price for her actions.

After Mo Yao came out of the police station, she couldn't bear it after staying in school for a few days. When she was ugly and fat, others would discuss it in private at most, and most of the time they ignored her. But now, all the classmates are pointing at her unscrupulously, saying that she framed Teacher Qiao, that she is not self-respecting and disrespectful... How can Mo Yao bear it? So he dropped out of school in a fit of anger.

She dropped out of school, but the whole school gave high-fives, including many teachers. The last time Teacher Qiao's incident was aroused on the Internet, it turned out that Teacher Qiao was wronged, but Mo Yao did not apologize to Teacher Qiao, and the school did not punish her, but she was worried that it would not be handled properly, causing another wave of verbal criticism. The school used to feel honored to have such a student who was followed by the Internet all the time, but now, just asking her to stop doing anything else is Amitabha! Therefore, Mo Yao voluntarily dropped out of school, naturally everyone is happy.

Where can Mo Yao go after dropping out of school? The family house was sold by Gambling Daddy, and he didn't know where he went with the money. Fortunately, some of the money she earned from advertising on Weibo was put into the card, and she always carried the card with her, so she wouldn't end up living on the streets.

But that little money is only enough for her to rent a house and living expenses for a few months. It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. She is used to living with money, and she will never go back to the time when she was content with earning three hundred yuan. But her reputation on the Internet is so bad that no one is looking for her to advertise. I signed with a brokerage company before, but it has also been released. She doesn't want to go to school, anyway, she can't learn it anyway, and it's a waste of money.

When Mo Yao was at a loss, she met the real one in her life. That man was Xu Sheng, handsome and rich, gentle and considerate, caring for her in every possible way, spending money generously, and buying everything she liked without mercy!

Mo Yao has never met someone who treats her so well, holding her in the palm of his hand, pampering her like a princess, Mo Yao couldn't stand this tenderness, and soon fell in love.

At this moment, Mo Yao couldn't help but be thankful that she still has a beautiful skin, otherwise she might really end up on the streets!

Xu Sheng was busy with work, but whenever he was free, he would accompany her and bought her a villa, which was as beautiful as the house of Li Wenqing's family that she had envied. Buying her beautiful clothes, jewelry, bags, etc., and even giving her a lot of pocket money every month, this kind of life makes Mo Yao very satisfied. She feels that this is God's compensation after she has gone through hardships.

As for the red envelope group, because she received black envelopes from the god of death from time to time, she had given up hope for the magical power inside. She uninstalled WeChat and even threw away her mobile phone. Although she was still unlucky from time to time, her life was smooth.

After living together with Xu Sheng for three months, Mo Yao found out that she was pregnant. She couldn't help but be overjoyed, and was about to tell Xu Sheng the good news, but unexpectedly, an unexpected visitor came to the villa!

"Kill you vixen! Slut! Seduce my husband! Shameless bitch! Bah! Kill you!"

The person who came was Xu Sheng's real wife, and while cursing, she beat Mo Yao hard. Mo Yao was a little confused. Although Xu Sheng was eight years older than her, she never thought that he was married! He was even beaten by his wife!

After accepting the facts, Mo Yao hated and was unwilling. The hatred was because Xu Sheng lied to her, and the resentment was because she couldn't bear Xu Sheng's kindness to her. To be precise, it was Xu Sheng's money. How could she be willing to let her go after letting her enjoy such a luxurious and rich life!

Mo Yao was a little dazed when she heard that Xu Sheng was married at first, and her mind was in a trance. Naturally, she was no match for Xu Sheng's wife, and she couldn't beat her enough. Suddenly, Mo Yao felt a pain in her stomach, and a stream of heat gushed out from below, "Ah, my child!"

Xu Sheng's wife saw that this bitch even had a child, and she was even more furious. She, who was a rational zombie, poured a bottle of sulfuric acid on Mo Yao...

When Xu Cheng heard the news and arrived, he saw a bloody place, and Mo Yao, who had been completely changed, was lying on the ground.

Although Xu Sheng felt sorry for the little canary he raised, he did not send Mo Yao to the hospital, but called the family doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Because if it is sent to the hospital, such a large area of burns will inevitably cause the police to intervene, and his wife's behavior will definitely not be concealed by then.

He really doesn't like his wife's cruelty, but he and her are in a business marriage, no matter which party has a problem, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the stock market, so he can only cover it up for her. As for Mo Yao, he will make up for it in the future.

After Mo Yao woke up, she found that her child was gone and her beautiful face was ruined, she almost went crazy. Beating and scolding Xu Sheng, she felt that all of this was Xu Sheng's fault. If Xu Sheng hadn't lied to her, how could she have ended up in such a situation

Xu Sheng felt guilty towards her at first, but he couldn't bear her unreasonable troubles like a crazy woman. Moreover, he used to like her because of her beauty, but now her face is covered with horrific burns, her nose is gone, and her face is horrific. He only feels disgusted when he looks at her, and the former charm has long since disappeared. After Mo Yao wiped away his last bit of guilt, Xu Sheng stopped coming.

When he was with Mo Yao, he never talked about himself, now that he disappeared, Mo Yao couldn't find anyone else at all.

After Mo Yao got together with Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng gave her a lot of money, but she spent it generously and didn't save it at all! Now she has neither money nor good looks. Xu Sheng left the villa to her, but Xu Sheng's name is registered. She can't sell it even if she wants to. What's the point of guarding a big house with no money? use

Wen Qing also knew about Mo Yao's fate, but she didn't expect her to be in such a miserable situation. Although at the beginning she gave Mo Yao all kinds of black envelopes, which made her fail, but later things were completely ignored. Mo Yao For her current fate, it can only be said that she deserved it herself.

After the task was completed, Wen Qing stopped paying attention to Mo Yao. She got a top score in provincial science in the college entrance examination, which made Ji's father and Ji mother very happy. They threw a big banquet and invited relatives and friends to celebrate. After the college entrance examination, Ji's father also kept his promise, and he really gave Wen Qing a company to practice, which was a cosmetics company.

Wen Qing took out a beauty pill and crushed it into powder, and asked the company's technicians to study its ingredients, and then make cosmetics according to the ingredients. After half a year, the research was indeed successful.

After it went on the market, it quickly became popular all over the world with its good cosmetic effect. Under the correct leadership of Wen Qing, the company has successfully won most of the global skin care products market in just four years. Originally, it was just an insignificant subsidiary of Ji's Group, but it suddenly surpassed the parent company and became a world-renowned enterprise.

Ji's father was proud of his daughter's achievements and pride, but at the same time he was relieved to gradually hand over the company to Wen Qing.

Wen Qing has a successful career and has become a well-known strong woman, but she has never been married. Ye Tian tried to show her affection again and again, but she rejected them all. Ji's father and Ji's mother urged her several times, but finally let her go. Later, Wen Qing adopted two orphans, a boy and a girl, and nurtured them carefully, and finally left the company to them.

Wen Qing left this world after the death of Ji's father and Ji mother, that is, death, and he was only sixty years old when he died.