Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers

Chapter 53: Reborn heroine has space 3


After a delicious meal of stewed chicken, Wen Qing took Wang Dachuan to the back mountain to hunt for treasure.

Wangjiaao is surrounded by mountains, so the so-called relying on the mountains to eat mountains, the villagers often go to the mountains to hunt for treasures. These days, it is normal to not have enough to eat, and people are so hungry that people want to eat the turf, so almost all the wild animals in the mountains are Was searched clean.

Wang Dachuan felt that it was a stroke of luck for his sister to catch two in the morning, but this time she might not be so lucky. But as soon as they arrived on the mountain, they saw a big fat rabbit, and the rabbit was so stupid that it wouldn't run away when people came. Wang Dachuan jumped forward and was caught.

Wang Dachuan held up the rabbit excitedly, "Sister, I caught a rabbit!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear you." Wen Qing was not afraid of being found out and handing it in, but rather of being jealous of others. Because their village is closed, they are not very strict on some aspects. Small animals like rabbits and pheasants count as whoever catches them, and the captain turns a blind eye. Large wild animals such as wild boars must be handed in.

Wang Dachuan also realized that he was too excited just now, so he quickly lowered his voice, "Sister, this rabbit is so stupid, he won't hide when he sees us coming. Otherwise, the rabbit runs so fast, it will not be easy to catch."

Isn't it a silly rabbit? The domestic rabbits that were artificially raised on Taobao, she specially bought a few more in the morning and put them here as a cover. But she said, "Maybe she's just hungry."

Wang Dachuan took it for granted, people can't get enough to eat these days, let alone these little things. Wang Dachuan was immersed in the joy of harvest, and subconsciously ignored that the rabbit was fat and big, and he didn't look like he was starving at all.

Maybe it was luck, and it couldn't be stopped. One morning, Wang Dachuan caught three rabbits and two pheasants, which made him very happy. Carrying a bunch of things, I ran back excitedly, ready to free up my hands and make persistent efforts!

Wen Qing followed behind slowly, in order to expose the things she bought on Taobao, would it be easy for her

This time there was meat, Wen Qing simply cut half of the remaining Chinese cabbage, mixed it with rabbit meat, and chopped it into dumpling stuffing.

When scooping flour from the noodle bag, Wen Qing conveniently added another two catties into it. When she dragged grain from Li's house yesterday, she deliberately dragged a bag of wheat, because it was the most expensive. The Wang family only had this bag of fine grains, and the rest were sweet potatoes and corn.

When I went to the village to exchange flour yesterday, the aunt persuaded her to replace all the food with coarse grains, which would last for a while, but she declined. Anyway, no matter what she gets, she will secretly supply it from Taobao, so naturally she has to pick the right ones! Moreover, cornmeal is more expensive than flour on Taobao!

Wen Qing finished cooking the dumplings, and Wang Dachuan just came back. This time, he only caught a rabbit. Seeing his expression, he was quite regretful. Wen Qing smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat quickly. The mountain has been searched out long ago. It's good to find these. I reckon that these are also due to the busy farming season and few people going up the mountain."

"I also know that I'm lucky, but I always think that there might be more?" Wang Dachuan scratched his head and laughed.

Wen Qing picked up a bowl of dumplings and handed it to him, "Eat it quickly, after you finish eating, clean up the leftover chicken and rabbit, and make it into bacon," she said, lowering her voice and whispering in Wang Dachuan's ear, " Let's take the meat to the city and sell it."

Private trading is a speculative act, and if you are caught, you will be labeled as a bad element. But Wang Dachuan didn't know that it was speculative at the moment, he just felt that Wen Qing told him in a low voice that it should be an important matter, so he imitated her and said in a low voice, "I'll listen to my sister."

Although Wang Dachuan is the same age as the original owner, the original owner is a sister after all, who let him in and protected him since childhood, so Wang Dachuan trusts her very much. Especially after Wen Qing wore it, she had more convincing aura. When she said to sell it, Wang Dachuan would not object at all, because he knew that everything my sister did was for their benefit.

The two of them ate a delicious meal of meat dumplings, and then cleaned up the remaining four rabbits and two chickens, sprinkled them with salt, and hung them to dry.

"Sister, the road to the city is so far away, how do you get there?"

"I don't go from Lijia Village. I just go from the back of our house and climb over three mountains to the main road. I can take a ride there. It's closer." Lijia Village is the nearest village to Wangjiaao, and we walked there It will take more than two hours. The road to Lijia Village is smooth, so people in the village go to Lijia Village first if they want to enter the city. What Wen Qing said is a shortcut, but the degree of difficulty is not small when going over mountains and mountains.

Wang Dachuan disagreed when he heard it, "No, it's too dangerous to go this way, what if something happens to you if you go alone?"

Wen Qing smiled, "Don't worry, I've been running in the mountains since I was a child. People outside think it's dangerous. It's not like flat land to us? Besides, if you walk from Lijia Village, you have to ask the team leader for a letter of introduction. Go sell things I must not let others know about it, I will sneak from here, sell it quietly in the city and come back, I can call back and forth in a day."

Wen Qing was able to persuade Wang Dachuan with his good talk. After all, he is still an inexperienced child, so it is easier to fool him.

Early the next morning, Wen Qing set out on the road with more than twenty catties of meat on his back. After climbing over the first mountain, she put her things into the storage compartment of Taobao, and then drove up the mountain road empty-handed. Although it relieved a lot of burden, it is not an easy task to climb three mountains on foot.

Fortunately, she can buy things on Taobao to replenish her strength at any time, and it took nearly two hours to reach the main road. No wonder this side is obviously closer, but few people enter the city from this side. Walking on flat ground is naturally much easier than climbing mountains!

Wen Qing was lucky, as soon as she arrived at the roadside, a tractor came over. Seeing her as a child standing by the roadside, she asked her if she wanted a ride.

A trolley was attached to the back of the tractor, and it was full of people. As soon as Wen Qing got on it, she asked her what she was doing in the city.

"My brother is sick, I'm going to the city to buy medicine." Wen Qing lowered her head, as if shy.

Someone asked her about the adults in her family, and Wen Qing said that both her parents were dead. So everyone stopped asking, and looked at her eyes full of pity.

Wen Qing pretended not to notice, and separated from them after entering the city. She found a hidden alley, then took out the bacon and secretly searched for buyers.

Now it’s not a year or a festival, and the supply and marketing cooperatives have so little meat that they can’t even buy it with money! Therefore, Wen Qing's twenty catties of bacon sold out quickly. After selling the meat, she bought some dried noodles and eggs from Taobao. These fine grains are also popular. In the end, Wen Qing exchanged a total of more than 20 yuan and a bunch of colorful bills.

Wen Qing went to the supply and marketing cooperatives in the city to have a look, and then went to the department store to have a look. Wen Qing had a picture of the items of this era in his heart, and then left. When passing by the health center, Wen Qing went in and bought some antipyretics before going to join the tractor that came.

Those people had never doubted her before, seeing that she only bought a few packs of medicine, they believed her words even more.

When Wen Qing returned to Wangjia'ao, it was already dark, Wang Dachuan was worried and waited for her on the first mountain. Fortunately, Wen Qing already had the things she bought on Taobao in hand.

Wang Dachuan took the big and small bags in her hand, and asked, "Sister, are you tired? Are you safe on the road? Did you meet any bad guys? I didn't see you back so late, it scared me to death!"

Wen Qing said with a smile, "I'm not tired, I haven't met bad people, and I even met kind people who picked me up along the way."

"That's good, next time I can't let you go alone, you don't know how scared I am." Fearing his sister, his only relative, something happened.

"Don't be afraid, sister is back now?"

The two were talking and came down from the mountain. When they got home, the Xu family was cooking. Wenqing's envoy Wang Dachuan entered the house with the things, and she went into the kitchen with the medicine herself.

In the kitchen, four people were eating around the stove, each with a bowl of thin rice soup that could be seen at the bottom, and a piece of black pancake the size of a child's palm.

The four of them were taken aback when they saw her go in. After they realized it, He Qiong greeted her, "Have you eaten, little girl? Would you like to have some with us?"

After he finished speaking, he was a little embarrassed. Their dinner was just right, and there was nothing extra. Xu Jianguo put down his bowl and chopsticks and looked at her, smiling kindly; Xu Niansheng adjusted his glasses, and looked at her equally, without any embarrassment; Xu Jinyan, on the other hand, pursed his lips and looked a little indifferent.

Wen Qing glanced at the four people's expressions, said in a low voice, "I've eaten." Then she put down the things in her hand and left.

Several people looked at each other, and finally Xu Niansheng picked up what Wen Qing put down, opened it, and was a little surprised, "It's medicine."

As he spoke, he handed the medicine to He Qiong, who looked at it and said, "It's fever-reducing, huh? The little girl will never know that you have a fever, did she buy it for you?" He Qiong looked at Xu Jianguo and said.

"That's not right. Didn't they say that their siblings broke with the family and brought a bag of grain when they came out? Where did they get the money to buy medicine?" He Qiong asked again.

"This little girl is kind. She brought the medicine here kindly, so let's stop digging into her privacy. Who doesn't have any secrets?" Xu Jianguo said.

"That's true. This medicine is really timely. You have a high fever that doesn't go away again and again. I'm afraid that something bad will happen." He Qiong is a doctor. Xu Jianguo.

Xu Jinyan lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, but Xu Niansheng glanced at Wenqing's room, thoughtful.

In the main room, Wen Qing showed Wang Dachuan the things he bought today, "There is so little meat in the city that you can't buy it even if you have money. As soon as my sister took out the meat, it was robbed. I sold it all." Then I bought a pair of shoes and a pair of trousers for each of us..." Now that it's autumn, the siblings are still wearing straw sandals, and the trousers are patched and turned into cropped trousers. Wen Qing's first thought was to buy shoes and pants first, since the top is too eye-catching, let's talk about it later.

Thanks to the omnipotent Taobao, there are also things like "performance costume props from the 1960s and 1970s", otherwise she would have to buy a homemade cloth and make it herself.

It was the first time Wang Dachuan had his own new clothes since he was a child, and he held them happily, "Sister, help me put them away, I will wear them during the Chinese New Year."

"There are new clothes for Chinese New Year. This one is for autumn. Don't you freeze to death when you wear them during Chinese New Year? Don't worry, I still have money in hand." Wen Qing continued to dig out as she spoke.

"I also bought two quilts. Winter is coming soon, and one quilt is not enough. There is also a piece of cloth to make new clothes for you during the New Year. I also exchanged some coarse grains. We don't have much flour, so we need to save it. Sister returned it You bought a few pieces of candy, and mung bean cakes, people in the city eat this..."

Wen Qing was talking nonsense, while Wang Dachuan was touching this and looking at that, so excited that he didn't know what to do. He thought, this must be the happiest moment of his life.