Quick Transmigration: Snatching Golden Fingers

Chapter 60: Reborn heroine has space 10


When Wen Qing took the bun, Jiang Chunyao and Wang Qiumei were arguing for divorce. To be honest, Jiang Chunyao was really good-looking, the person Wang Qiumei could fall in love with in both generations. So even though he was married and had children, there were still girls who fell in love with him.

The other party is from the city like him, her parents are both working, and she is the only daughter. Although she looks ordinary, she can't stand her. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are also satisfied with this girl, and only such a family is worthy of their son.

Therefore, when Wang Qiumei found out, both parents had met, and only she was kept in the dark. She has been arguing not to divorce because she knows how difficult it is for a divorced woman. Even if the divorce is the man's fault, it will always be the woman who is scolded. Besides, she still has children in this life, and for the sake of children, she can't let herself fall into the same fate as in her previous life.

But when she saw the Jiang family showdown with her triumphantly, a great sadness filled her heart. Why can't she get rid of the fate of being abandoned after a new life

When Wang Qiumei was in a trance, she happened to watch an exclusive interview on TV, and the person being interviewed was Wen Qing.

On TV, Wen Qing elegantly and generously introduced her family history to the camera, such as washing dishes to accumulate funds, talking with people to learn a foreign language for a month, and studying until late at night every day. Anyway, no one knew about that period of history, it all depended on her mouth.

And Wang Qiumei in front of the TV was suddenly shocked, no wonder, no wonder she lived worse than Wang Dani in both lifetimes! Because people rely on themselves, but she only wants to rely on men!

No one blames her for living like this, but herself! If you can't stand up by yourself, you deserve to be abandoned! Obviously she and Wang Dani had the same fate, both of them have excellent family members, both grew up in a mountain village with little experience, and also had no education and illiteracy, but Wang Dani left that poor mountain nest by herself, went to the United States alone, started from scratch, and made a fortune in the world. family business. As for her, she only wanted to marry a good man from the beginning to the end, so as to get rid of that family.

Wang Qiumei suddenly burst into tears. After so much experience, she finally understood that the only thing she can rely on in this world is herself, and no one can be her salvation.

After being enlightened, Wang Qiumei wiped away her tears and calmly agreed to the divorce.

As a mother, she is strong, she still has a son, she lived in a muddle for the first half of her life, and she doesn't want to go on like this for the rest of her life, and let her child suffer with her.

The Jiang family originally didn't want their grandson to be with her, but the new daughter-in-law didn't agree to keep an oil bottle, so they readily agreed to let her take away their son. With a new daughter-in-law, are they afraid of losing their grandson

Wang Qiumei was physically and mentally exhausted after fighting with the Jiang family for so long, so she naturally didn't want the Jiang family to be so happy. So before she left, she searched for all the Jiang family's money, put it in the space, and then took her son to live in a strange city. She has space, food and drink, and even selling vegetables can support her and her son.

Because the client's wish had nothing to do with Wang Qiumei, Wen Qing didn't pay much attention to her, and just took a look at her situation when she took back the golden finger before leaving. Seeing her transformation, Wen Qing was quite surprised. The Wang Qiumei she met back then was just a reborn person who was not very smart. She didn't expect that she would change so much now, and live a prosperous life with her children alone.

In fact, no matter whether it is Wang Qiumei or the original owner, Wang Wenqing, they all have their own shortcomings and bad habits, because they lived in a family that favored boys over girls since they were young, and they have been instilled by adults since they were young. , Subconsciously put himself in the position of vassal, finding a good man is the greatest achievement. This cannot be said to be their fault, but the sorrow of the times, and it is the environment that made them like this.

She shouted that men and women are equal, but she still couldn't get rid of the idea that men are heaven and men are earth. Therefore, after seeing Wang Qiumei's transformation, Wen Qing felt a little emotional, no matter whether she was reborn or not, when a woman is truly self-reliant, she will never live too badly.

Wen Qing lived a fulfilling life in this life, with a successful career, a harmonious family, a caring husband, and filial sons and daughters. Xu Niansheng spent half his life with her, never said a single harsh word to her, and he followed her no matter what. On the day he left, Wen Qing also left this world. Before she died, she made a will, and all her property was donated to the country.

When Wen Qing returned to Endless Space, the client woke up slowly, with a dazed expression, and said after a moment of daze, "Actually, I had a bad life in my previous life, not because I didn't meet a good man, but because of myself, right? ?”

Before Wen Qing could answer, she murmured to herself again, "The mountain will fall if you rely on it, and everyone will run if you rely on yourself. Only by yourself can you hold your life in your hands. You have made a lot of money and come back, you can live without Xu Niansheng." Well done. Wang Zhaodi originally found a man, but she lived a good life after divorce. It can be seen that the life of a woman has nothing to do with the man, it still depends on herself."

Wen Qing raised her eyebrows, she was conscious, not bad.

In fact, the client cannot see the protagonist and her use of cheats, and the part about the cheats will be hidden. She can only see the clips intermittently. The main reason is that the client is afraid that the client's heart will be unbalanced. It is difficult for anyone to maintain a normal mind.

From the lives of Wen Qing and Wang Qiumei, Wang Wenqing realized that relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, which surprised Wen Qing. Maybe her own obsession is not to find a good man to live, but to know what is wrong with her failed life.

But no matter what it was, since her obsession was gone now, Wen Qing sent her away.

After absorbing the power of merit, Wen Qing sent the golden finger to the endless void, and Wen Qing began to coax little Phoenix, "Don't be angry, I teased you last time, this time I will definitely take you out!" Ever since she came back, Little Phoenix kept pouting. He ignored her, obviously still angry about what happened last time.

Xiao Fenghuang wanted to put on a show and ignore her, but thinking of her brutal appearance, she turned around reluctantly and gave a hum.

Too powerless! Don't even dare to take Joe when he is angry! Woohoo, the tears it sheds now are all the water that got into its head when it first recognized the Lord!

Wen Qing was overjoyed to see it like this. Sure enough, IQ is related to the size of the brain. Although Little Phoenix is not yet an adult, it has already entered adolescence, but its IQ is obviously still in infancy, and it will definitely remain in its infancy. Form related!

Others raised the beasts every day, but she developed a mental retardation when raising the beasts. Alas, forget it, take it out to see the world next time, it's not good for Lao Guan not to communicate with others at home.

This time it took a long time before the client came.

The other party's face was frighteningly pale, and his body was thin and thin, but he didn't look like a child from a poor family in his clothes. Wen Qing glanced at the Stone of Rebirth, and suddenly felt a sense in his heart.

"... My original intention of playing games was to earn money so as to lighten the burden on my family. But later, somehow, I was fascinated by the prosperity in the game and lost my mind. I even got jealous and scheming with others because of a man. In the end, he became notorious in the game and was banned by all guilds... "

"I can't blame others for what happened to me. Just take it as my own fault. But why should the grievances in the game be involved in reality? Expose my information, force my parents to lay off, threaten intimidation, Let me have nowhere to go... She is capable in the end. In the game, a group of men hugged her and looked at me disliked. She didn't need to do anything, and someone would stand up for her."

"But I didn't do anything outrageous, but I just fell in love with a scumbag that she didn't want. What is that? I don't want to, but it's just a game. There's nothing wrong with people dying. I I just regret that I have hurt my parents, let them be tired of life in middle age, be pointed at by others, fail to be their pride, and let them suffer this humiliation... "

As Xi Wenqing spoke, tears were streaming down her face, and she couldn't make a sound. Seeing that she was too uncomfortable, Wen Qing waved her to sleep, and she already knew her wish.

In fact, most of the people who can become cannon fodder supporting roles have such and other flaws, but no one is perfect, everyone will have flaws, as long as it is not a mistake in principle, small flaws are harmless. Wen Qing doesn't mind people making mistakes, but she doesn't like people who can't see their mistakes until they die. For example, the previous client, Wang Wenqing, even if she finally repented later, it is not hopeless.

Like Xi Wenqing this time, he is more transparent. You don’t have to worry about the gains and losses of the game. If you don’t love your loved ones who are really good to you, even if you get revenge and go back, so what? Can you really be happy if you feel happy for a while but end up alone

Because Wen Qing was taking Little Phoenix with him, Wen Qing could only choose the golden finger of the space category. Among the three spaces, the Xiuxian space was the best choice. Anyway, this time the world is an era of online games for all, and she will not fight and kill, and she will not be involved in karma.

After making all the preparations, Wen Qing went to the mission world.

The mission world this time is a novel called "Rebirth of the Goddess of Online Games". The background is a modern society with relatively advanced technology, and holographic online games have just appeared. However, because it is an online game novel, once "Gods and Demons" appeared, it quickly became popular all over the world, ushering in the era of online games for all.

And this time the heroine is Yu Qinghe, who has never played games before, and has a strong talent for games. After the appearance of "Gods and Demons", she stumbled from a game rookie to a game master and became a full-time gamer. The only female player in the top 100 server master rankings.

But when her career was booming, she was betrayed by a scumbag and a bitch, so she was reborn in grief and indignation!

She came back with ten years of game experience, she knows which profession has the greatest potential, she knows where there are hidden missions, she knows where the best equipment can be exploded, and she knows what materials are most valuable in the future... So the technology is first-class and still open, the key It is Yu Qinghe, who is still beautiful, and has become the object of all players' pursuit. The masters also look at her differently, and even fall in love with her...